HJLLS' FRESI-4PLAIN OR SUGARD CIDEI GAL..u 45c DONUTS l oc Haif gallol-i jug 25c CAMEL, LUCKY STRKE OR CHETERFUELD CIGARETTES. 'CARTON,$45 YUKON CLUB BEVERAGE S 4BOTTES 25C THANK ýyOU:, IONA PEARS or ýPEACHÉS. CAMPFI RE MARSI4MALLOW S 17c SUNNY CANE' SUGAR 5LB.24 2 LARGE 2.12 *** SIZE CAN FOULDS MACARONI QRý SPAG HETTI 8 OYCLOCK COFFEE , LB. BAG 1 3c KITCHEN KLENZER 4 CANS 9 PUMPKUN 2 L-G E c SYLb IAR RIPE OLIVES 4',2 -C)Z, lAi CA N TOMATOES. EARLY JUNE PEAS, GREEN BÈANS. BEETS. CARROTS. GOLDEN BANTAN CORN ORt SAUERKItAUT 4!A%.25C.' FINE GRANULATED SUGAR 1- LB. CLTH 47c SEMINOLE OR SCOTTISSUE, 3 ROLLS1 9C -st skatli *Mrs. Eu.gene Arrns, mrembershiP chairman, entertained her' cormmit- tee ai her home on Tuesday' after- noon of this week. She invited, Mrs. P. F. Keller, room mother c fair- man, to ,bring hier commnittee. ands have a jo int meeting to plan the dates of theroom conférences. In.the month of November. ýMrs. Keller asks every room jnother to have a room con- ferencè before Thanksgivîng. The parents -of the children will, be invited by theý room. mothers. KHowever. Mrs. Keller 1 Will endeRvor to have the hostesses .and dates, of conferences printed-in this column weekly. The mothers. are urged to attend, as thèse conferences take'the place 0f the month.ly P. T. A. meet- ings. 'Roomn conferences a'nno'unced by Mrs. B. H. Miller, building chairman, Tenth First grades-Miss Mulford,' Miss O'Con- neli" R nrn mothers - Mrs. Lewis Ermnehng. Mrs. Harry MeCosh Conferénce at the kindergarten, Fni- day. December 2nd, 3 p. m.-J. Robb. Harper wilI speak at this conference. Second grade-Mis-, Doris Turner Roomn mother-Mrs. Edward Kernler Conference at the home of Mrs. Kern- er, 1228 Forest avenue, Tuesday, Novemïber 8 at 3:30 p.n. Fou. ga de-Miss Yarnell nom other-Mrs. Willfiarn Arndt Conference at the library. Stolp school, Tuesday, November lst at 3:30 pmi Sixth Grades-Mrs., Julian, M~iss -Brow,' G ree n Roomrn môtler',-Mrs. C. B. lferschberg- er,.Jr., Mrs. 1H. A. Bredemeir, Mrs. H. 'T. Casey Conference at the kindergarten Novem-i ber 8 at 3:30 p.m.' Conferences announced by Mrs. Car! - uPiway A merica's most complet e fine of AUTOMATIC OIL'HEAT- e e' '00 d4ay at Skokie' piayfieict, Winnetka, Members of the North Shore tearn ýýi11 participate in the midwest tourn- a ment to be held in ýEvanston on Nov..' 12. Milwaukee. Madison,* St. Louis, Chicago, Evanston" and the west suburbs, will also be repre- sented. Sehool Girls' Gaine In addition, it was announced. a gopof girls from. North Shore schools will playa group from South Side institutions. Following the tournament, Mid- wiest first and second7 teams will be cihosen to enter the national event at Philadeiphia.on Thanksgiving. Last year's tournamrent was held at Pheips field, New Trier High sehool. and- at Skokie playfield:. Two United States teaîns are to be chosen at Philadelphia to play in England during 1939. RETURN TO VILLAGE Mlr. and Mrs. B. M. Marcon re- turne.d to their home at 1423 Gregory avenue Sunday after a short visit with 'Mrs. Marcon's mother, Mrs.' Oscar Brown, at her home in Sioux Falls, S.D. Mrs. Brown accompan- ied them to .Wilmette for a week's stay. Krohl, building chairman, 'Çentral school.' Kindergarten-MViss Fientye .Room' mother-Mrs. William Cutter Conference at'-the- kindergarten, Fnl- day, December 2 at,3 p. in. J. Robb Harper will speak. Séventh grade-Mr. Savage Roo-m mother-Mrs. William Collins Conferènce at the kindengarten, Tues- 'day, November lst' at 3:30 p.mn. Mrs. Irohl wîll have the other dates to announce in next veek's issue, 'Mrs. 'Normjan Altmann, building chair- m-an, Laurel school,, and Mns. Austin Ellmore, building chairman. Stolp school*. wîll announce .the dates of their, confer- ences later. neeting of T. A. w ill1 n the Lectin9 Service Co. Oak Street Wtnuetlw 4000 A our wnuleoMe e iI1Ut~ t.WUJll.a"DoU- rower finds it difficuit to imake l'is rpgular payrnents? Corne, in' and PERSONAL FINANCE CO. 708 Church St., Evanston : Wilnette 4042 E. L. Englisix, Mgr.' Floor 2 Roorh 211 t I i I I pkd. 6c