Pi118 Pie Cherries Pî-fed cheýrries, readY .to pop info a flaky, "short" pie or u1s e for faits or roly paI0 No2 8 3 for SOC fins-. 8 on Sale Thurs., Fr1. aid Sot. OnIy RIPE PERSIMMONS Swe, elowand ready3Is. 9 RED GRAPES ofo FancY qualty-To saf ou-o band or add ta salads- . 9 Sipped to us from the Sunny 3 South-Arnerican Beauty red- unches20Vc CELERY IIEARTS Crisp, fresh, snaw.wie-j Sa .refreshing always- bunch 19C FRESN PUAS Large, weil-fiiIed pods-" Sweef, tender peas- ~23c TEXAS SEEDLESS GRAPEFR UIT So qui;&ly andesily prepared- Fine, flavor and very juicy-doz. 69C 4 for 25 CRANSERRIES. Eafmnor Brand-FamoDus for flavor- Pure Tomafo Juice lb. 9 IConned Peaches -Mm Delicious, tree-ripnrd-fruit+ Spry Thý ei erect short- ening for .deep faf frying, baking or esp ecialy l. tasty, fla ky p 1e crust- tin, 19c Tomatoes Tire. whole tomafoes fo tihe tin-Always so good ta keep on hand for a tasfy vegefable course- Doz., 1.302 NEW GREEN CASSAGE Firm, solid heads-And new cabbage, iS $0 delicafe and rich in flavor- lbs. RUSSET PEARS Large, ripe, juicy Mounfain f;rui - Deliçious iin salads. as well as fa, caf jusf as +bey are- basket IC NHUIBOAgb SQUASH A mnost acceptable vegetable wheni baked f, delicate tenderness and served wit h lots of fresh buffe-. 3 bs. I17c TANGERIN ES' . Sweet, juicy and easy ta peel-- daz. 15c DELICIOUS APPLES The Monarch of eating appleZ31 Crisp, juicy and fuit of flavor i... 25t -..--'-. J i hin-Sclnned Florida fruit-Heavy wîth juice 4 doz. $1 doz. 7C- CALIFORNIA NAVEL ORANGIES No seeds-Sweet and full of juice-Fine for slicing, selads, or serving ,on, he af h l-2 doz.,55C ,doz. C II Peeled Fresh PrunesI for 25C Pure Cane Sgar. bü5 3 C ROUND STEAK. Tend'er, ju icy-So gaod when cut thin and. fried in- butter or cut fhicc and, used for Swisi steak- lb 3eU PURE LARD..a For paistries or cepftfrying- b.crtoni SPARE RIOS.I7, Whefher baked or boiled they are equally invfing-lb. 1 7c si1twINê lENS. Oh, Jiow good a chicken fricassee, wflh lighf fleaffy dumplings and fresh beets-(also on sale)--can tfaste! 5-lb. average- lb. 25.c FRYING CHICKEt4S. So inviting when fried in lard fo a rich. golden brown-3 to 3'/2-lbi average- lb. 29c SIRLOIN STEAK. Aged beef that is perfectly delicious whether yQu A likê if broiled rare or meium- 1 b.41Uc OYSTIRS. tgesize, for broilinq, or frying- qt. 5k SmaIl size-for sfews, cocktails or. escalloped oysters- qt. 4.5 SALMON STEAK. A delicious entre.' for Friday's dinner-.spcially if served with crisp celery and fresh pois- lb. 52c Saited Nuls GeesI Just Gii 151 Ring Send Everything mmmmmý