oeenm eces Ot1,ZUJ bY& hishigh goal of 25 per cent lst class is a record that will compare favor- rank or above, namnely': Star, Life, ably with the top-notch couneils Of. and Eagle. The council had reach-. the nation. This aggregation of 2,820. ed, as of December 31, last, a higher boys is comprised of 726 Cubs and goal than 'that set by the' National 2.,094 Scouts. _Each year for six council, iri that there were, only. 49 years there has been a. substantial pe cent Tenderfoot and there were increase in the numnber of participat- 30 e etfrtcasScouts or ing. boys in the, North Shore Area above. council.In Wilmette there were 40, per cent~ Eobert F. Doepel, president of the Tenderfoot, and 42% first clasg o above;. in Kenilworth 31 % Tender- foot, 44 per cent first c l as. or above; in Winnetka there were 44 per cent Tendèrfoot, 32 per cent 1 first class or above; in Glencoe 36' per cent of the Scouts xvere Tende r foot and 48 per cent (an unusual MERIT nBADGES..POPULAR Parents of Scouts of the Northj Shore. Area council will be much interested in the vocational and avo- eaitionalMerit Badge subjects ean-. ed.ý by North Shore Area councîl Scouts dur'ing the past year. There wee" total of 2.073 *Merit Badges earned and awarded -in contrast with p 1,790 for the yeîar previous. Here- p with is a Iist of the most popular 35j of the 106 badges. xvith the number of boys r.eceivinig these particular, ýbadges: - Personal Hclalth-128; First Aid-102 7 Metalwork-100: Cooking-93; Leather- - craft-79; Basketry-78; Publie Health SUNNYFIELD BUTTER IN !ýi-LB.2 L . PCKAGES 55 SIL VE RBROOK BU TTER Rtom 2..53 SCOT TISSUIE 4 RýOLLà 5 2 S. PKOSÉ.'33e ýCAMPBE200 LATIN3UANS 0 GELTN UDDNG PAIRIKLIEO)QËPIÇERAN3.PKGS.10 MISS WISCONSI'N 3 NO. 2 CANS 25e 2 LGE. PKGs. 390 AN>4 PAGE EXCEPT P AIR ~ GTPAweKBRY 15 IAspeERRy LB. JAR I STRAWBERnRY AND RASPBERRY-LB. JAR 17c KEN-.L BALADA RATION BAKTEA LUX. OR 4 CANS 26e WHITE BOUSE àMILK....4 TALL CANs 220 ATLANTIC ANN PAGE ANN PAGE '.LB. PKG. 190 North Shore Area council, ing of this development, statement that is worthyc tention of ail pensons înte the .Boy Scout prograam, follows: "In spite of the fact tha4t beinig, rendered to over 2800 an increase of approximate1y last five years the oserating the-council is only,2-3'or api 65 percent cf what it was in 1931 and 1932. A fact recentl at the Regional office of the 1 of America is that the Noi in speak- 1--44-1Carpentry--42; MusicýZ4; CiviJs added a, -41. of the at- Woodturning - 39; Camping --34; Canoeing*-29: Scholarship-28: Public. erested in Speaking-24, Eowijng-23; Photography. it is as -23: First Aid to Anirnals-20; Paint- ing-20: Automobiing7-17; Leather-16; Art-15; Electricity-15. ser vice 15 In addition. there Were 239 other boy12Q0 tthe Menit Badges earned *and awarded: budget of 188.5 per cent of all the Menit Badges, roxirnately earned were in the 35 subjects listed the yearslaoe tlearne ao.______ GIMAPEFRUKTI, FOR JUICE......... 6FOR 10e NAVEL OR FLORIDA, ORANGES,4 GOOD SIZE.................. EACH 20 SNOWY HEADS CAULIFLOWER ........... Ise15 .......... .... . ..... . ...JE i UN.L: , E .In. Glencoi were 107 Ou There are Scouts, and r294. ago' thenri rson in Drn. d acWlts. Dr.