The Sunday Evenlng club was1 * founded by W. Frank McClure in 1913 as the Wilmette Sunday Eve- ning club, and Mr. McClure has *been president and the gulding genlus.of the organization since that time. Several years ago it was found necessaryv, because of the constantly *increasing popularity of the club, to, change, the meeting place to New Trier High school and to broaden the scope of, sponsorship to include the entire ýNorth Shore area. During the years since the Sunday club was establishei, it hasattracted to its, rostrum 1the ouitstandin.g, public: figures 'and musical' groups of 'the. time, including on. its long list of pro-, grains, hundreds *of personalities. of' * international reputation. Ligt More Sponsors * Two... weeks ago the. sponsors to *this movemnent were, published. The clubs announce at this time the fol- lowing additional sponsors: Evanston-Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Fall. Mtr. and Mrs. D. K. Harbinson. . orthbIrook - Mr. and Mirs. G. A. SCitvile-Mr. andi Mrs, A. D. Siiith. Highland Park-Mr. and Mrs. C. Ray Phillips. Kenworth-Mr. and Mrs. George F. Hanemnan, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Hintz- peter, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Liii, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weese. Gencoe-Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Fischer, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hornurng, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Krensky, Mr. and Mrs., C. T'. MacNeille, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Mauland, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar A. Roeblitz, Mr. and Mrs. Curt Teich, Mr. and Mrs. W. Hamil- ton Walter, Mr. and Mrs. Irving Winter, Patronize Our~ Advertisers .e. WILMETTE AVE. -Hiuh Qu~a1ity. X "Thriftilize" By Shopping of MilIen's Visil flue Store of Quatit ecads Se. Our Wlndow DIspiay A~ SAFE PLACE TO PARK-A SAFE PLACE TO BUY THE BISSELL [ VANUTY easy-to-handIe, e f f i c i e n ti per. Pik up hair an~ BORG.. BATHROOM" ,CALE Regulation size end Strong pebble grain -etr. and Mrs. D, J. B. Prins, Mr. and Mvrs. R. E. R'icksen, Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Roeçi. diger, Mr. and Mrs, Robert Tarrant, Mr. and Mrg. Hirlev L. Ward, Mr. and Mrs. Mason E. Wescott. Wnnetka-Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Adams, M.and M4rs. W. H-. K. Bennett, Mr. antd Mrs. Oseqr Bomgren, Mr. and Mrs. Ayres, Boil. Mrs. C. T. Butz. Mr. and Mrs.,Martini Cassell. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Dônohlue, Mr. alnt Mrs. J. G. Elider. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Fox. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Five Are, Injured in A REAL QUALITY STE PLADD ER Regula $1.65 Value jurecl were taiken to r.ývan8tn os pital. Police Officers John Henrickson and John'Kriesant held both drivers for traffic violations. The, cars weetowed to garages. BASKETBALIL w Igt for Only