Losing the Proviso game was a hard dose to swallôw, and the boys did it with considerable grimacing. They feit that they had deserved to win, an-d perhaps they were right; but Robert Ream, who heads the squad as coach, was inclined to feel a littie. less. downciast about it ail. le, told* some of his, players as they ,waited in, the bus after the game: "Highland Park is the team to look out for now. On that 'floor of theirs they're alWays-a tough nut to crack. Fine at Home: "After we play them, we've got five games in a rowv at home, and that's a big. break.' In the-mean- time, ..somebody, else is hable to knock off Proviso, because t eams in this league ha rdly- ever . go ing the other team's defense close, so as to choke off fast-breaking phayýs. Sterling Defense For some, rea son, the Trevs either, did not size up: the situation, or lacked the foresight to ,meet it. They attempted to execute set-up playýs, but were turned- away, time after time by a really sterling, de- fense. And -every so often when they lost the bah, Proviso' would drop one home, or be awarded free throws for a New Trier, foui. The Trevian alternative would have been to, mix- a nhumrber of long shots, even though their scoring per- centage' might be lowýered. After "Sacrament" was the subject of the lesson-sermon in ail Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, Jan- uary 8. The. golden text was, "Tlhe bread 'of 'God is he. which,,cometh down from heaven, -and giveth life unto the.'world" (John 6:33>.ý Amongthe citations which corn- priàed. the lesson-sermon *was. the, following.fromn the Bible:, "The prep-, ara tions of the heart in , man, andý the ansver of the tongue, is from the. Lord.. Ail'the ways of a, man are clean in his, own, eyes; but the' Lord w efig he th the. spirits" (Proverbs 16:1,. 2). The- lesson-sermon 1also included the folowing passages from the' ness; an-d the constitutional guaran- tees and implications insuring.such. happiness., Dr., Bickham, 15 State consultant for planning: of the .Works Progress administration, the God- father of* work relief i Illinois, hiav- ing, developed, i .1929: the programn wvhich,, the, foilowýing, year,, was adopted by ýGovernor. Emmerson' s Commission on Unemploymnent 'and Relief. Mr. and Mrs.Gu C. Pacekaird,- 1240, Forest, avenue,, heft Wilxnette. on Thursday of hast week for New York City. 'Whihe there they will visit friends on Long Island,.durig their -week's visit. ISO-VIS 10 -W MAKES C OLO STARTING EASIER THAN AMYIOTHER 011!I You CAN FREE YOURSEL1r frOM Startin,« WOM vfor -AT STANDARD IL DEALERS.