for H.A.orohetys Reasônable Terms "FIRST NATIONAL cou#, and Trust C@RpoIRy 80Devis Sr.4'DAy. 8100 'vos fe'Reg. M 98f21 GAS I4EATING OIL HEATING Fumes.- 511ers AIRTEMP Constructom Corporotlon FacterY Brancb 930 Rush st. Tel. Del. 4380 NO COMMISSION, 41/% INTEREST PIRST MOftTGAE LOANS O'n Residenii Properl'y of Ap- proved Construction, Design a nd Location 06i.r Loans t Corr.spond.ngly Lov Rates MORTGpAGE CORPORATION ~eu <g, -. *-- l'il' Jamnes J. Gathercocil vwas thé architect andl the Gathercoal Con- struction cc,,mpany the con tract or' for the new living porch recently added to the, home rif Mrs. Hl. P. £hle (Mfrs. G ladys Schlueter), 305 Lawn- date avenue, Wilmette. Siýxty square feet ofy glass brick were used to b-ui-ld the sjuth wali. On the side of the po,,rch illustrated in the photo- graph was i-"Uilled a set of the nzeu ;pQtented Pella casernent windows. I-cu4ed in the addiîtin is an attached powder room. Knottyj pine walls we*re choserz- and a Celotex tile ciig - i Home Loan Bank Fias in the flrst recovery years, as a major source of supply for the- thrîft Lessened Loan Jids and home- financing institutionis' lend- Septexnber advances by the Feder- ing funds. al Horne Loan Bank of Chicago rose_________ sligtly higther than thie August loar's, but èontinued at the low level seen FellOwship Sponsors, througho~.ut the quarter in compari- BnutN vme son with the same period of last Bh. anquhoe Nounveb e2 year. This was shown- to the Federal TheiLnie Shore ond Peple Home Loan Bank board at Washing-> fellowship, nowintsecdyar ton in the monthly report of the w ill sponsor the' first banquet of the regional bank in Chicago which organization at the Georgian hotel in serves the Illinois -Wisconsin district.Evnon t7o'lkWenda The Chicago bank advanced $376,-. evening, November 2. 000 to savings, building and Joan Dr. Walter. Lewis Wilson, wel associations, some $25,000 more than known young people's speaker, is it loaned in August. The. figure is comifg from.Kansas City, Mo., that cýnrP1v-n hitîhnpv-r f thedis night especially to be guest speaker Harold Ah#,%rson,ý. rormerly ,, Evanston. Mr. Anderson plans 'build a new home on the site. *Two lotq on Pa-k drive. Ken'î-. worth, on which are being cornpleted two new, homes; one to the Ma7' Dorniitzers, and one -to Mrs. Laur-r B. McEw en, formerly of Evanstor. Two fifty-foot lots on Meirose ave-' nue , Kenilworth; on'.e to, Grenfell. Olde.r,. whô is nowi breaking .gro-)und. andthe other to an undisclosed buv- er. Two fifty-foot lots on Greenvý.oo( avenue, Wilmette, in the Kenilwortlf Gardens section;, one to William J. Connors of Wilrnette,, read'y to break ground this week; one -tc the Weil Construction company. whu are planning. to erect, a new horni for sale. One other deal is now in escrow The Witzleben Realty company ex- presses the oninion that, with thc war scare -off the front page and, fail trade reports showing optim-istic resuits, a better than fair activitN will be seen throughout the winter. monthis followed by a great deal of improvemnent and activitv iin thie sprmg. Ruggeles Reports $360,000 Sales in Past Five Months D)uring the past five rnonths. W, G. Ruggles and company report sales tôtaling $360,000, whicht was an increase of $1 50,006 over the saflne. period in 1937: The various sales negotiated ranged from -a $30,000 brick résidence in Kenilworth to a parcel o! vacant in northwest Evans- ton that was purchased for under $1,000. From an analysis of the sales mnade and inouiries received, the. buyer's trend is stili toward low cost homes, the concern, states. While many low priced houses and vacant parceis have been sold, there are 27 Yeatç' Expri ençe in, Hkaj oni Air Con-dtioning for the game. consin