3for 25.c iC S Plu deps * f WO_ FAVORITES FJiOMd NATURES ROYAL AMILY' tLICED BUETS Whole even salces from% crisp deep, red beets ..Rlch li nattiral, flavor. 3 for 33c whole IKernel ÔoIIen CORIN Sunny-gold Kernela f resh . true Bantai oz. ..cob ,m flavor. 15«c IStufted Queens2 69 No. 10 glass jar .........20fr69 "IVe Recommend Old Monk Olive S Fancy Large Tropical Beauties. Plump, firmn and ripe. D)elîcioizs, served with crisp Wheaties or Corn Flake s. Our Fancy Tropical Bananas, are served ex- clusively by.Mrs. Sarah D. Kriebelon *'tostess Dinner Party Mdenus."1 SPECUAL I 3lbs. 19C i There Is a. vast dif- ferenCe lu' bananas. Do n o t comtpar'e tropical fruit with ba-oau nanas offered at catch prices. IScladoa Tea, Brown ¼,-lb.-lac pkg. 'I *i. Labelj Famous ltalian Spaghetti Spe ial 16- z. lass. ... .2 for 35c 4b Removes sl.bborn stains 0 bleaches lIko thé tue SPECIAL SALE SWe Recommend Oxor" Strained Saby Foods Choice of .3 .. $ 14 Foods 1 c3. La Choy Noodies, S-oz. can .......... a Choy Soy Sauce,l large bottieo. . . L La Choy Mixed Veg ý,etablesNo.2can..29çO 4 > Sprc La Choy Bean prouts., No.. 2 can.... IL oc Good Vàlae, Good quatit:ý corn straw brooms, -firifily sewed, ca- pable, -et giving loug and satisfactory servIce. RAINBO'BROOMS 7 5.c . Large Pkg. BRITE-IZE 2 for 33,c Hormel's Delicious Soups Vegetable Soup-Vegetable Beef Soup-Chicken Noodle Soup-Pea SouP. These four flavors. Large 16-oz. cans Special ........ ............... 2 for, 23c Our 2 c"s 35e chütce for M mon Bremner 111rol. Specials BUTTER ýCOQKIES.ý 46 Cooklies ýin Pkg'. lpkgs. Just taste . their buttery goodness. Children;llkee,,, thern vvith a. glassi of. inilk when they e o me from school in the afternoon.. Chocolute Mint Patties 35c Jane-Anne. Mormulade Glass jar23e EXTRA FANCY PUMPIKIN 'No. 2!11 can 2 for 23e SWEET APPLE CIDER Q uart batte 2 for 2ge CENTRELLA PITTED DATES .Y.O.S. pkg. .2 tor23C Mother's Style SPICED CRABAPPLES Nu. 2V2 -c can 2 fur 39 APPLES. Fancy Jonathans ...... 5 lbs,25C GRAPES. Fancy Tokay, large clusters ......... 2 lbs. j9c LEMONS. Fancy Large Sunkist ...... ......... doz. 27C GRAPEFRUIT. Large size Texas Seedless ...... 4 for 25C BRCÇCOLI. Fancy California, tender, green. . 2 bun. 27c TURKEYS. Faincy Northern Birds, 10. to 12-1b. avg ....... LEG 0' LAMB. Genuine Spring ........... > ....... ,CORNED BEEF. Brisket ...... PORK LOIN ROAST. Rib or Loin End SIRLOIN STEAK. -Best Native Beef ....... ...... àWISS-ar ROUNI) STEAK.ý Prim Tender Beef ......... IL 35t ........ IL 29c ........ IL 31 c .1b.25c ... IL 48c Ect 3 slices every mal. 8 delicious vegetables ore baked into every slice. No sugur or fats used. WIILMETTýE LITE 0-C TOB E R'ý,1«2 7,, 1 9ý3 8. Hallowe en pàtti b es