western garne, VISIT 114 LANSING Mrs. I. K. 'Stover cof 1044 Ashland avenue and .Mrs., Hubert, Carleton, 1103 Forest avenue, spenta few days last week in Lansing, Mich.,,.. visiting with Mrs. Julian Thompson. Sgr Loaf end, Harbor'ai Ri. The srnartest tewv. ocean liiners, such as the Nieuw Amsterdamn, wili be voyag ng to gay South Anerica this winter. Rie de Janeiro, ultimnate .dream of all travelers, is at the. height of its fine summer season when the United States is in the mzidst of winter. Here Ps Tip on What to Wear in West Indies Now that nippy winter days are just around the corner and travelers' thoughts are turning again to West Indies cruises, every woman faces onc~e more that eiternally perplexing handy for travelers cheques, sun -glasses and other travel odds and ~ends. This winter Dame Fashion decres',. m ore feminine wardrobes and there- fore more formai cnes, Miss North says. For daytime wear in Havana, Nassau and Caribbean ports you will want at least two. knit costumes, two or more spectator sports dresses and washable sports frocks. Pastel woolens wifl be the thing for Ber- LeuY' Tme ,#uusureuu with us while you ae away. For à night, week-end or a month or fwo. W. can tran~sport fo, school now attend- *ng.' AIso-Pre-school.and Aft.r-school aIbs.' Swimming,' ridinrg and deftdng. REASONABLE RATES .OUTDOOR lRUCRE.ATION, SCI40L 822 Michigan Ave.. 12th year Miss Shapcer, WiImette 67h. THE SPORT 0F RIDING-ý is at its best these brisk fait days. Cone out 9 for a glori o ous rideo a peppy mount through traits thdt are gorgeouis in their fal spiendor. Foïr reJl;erv9- tiuhs, cait Mrs. Taylor, Glenview 638.- CRESTWOOD STABLES' WAGNER RD., 1 BLOCKNORTII 0F LAKE French Lick Today Is in Its Fulil ofthme Aunica xp-2z5x service, who b elieves that selecting- and later %vearng-aý cruise ward-ý robe can be one of the most enjoy- aoble parts of a wntrvoyage. Follow, a few, simple rules, she says, consuit your ow>n-. pIrefer-ences 'in sports and night life. and you cun be ail set in .a jiffy. .Dark Clothes Bannied First of ail, 'Miss North advises eliminating afternoon,~ dresses from voîîr wardrobe plans. Sports and perfectly correct. As for .sports1 Wear, its a safe« rule to liniit the wearing. of active sports attire to the games it was designed for. If you are going in for deck tennis, swimming. riding, cycling or other sports, take appropriate costumes. If Vou prefer bridge or reading, YOuI wit. be more chic in cool, simplei sports dresses. cIUsn ii. VVJS- , --- Lace, knit, linen and other mnaterials 110 until 3:30 in the sky-llght>ec are smart and much more practicai. les over-Iooking Lake Mie A supply of stockiflgs is essential and gives the students day-lighted you'l1 want a pair of good walking of study an-d an opportunity shoes for explorations in foreign ýahead-developing their talent ports. . A: large. handbag will 'be protessionaUly or, as a, hobby. hours~ to go0 eithier a ulo 11WOIoOn Ile. p plan a:-1Uèalth Holiday" this Fali jt tilis great -American Spa, where leaders of soiety and lndustry corne èach seasofl to prepare thernselveq luw- te 2long îNinter miffls nth head. Yo1.leqve with regrets, but b>riimi I Iofl MonLIUUEnUE 1D. Iigart. Pe. 0 C. *K. Dwinel. Mgr. r. E. Manning, Mgi1. Chicago Office 221 N. Miehgan Ave. ANDoNer 2223 i