fine Etalie. t, Aor icnnuurs Whichevee' Yo6u Pref er! mOT-TLED ouCANNED B'EER Your favorite brnd pr.mptly delivered to,your>homie. Phoýno B EN -ERICKSON' Ericksons Dfifril lias'scheduied a "Revival Week" for! the return showing of the mnost POP-I ular pictures of the past: several 1years. "Mir. Deeds Goesto. Town" opens *the week on Sunday, followed Mon- day ty "'Naughty Marietta." Tues- day brings "Victoria the Great".' back; tto Evanstori, with "The Life,ôof 4Emile Zola" set.for Wednesday., On Thurs- day 'N!%othing Sacred" will be shown again, succeeded on'Friday by '*Top- per..", Closing the. week, on, Satur-; day, will be "The Pr'iso.ner of Zen-ý: 40Z' ENTHUSIAST Judyý Garland is reading -everýy, ,.Oz". book she cari get her hands on. since she was cast as Dorothy in HOMESTEA'D WAUKEGAN ROAD 2 Blocks North of Glenview Tops as Enterfoiner Entertainrnnt , n o v e [ a u d neighborly, dçescribe, t he nçeq policy at Lîiiks Homestead, lo- cated on Waukegan rcoad a block. and a half north..of Lake avenue. This well kiowi db'ie and daznce *place lias eîdlisted the services of Rudy Chrnelik. (above), initerna- tîonally known entertainer, as master of cerernonies. Mr. Chmelik can best be descr.îbed as about ten entertaliners rolled into onle. All igators, killer-dillers, kit kats. jamnmers, yamrne rsand jitterbugs to be held every Friday evening on the stage of the Norshore theater at the 9 o'clock performa *nce only. Al of which nm.eansi, wheri translated, that, exponents .of modern swing dancing wiIl compete in a weekly jit- t.erbuig conitest. The Norshore's contest will be open, to everyone from 16 to 60, and con- jtendersý for the. cash prizes are re- register their name, adi- dress and phone, number in, advance with any theater attendant. A sWing band willbe on hand to 1)rovide the, musical inspiration for contenders. - Selected for their abil- ity to improvise, the musicians %vili1 be prepared to play. any number desired., No steps o r holds will be barred in the jammning,' andý the au- dience will be enlisted to *aet 'as. judges in determining the winners. r FRENCH, FO& OLYMPE Paris - born Olympe (O - lampijj Bradna learned EngIish so well dur- in.g her four years residence in Hol- lywood that Paramount decided Io employ a French tutor for dialoguu in her native tongue in -Say t ini French," in which she is featured with Ray Milland. SADDLES ARE UP e* silver-mountted saddle tha t ---WE AREA1SO FEATURNGA. trumpeter, accordionist, g ui ta r ist, .SEM~WIL DINER ou' nlyrapid-fire sketch and caricature art- .E W Ichyu ou aU NERfrndswll 75c ist, and excels in the art of legerde- Whe yu yu fmlyad renswilenjoy. main, or feats .of magic, if you please. BRQILED BREAST 0F GIJINEA HEN. Mr. Chmelik presides over three Virginia Hamn-Mushrooms and natural gravy wjth bread and butter only 75c.. floor shows nightly at Link's--8:30,, r Legs of Guinea Hen will be prepared Hasenpfeffer style. wl 10: 30 and 12: 30. You will enjoy this special semi- Between shows he mingles with- widfood and delightful entertain' the. guests performing ail manner of ment. Drive out maids' night. off da O f and for Sunday dinner. Meals 75c Gala NIgjht -mystifying. tricks at close quarters to $1 .00* Ouir kitchen-open ail year MnaOi 31sf right across the table.l round to serve you. 1 Enfer'taiment o f an Internatinal~ NDL P Hof L AfAL L praai, ne, NEW ENGLAND 1eOMANCE. ' Two Bostonians share the- heart. interest in. "Illegal Traffie." Mary Carlisie is a native of the,,exclusive Back Bay district .Her new screen sweetheart,. Robert Preston, hails from Newton Hfighlands, Boston sub~- urb. very 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. PHtONE WIttN. Store 3707 &c Winnetka Ave. v 4k f