't-.. r 1166 WILMETTE AVE. ~L... ~WILMETTE 1061 Year's liuHatiYêzcs!. THE, STFTSON SPECIAL Hat% off t0 the V'ALUE thats. making. hi%,tory àn puuting ne' HATS ON! Agenuine aII-Stetson hiat .. .-,the world\- finest $S. hat .,. and vve don't 'mean mayhe! ...w-e mean Stetson. CHURCH 0F CHRIST, SCIENTIST Tenth Street and Central Avenue WIilmE.TTIi, lI.IJNOIS - OcTm~n23, 1938 Subject:I>ROBAION AFTER I)EATHJ - REAI[NG ROOM - Il 33 Central Avenue Oprn Iay (cxcept Wedniesd;y) 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. Wtns~y9 A.M. tO 7:45 P-M. Saturday o A.M. to 9 P.M. Senalorial Nommne Richard J. LIons,, Republican candidate for Untd States sena- tor Jrom Illinois, will be the principal1 speaker on Thursdali eveni-ng of next week at 8 o'clock at a meeting at the New Trier Towýnship High school auditor- iuWinetka, avenue and 4b- bottsford road, Irtdiart Hill. The meeting is being sponsored by the township's regular Republicaq, organization. Other speakers at the meeting will be Mrs Bernice T. Van der Vries o! Winnè1ka, candidate for re-elec- tion. to the Illinois House o! Repre- sentatives from the seventh sena- torial (Cbicago suburban) district; Mr. Lyons, in a nunber of recent speeches, has attacked the * present niational administration. "Over.all is the fear o! the people that the American standard of living has gone neyer to return. And that perhaps our American system willl soon follow in its wake. For the most obvious change in the New Deal in the past several years has been its pronotrnced swing toward Comr- painting, one of pieces .of work in rity of ±'reciericlç Mr. Cross has art of fore-edge ie nxost delicate ýe art of painting. Fore-edge paiinting, which flourish'- ed in EnglIand during the l9th, cen- tury, 1is the ýart of painting a> picture, on* the sides of the leaves Of a book. so that when the book is completely. closed, only the gilt edge. of. the leaves may be seen. When the. book, is càrefully, opened on a siant, the picture, and not the, glit may be seen. Another leisure tirne activity of one of t he local',residents is that of Runar. Rudeil of Lake, avenue, Wil- mette. Several-years ago, during a sickness which kept him in bed,-Mr. Rudell became -interested, in Wood. carving. And so, in the show. Fridavý and Saturday of this week. there may be seen an aquariumT and a famfily ~of fis1i, planned and carved. by Mr. Rudeli. Made Own Violin Another entrant in the showýý, is Norman Miller of Morton Grov e. Mr. Miller, and S. A. Sheridan of the Chicago Violin club,, are each showing violins whieh they have made in their leisure time. Mr. Miller is also showing a 'ceflo which he has completely mrade. Probably one of the most unusual hobbies to be shoWn will -be that of Arthur Shapiro of 401- Gregory av- eine, Wilmette. Arthur is a stuclent at New Trier H igh sehool, and has made and wili show a stroboscope and a Tesla high frequency coil. These are used in the rnaking of' artificial lightning, and there wilI be demnstatinsduring the tirne the hobby show is 'open, Another . eisure time activity which can be seen is that o! the Winnetka Dra ma club. The club this year is under the direction o! William A. McCreary. At 8 o'clock, Satur- day night, they will present a. scene, 'by 5,000 Republicans.-. the opportunit, was embracec A vote for'Joseph ElwaÉd is a friends and rt Vote for Recovery. Adv. trip. l'y Mrs. Gathercoal, for a short vacation' the couple visiting latives-on the return I T a FIRSTý