Theprora!w2 e gm, r he. Par-eynt-Teace- ~siainadfor the parets of -hos--e snude \v ho ;are ýn thelgge groups. The .twc. departrnenis- The fore'g.irg~ec~ss!:- in *.he. rnusic :r.ezrêt:"n o- jearn the scngs and hear -he rts the countriles repre-sented yvte .r L-ge siudy.adlt hsv . ay re-ce.' ntonir add:;tiac cutuefct: iluercy by sar.ýn~.:t ~a and a ch1orus of itarxniý*-.isnat:v-es are a really grand n.Cat- e-.s for the performnce wvere madeý ir i-he project S'hop by'1-Secord -year Spanish clas. - 'Â u:5 .s udertŽ. direc*tion M Mrz. Heer. .Stl Part of Colleclion The e5:c Ac:'.cwedb r pK:dd .1- the C v ne ::eby E z.:tes r-n: ...~e ~. ...rrert c ... e A : b z . ::.r 7z:r Gciiea., shepherd. tvIl sDeheà, xë-t Peu: .. - e-r xs. % * 9'e:te. iripws appo neld tdis ;repk bi airowl !Fpe! T H Grh Emninenit Plisiib ilpeak Mr. HaboushY sheperdin Galilee enab¾eS .n expIa.ýmnnad.apply both tesri ir--î;~~ 1' 1Ti,.~ ~'1 and deeper meanings of the sehr 1tYb- 0t N..4L4QJL 4IL4o-f the Hly »Qook. He i zne 2 - . -a-~** V~ -~ a ................................ C ........................ - ,~r- - . - ~ -, S-~ - .~ .......................................... ....................................~-......-. s:x. :e.:eved .................................................................... . .. ..... - *..~Ž .~.. zeen AYJ ~er ce~.. We r.:w have.a fr:er.~i:. -w"- ar.a e~c;ent s:a~. nter.. u~. te a Cth r o f ySehed..f n Mr. Haoush.:illppeïir .-:i t GaLeancosurre.and dgwe a Gaila EN-, tof M.the 23rd psalnm. rrne nmuSical trav"elog; *Chs.a Pai.s:.r.e.w -.nte %onderS of-Je-.I. s-alent aand Bethlehem, wili be pre- sen-ed --n te Ho,,ward schcoolau- toriurn.. under 'ne auspices of '"ie Wal,*er l'eaau-es of SI. ,Johns cur.h tr.EIlabeth Kidd syo..a am de&. 1 r4 sb:et saseci~aue r.:cen ducte : wa eauep Ms.EbUzabetýh Ayres -K-idd;,c is - reftr Mriuslc l:rr -c. nd Dr C. RusselSa-. a ýUe-!f c- e;gn angagedeprtrnnt. CGermn auBand Tne adet:. te h *ni n umber 'Dy P.:-~~ ing u.po:r n a nedent' ithe uryet Didci and Aene-ýà. ir. for ias perte-rm.anee . . mU a-i be acied by Juniýors- and sencSe~s, of ibe Latin, classe-,. Orte AdthUe r.~ Ch t.,.. eee- S ng We-ý Se- . Me Le M:-ýs,-- z Ur te xnee'-r.g cÀ,esed ýiLr. Pa- erscýn ixook UneopporZumity 14) repÏy ,,D a question which bas beeni a,3kec several tunes diuring the pas*. Year. ?W m anorganization. ~'hsorgarnzatioawas fcormed prî ~....e a h~gb r ttaned an' ttced Ras Bekconie Expert an xprt -atte.ace. heatýng. z - -ement adne =rS. have a tc~u.aY n--e smrriler .schoo2.ýs he r~ecr.e Uneccs frend nd ceDn. be usxd in china rIe ok n ncoanced. the openixig of a Ch-:- officean~d frato of a Chcg branch comxnitteeÉuý "legreaie-st, naÂtrau~- trated ,,ï-th the latest motion pictures. mr aua color and snho:e Mr. HabouSh. assisted by NMada7nte W4abch. will. present his aeog a; wA!-.h itirre he wil give Une Sh'-ep - he'd's eal to his 'Sheep. *that nmt-r:e zhe-m follow ,hilm wherever he ie ds, Unein. He vvill show the ancier. : ctes. Une covered street--S aS the,, ere iand as: thev, are today. SolomnonV quarry and s'ables the models of *he *temples .f"ont Ue tfne of Solonton ic)th e ore- -'~n anda man7 cf Chlcazsag churches and reLz:cus .Ibe cantpa-ign ws aunehed ma lumeheon Thbur-sday January s, in Cne dolph s'ue-et lý r