lArs1. Mvary SflattueI< Ftisher, pro-' fessor of child study at Vassar col- lege, will lead the discussion. Xvrs. F isher has just completed a provo- cative study of one hundred families in which the adjustment of the moth- ci' as housewjfe and as wage-earner' receivýed ýspecial attention. The . titie of the morning session ~villI be "Informàtion Please" This meeting will discuss the findings of, ML'rs. Fisher's recent study., Wlliamn Byron; professor 'of sociol- o)gy, a t Northwestern university, will a'et. as chairman, of the luncheoni m1'ee-ting.which'is being-*called "Men Speak Concerning Women." Se ver ai xvell known busineéss and profession- al men will discuss their' per.5onal reactions to the problem which mrod- ern women face.. \ \~ The afternoon session is called "The Voice of Expérience" and will . .ik - be a symposium of wo men of various, " ~ INyIes in business 'and professions. fa ht * hoie ma.kers, and women with a RyPit career and a home. i Mrs. Bernice T. Van der 1At th eveîïfig meeting Mrs. rish- r Vries, of Wî?iiitka, re»resenta- cmr will discuss -Modern Woman: tive froi thýe Seventh district Enîgma to Hérseif, Hier Farnily, and the Illinois General Assern H1em World." . biy. wiUl speak at a panel dis- On the. assoiations advisory cuission this SaturdaLl mornz*ing, bo)ard are fouir Winnetka educators. sponsored by the Central, Coun- Mi\Ir. Alfred S. Alschuler, Alrs. B. F. cil of Childhaod 'Education. She Langorty. 'err Dulap rnih,,will disctuss the fu'rtherance of an anetonWsbre demiocracy by supportfig gond legislation fOý- t1e schools. fCentral-LaurelI FERDINAND the BULL Mode ai tronq conposition wilh moallehoed and Ieqs thai you con twist anid tiurn. tamake him i lunnjst animal in the world Selis eveiyWhere for $1SOO) wilth the purchase of a pkq. of. 0BLAD E.Sby Coop er, 10 for 49Ç Heîe's a bullY-good blce Ihat wilI heizdly know you are, uhavinq. RIDGE AVENUE PHARMACY #01 Ridge Rd., Cor. 'Lake A-e.. CcaUl Wilmette 316 SN IDER- CAZEL DRIJG CO. Il 67 WiImett. Av e. Cor. Central Coli WiIme**e 400 esting talk. to ;the members of the Ninth street. Wilr ette, fhas retumned boarmd of direc tors of the Central, to Spring Hill côllege in Mobile. Laurel P.T.A. at théir regular meet- Ala,, ater spending the holidays iligl on January 10. wth hfaml.Wie*ewsa ÏMrs. Milton. Bowen, president of wi ýfml'v hl ewsa the association1, appointed Mrs. Bry- hm ehl noe os o anit Mitchel radio chairinan for the number' ofSpring Hill men and his remaïning time of this administra'- North . Shore friends, and gave ,a tion. dne at frte-e.S. J The board wvas honomed with the dne at o h e. J Pr.esence of A. J. Koenig, village S mith, dean of the college. A'house mranager of Wilmette. - guest- durinig the. holidays was Wil- ANNOUNCES A FREE LECTURE ON CHRISTIAN SCIE-NCE on Green B, been taken. charge of Propèrty., e. The ofircers later dis- car' at a service station y road, to which it had Murray was 'held on a d a m aging village Patronîe Our. A dveriisers, nue. the Sheld i1'l33 Centr al Ave- on t-he afternoon of THE PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND