Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Jan 1939, p. 10

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'"Te La%'A of the Lord-" s the thene Oen Sunday morning at the il o'cIock bIundy nois -. rluy of the sermon by the mirnistej' at the service 1.)r. AUxison continues bis chal- Children's Christian education classes, mrning wý,orship' service at Il o'clock lenging series of .New .ý-Year messages Saturday, 9:30 a.ïn.; Wednesday, 4 p.m. Swnday. We invite yQU to worship with wvtfl a sermon entitled " Pull or Power?" Senior Walther league, Sunday, 5:30. U S. There 'w1jl aLso be. another of Jý,ss Friendship circle, 'Monday, 8', with The director of music Miss Errna stories retold for the younger members of Mrs. R. J. Labbe; 1015 Dewey avenue. Rounds -has arranged the following nuffi- the congregation. Thie cildren' S cioirs Social- circle, next, Thursday, 1 p.m., bers for the musical programn at the Wîll participate in.trie service. Ail are, wîî1h Mrs'. F. C. Meves, 522 Eighthi street. morning service;. organ prelude ".Al w coC Glory Be To G(xi.On 'High" Edmund- Kenilworth-Uniofl son: processional 1'The' Church's One The Church. achool ;is well launched on, Hrbr î'ltmijse Foundation"; anthem "'-Thé Sorm on is wniter termn. Thits is a good 'lime for DrHebtL. Wiltmnsr Lake G;alilee" Roberts; solo '«If God So new pupiis to begin wo%-riç. Newcomners D.WletssbetfrSnaJn- Clothe, the Grass" Bischoff; organ post- n ne comrnuflity are invited to juin thîsý uary 1,wl e"u of thie Depths" lude "Toccata" Yon. ùj progressive school. ->Thie ie liow- Baptism will rie administered, new mem-ý ship làss,,Ior men and womnen begmrs an., bers wîll, be welcomed into mrember' The Sundayý school wý,ill meet J I nWrsn botcuseo re al hip, n h ommunion celebrated. departmnents Sunday mobrniflg at. 9:30 nr~* yti mîtr Ucass Ih music for the. churcb service will o'clock with Lincoln C. Torrey a s gener- convteea uocclSudy orfgs be as follows. al supermntendefit. ,Organ, Prelude-Processioflal The January luncheon.,uf the Womnan's from Parsifal .................. Wagner, Thf& Aduit Bible class which meets at sOcletY wýill be iteld .tornorroW (Friday) Anthem- 'Praise, Ye. the Name of Thie 10 o')clock in the chapel is studying a al 1 P.rn. An opportUrity.:tu seculre a i Lord .......,..-..--' Ippoltoif series of lessoits on "The' Progressive 'special speaker irom China bas reulted Offertory-Amnef from Parsifl. Wge Understandirig of God" and invites lin a changed prggraiX. kReports uithé,ri Solo-ýI Gave My Love w tudywith benevolent work~s of the society wiJl be 0f for'IrThee... ........... Hammond speciai, interest. Report oithtre Wuman's (Mr. Tanner). Rev. ?Hubert-Carleton rector Bey, Chandler Sterling curae. SECOND SUNDAY AFTER EPIPHANY 8 a.m.-flly Communion 9: 45--Chureb scbool Mor ning Prayer and Se rm-on 7- p.m. Young Pieo(ple's, meeting Fridây, January 13, the, AssocJatect Women's Guilds will have their ýannual mheeting in thie P arish House. Luncheon will bé served atnoop. It is hoped that there will be a very largeë ttendance inasmuch, as the' plans for the'ne-w year are to be, presented. and .discussed. Friday. evening Januaàry_ 13, ai 8 o'clock thie Junior Brotherhood of St. AndreW. sponsoring an entertainmeflt to be given in the Parisb H<.use. Tickets are being solà by thie members of thé Brotherhood at- a phenomena.Ily low ct. AIl those seeking tickets or infor. mation are. asked to -caîl either Robert :re iv4,si(-nunion meeting at 1-yde Park wU A cias' for tIiose who.wish to prepareb hadThe Women's. guild will meet Monday for chu ch rnbersbip will mheet at mornmng, Jafluary 16, at 10 o'clock. The 9430) o'clock .Sunday for a hall bout'. Our Boys' choir rehearses on mhuris-' onk of the guild is for the benefit- o First Conur ainal Ju io c ur h fo cttdr n ot pa ens da s at -1 p.m . The Girs' choir «iets good causes in which the women of the ,g e a i Jurchurch f our cat rn o onent (A -uruay mornings at 9:jU. lTe 'church and the community are interested. John G. Hindley, minister ;Aho attend cure met urngte trju i-c;u ,on. urciyAI) womei-i f Kenîlworth flot otherwise Robert A. Edgar, assistant minister cucsevc ora11o c oc . e ,ýe11satý ,.QK naed on Mondys arei'e n ited- .o - SUNDA SERVICS thie direction of Miiss Leslie Fitz. eemsa ýocok hare n tbis -work. 9:30 .... ................. Chunch school Anipratbusiness meetifle of this The Sunclay colwl ta :5 10:50 ...... Begînnens and Pnim-anies TheTuisclb hehwAnco importanto wil ee a il5 1:00 ...... .-...Morning Worship Tfe ui lbtehg coîg'u onrgto rlb ec ensa There are classes for childnen between 13:00 ............... Abracadabra Tea ofyugpeople' will Ineet at 5:30 "ja1aî À4. A for-wara PIOgr'am n'1ur'trie ages o)f kindengarten and the high '4:30 ..~......... .......... Amici Dei o'clock in the cbapel. Raîpri- Willams nvi5,,ee work diurang the tL-1- WYeks school. Visitor s are învited. 1:0...-.......KpaP h -i- --r . e e-- ,.. * the., - .-Tope- -. - 63 .. apa- h "Avoiding Moral Z ailure.- AJ I the trie 1kar-clof J.ecuns andathe Vo U ii school yo--ung peuple are invited.' te-'. Methodist Chu rch Wilrnette avenue at Lake 'avenue There l re a meeting in trie in- on-,Januüry 19 t}k- Noirth District con'- Erskine _M. Jeffords. mîinister t,4er>~ts of relations vwith thie Jew,,s at trie ference orthtre Chicagu Sunday Scbool Ravensvood Presovterian cburch Cul- Luniio ili'be helai at AlbanY Park' The Mînister %vill pneacb. athtre Il lom and North Hermitage avenues Chi- .nurcn. ihe subject is * Good 'Ieaching ' 'clock worship service Sunday' morning,. cago at 3:30 o'clock Sunday afternoon. drlu ai, i our uwn teachers are urgea ici January 15. His sermon theme wil be: Thte general tapice ilbre "My Jewish plani .uaLttnd. "1Recovered Reaties." Neighbor." 'Te speakers will be' the Rev.'-' The service begins with trie organ prel- Paul S Johnson D.D. executive sec- retary of th rie sbytery of Chicago Dr. The Young PeoPle's society had 'a' ude at 10:45 o'clock. you are' invited Conrad Hoffmaf of trie, Presbyteriaan tiiîîque meeting fast. week in which thte i to' hare in thie ehire service. Thie special Boar ofNatinalMisionswhorec nt- îîers' anci çornîtiitees were calied bce- musi4l wrill be as follows:~ ly returner-d from a survey. of trie situa- 'fore a presîding judge foIr an account ojf L SOnapho10n4) ..."L..rgo".....e. ol lion (if te'J in Europe 'and trie their stewarcds.hip, Lee Blaylock is couni- "Adanehn table ..s Diork" pastor of this church. The public is St11r ana ýyarjoriC enfa e'is pres']y cordially invited. ltenc ut tris active group %who meet on ' Marie Bni - ' hunOiay eveiiings at b o îol.'l he.y are Introit: "Thie Lor'd Is in His Holy ffîvting teotrier hghscbool gnoups to Temple"' ....Iî... arrington Dr. Conrad Hoffman will speak againon themn in ths eabîgh r unjsý AntIiem: "Cornes, at, tîmes, a sth11- un Sunday eveninig aItthe Lée Vere Mert- yars nastr Surîse nesS "....'......--.... Wood\ward. orial temple Sheridan road and Hmrman ouîn Offertony Solo avenue Evanston at' 8 o'clock under L tirI Organ, Postlude: "'Prelude and Fugue' trie auspices 'of trie Scriplure League ofi St ohfsL uternini F Maâjor",......~......... Bachi Evanston. Thie public is cordialîy -in-' vit ed te this meeting,. -,,ete ana ±-arK avenues',Thie Chuncri school meets Suniday'l j.FI. tocKel pastur nmornings at 9:30 o'clock. There are TheGir Sout wl- ee atth classes for all ages, from the Nunsery TrieGir Scutswîl met a tre ' SERVICES 'Ito trie Aduit department. New enrol- church We dnesdlay aflennoon. . 9:1,5'am. - Fîrst service'. j ments may" re made at any time. -q m qincavshal ndB-l Mr. . Hîndley has ,entitled his sermonù> for, trie morning wi.orship "Thie Faitri Cfj A Hero-: Martin Niemnoller." Thie music will be. as follows: Ongan Prelude-Adaglo A Minor. ac Anthem-"Build Thee More Statel\ Maii- sions" ....,.,....Andrews Offertoire Quatette--Be Sh11 B, Stbîî" ' *'ý *' I' ** ]ý * i *, *.. . . . Scott Ongan Post ude,-Fan are .... Shelle:: CA-LENDiAR FOR THE WEk Thursd'ay, January '12- 3:30--Gir1s' cboi r rehearsal 4-Boys' choir reheansal 3:45-Girl Scouts. Troop VII, 7:15-Senior choir. rehearsal Friday, January 13-- Women's Guild luncheon Sunday, January 15-- 3-5-'Abracadabra Tea Monday, January 16- 7:30-Girl Scouts, Troop.VI 7:30-Boy Scouts, Troop 1I Tuesday, January 17- Neighborhood circle 7:30-Boy Scouts, Troop Il 'Thunsday, January 19-- 6-;30-Annual church dinnen IM JCjOJ". 1- U' Wi--------u----i--- furîds ,- Tickets may be secured from' toriumn, l7th and.Spencer avenues, at '8, Mrs. R. W. Mitchell, 1707? Lake avenue:; rTe Abracadabra is sponE Messrs, . R, .W ice 100)7 Thirteen'th p.m. Tîikets' may rie rdered fromn Mr. Fifth - 10 a.m-Mrs. L. H. Haflawalt, to rie held on Sunday afi( gtreet and D. A, Himes 611 Lake ave- Herman' Meyer, Winnetlça 347l0, or Miss 1344 Ashand avenue, Sixtri - 10 am- .3 te 5 o'clock at - thie h nue. ' - Margaret .Èggert, Kefilworth 2737, or Mrs. Clyde Smith, 1526 Highland avenue. and Mrs. Hindley. The. pur -lte parsonage, Wilmethe 1396. ' tea is to lpromote a 'secondi -Spoke No. Il will n'eet Tuesday Jan- " ~ 'Thie following divisions will meet cadabra. Those' in charge of. uary 17 wvith Mrs. R., A.' Smitht 1334 'This evening a dinner is being served -Thursday, January 19: Seconid - 10 ments are Mrs. C. lE. Jar, Elmweiuod avenue for an. ail-daýy meeting.- ,by trie Evenîng circle beginning at 6:30.a.Mns. William Harîdge. 1440 For-, dent; Mms Stanley F.. Johns ing a tea noon frorn .e of Dr. se of trie t of Abra- ie 'arranlge- ow, presi-, iMn. and tne meeting witzi . wi- i*.:aulllgup tu ±!ýaster w1ii rie Viýubuiàtcu v,> &11 hioh -àr, 1 --A ki- Týrpe

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