FOUNT.AîN SERVICE- ICE CREAM SPECIAL. NOONDAY LUNCH, "Meet Your Friends"- "$Enjoy zYozir sef' flo stateda t ne na paIJuA BERENICE VIOL E, Piainiste and. Teacher Faculty Aznerican Conservatory Teaching rlvaâtel5r 4J114 Third Stre.t Wilmettc ;828.1! BUTTER TOASTED, N UTS DELUXE BRIDGE lbG9 GIANT Ls CA8IIEWS..............Ib.6F7c GIANT PAPER SHELL ~ PECANS ...... 1.........b.9C7 MOGUL BLANCI*ED 29 PEANUTS ...............2 c HYDROX ICE CREAM HALLOWEEN, [CE, CREAM, ROLL Cut to serve four. Chocolate Pwuip- kiwi Face in New York ice crearm. Coated with chopped Macaroons. 29c DEPINDABLE DRUGGISTS RIDGE AVE. PI'ARMACY SNIDER CAZEL DRUG CO. 901 Rdge Rd. WiI. 316 1167 Wilmette Ave.. WiI. 400 FORMAL STREET OPENING SPE CLXLS IIOSIERI Broken Lines Values Io $1.65 fender was clamagea, anda iere were also bits of gray paint showingi.t Finding that the coupe belonged to: John Kristianàon,'he was questioned t and coxfessed that he, had crashed* into the sedan at 2 o'clock that rnorniing . Tie ',officers held himh on, charges of* leaving the scenie of an accident and violation of traffic regulations. Isabella anid'Gre .en Bay Roaid Scene of Collision, Paul E. Noe,- 38, of 2537 Prairie avenue, Evanston, driving south- on Green Bay road, at. 1 o'clock Wednes- day morning crashed into a car. in front of himn at Isabella street, also proceeding south in Green Bay road, drîven by Carl Postlewate, 22, of 1133 Dodge avenue, Evanston. Noe sfâted haf -be did see the car in front. .Jack Milihauser, 23, of 1623 Central street, Evanstoni, riding wvith Postie- wate, Ireceived.cuts on the head and was taken to Evanston hospital by Officers Edward Phillips and John Kriesant, Miss Evelyn Gleason, 1 9, of 1810 'Grant street,. Evanston, complained of injuries to her neck, and was take toher home by Postle.wate,. compiaint cnargrng Noe with uriviiig while intoxicated. Noe &as examin- ed by a physician at his own re- quest. Mt. and Mrs. GeorgeF. .Heller oïf 345 Washington avenue, left Octoberý 20p, on the Century, for a visit 10 New York. Mr. Heller expected to return within a week, but Mrs. Hel- 1er will remnam east for several weeks. STATE FARM .througfl the general omfce, the Lreas- urer's office, the health department, . -the building comrnissioner's office, the police court and the police! de- p artmnent. Also, they were giveni an opportunity ta Vie w tecoçi chamber .where the. Village fathers rneet. in ' so.lernn conclave, at stated intervals, and where murals depiet the village in its earlier stages of development. ffPlice Court .Intrigues division .initer.ested the youngsters mnore than another ',t was> the police court. -There aisre John J-. Peters, wiho exudes kindli-. ness as the rose its -f ragrance,. and whôse héart is open to capture at any time by a bevy of youngsters, took particular pains to explain the procedure of trial and punishmnent of , persons cônicted of violat ions of the village ordinances. After' the magistrale had fi.nîshed a group of the children pressed for- ward and asked eagerly if his warning about doing things contrary to law meant that they couldn't go out Hallowe'en night and have fun. In reply Magistrate Peters said, "0f course not. Certainly you can go out and have fun, but you must not de- strov nrcrnertv. ". Can we sôap win- to remnoVe.iAnd provalng a±so,ma you begin at home, with' your own windows. HalIlowe'en fun, like charý1 i ty, should begin at home. If yo u do this, 1 arn sure that it Will not be rny pairnful experience to see or hear of you doing anything that can be interpreted as anything but innocent childish fun."' PLAN IiALLOWE'EN PARTY YouniZ People of St. Augustine's Just WTest of Bank icientific Body Massal by Lottie IM and Reducling 79c Vdaes 5 9 ~.Iee