and her fiancé.i Since ber graduatiOin frum New Tr i er. Miss Pettinger has beenl active in club. work. She is ai for-m- er p)resident of the Juniiors ul the Womans Catholic. Club ofWiet. Mr. Soukup.,an alumnnus of North-! western aivnsiYz-ld the Univer- sity ofIllînois, received.his bachelîýr of science decgrce fropnt th e forhier, adhis' degr e cf pharmaceuticail chemistry, fromn the latter university. Their wedding wvill bc. in the Sunday'Tea-Given. fo.r Brde and'Groom Miss Dorothy ee Pettinger, ivill be a spring bride. Her en-. gagement to Leo 'Richard £ouikiip. Son? of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sou- ku -(UUUwsanlucc M is aorothe Sualu Onter t Sun î byr he parents, M rs. ani d , at te SudayOctber9. t hi' Mrs. George W. Pettinger, to a home. 826 Greenwoo)(d ave(n.l(, for group) Of Ilr fricids an1ýd those of bride and bridegroom., Mr and ]Wrs. . ierA iancé al thýe Pettinger home Howa rd Rice. J r.. ()f Evanton0j in iilrnfttI-h' Pholo Shirley Leason 'of Wilmjen-j' Thc twetvguetsincluded Mr*ad r. J. Rau- and *Gien Hutchingi. f>u G]enview: Miss Jo)sephliine- Bubric-k rfChicago,, Lee, Blaylock z4n th Luncheon and Brid ge and.t;fr Wilh ete Rut hP.i kic, Sigma Chi Club>Event Marion Ple«rs.on, Zella Heniderson, The Sjgrnaý Chi Mothers club wil! V i r gi n i a .Oakley, J'ean -Culver. hol1d its Octobèr m-ee-ting, Mmnday. ati Louise2 Ward, Louise fflckac, Donald the homne of Mrs. E. MU. Torco!n, Pavlic , Nor an Ki 11a i Fred 2719 Park place, Evanstoni, with M rs. Leaon.Huzh Crri~U'. a'd rtC. F SOuthward serving as Co-, Werner , .hostess.,Ms Southward lives ati '304 Oxford road. Kenilworth. Luncheon will be served al 12:30ý' To oe Maredock followed by a business meet- io BeMarrea .ing with Mrs. R. W. Trusdell pre-' MNr. and Mrs, 1, j. ,fnll ' siding, then- a bridge gamie. Chicago aiinounce thé approaching- Plahs are being nmade for a bridge. narriage of their ciaughter, Mary part.v at tie- Signia C1hi bouse on1 :Margaret, to Pov;il Be(rnaýrd Martin Frid *ay evening, Novenbjer 11. This son of Mvr. a-nd 1\rs. John C. Matnjwill be abenefit bridge. th e proceeds of 921, Tenth street, October 29. at to be used towvard. the, iothers' gift St. Edwardt' church ,irn Chicago. !to'the b ouse thisyear.:. The service at 5:30 o'clock xill buý More deta ýils and com-mittee chair- followed by a .receptioln at1 th' Il("- ni-en will be alinouiiced at a ,later nelly hom-e. dite. EvhDiedrich's JANUS, 700 CentralI Street, Evmnston. J4ET!IOl)of Pl 'NG S 2004 WIImeIte 320 Winefkb 619 *Glencoe 150 Univ.sify0616 The MOTHS are' They soon know it when you put unprotected garments iti thet closet. Don't give them a break. Sead yo>ur clothes here to be dry cleaned' and they wiII be vnoth- prote.cted wtfh Monte wthout extra charge. And, if youwsh, welI store your sumrmer clothes in our vauls-free-atI wnter. Then, uiext spring, you pay us for..the0 dry cleaning ontyl Better phone now. Northl Suburban Cleaners,Inc. W1LMETTE: 1152 Central Avenue WÎINNETKA: 555 Linicoin-,A\enue 1811 Bensoli Avenue EVANSTON Orrington Hotel 2020 Central Street -Open Thursdcsy and Saturdwy Evenings- North .Shore Talkîng, Machine Co. ..12 Church S,reel.,betwoe Orringfon and Chicago Avenues UN.rst 474 . 1 YOU PAY.ONLY