wnat course tne adminstration pro- poses to follow during 1939. 0f necessity the President's mes- sage represented littie more than broad outlines. of policies. It eni bodied no specific recommendations. Rather it was general in, terms, and as such the1 statements made by the President can easily be various- ly interpreted as to 'what. is likely to follow by waýy of speciflc, legisiation. Future developnients may prove me< to be wrong in my present conclu- sions fromn the message itself as to what course the administration will follow at this session. under the lead ership of the Chief Executive. 6'Breathing Speli" Here? My' first conclusion, however, is. that litte may be expected at this session by way of new legislation or new reforms. The general tone and the language emnployed by the Pres- Idént ini his rnesae seei to iný- dicate that for the remnainder of his ierm the emphasis will be on re- covery rather than reforms. He indicated that he would ask Congress to strengthen existing laws rather than enact altogether new laws. In other words, the "breathing speil" is definitêly here. Perhaps I should quote somne of the President's statemnents that bring me to this conclusion. He said: "The -past threeéCôngresses M o be a ««correcting" Congress rather le than an «"experimental" Congress. In that prospect encouragement mnay be found for steady economic recovery, for one of the factors. -' ..c la retarded.recovery in the 1United States has been the. series of 3severe shocks* to the-.economic sys- d tem --by aàltogether-new laws. Be- ~fore adjustmet oudbe made to one reform ,o experimeht another 0 would 'be launched, with the ýresuIt *that our entire economic system was e kept in a consta nt state of turmoil 1- and uncertainty. No Cut lu Taxes -There 'is another" important con- clusion to be-made from'the Pres- .ident's- message with respect to the proposed. domestic policy, and that Sis that -no change may be expected, in the Ad ministration's spending policy. He enlarged upon that fact in his Budget message to Congress * last Thursday. He .also, made.. 4 clear that no decrease in Federal taxes will be recommended but »rather he expected Congress to im- pose certain additional taxes in or- der to take care of the proposed defense program and the program for agriculture. On the question of expenditures andi taxation we may expect extended and somewhat bit- ter debates duririg the course of the session. There is a substantial group in Congress. composed of menhprs Yes, you .do get MONITE Moth- proofingý free whlen you- send things'here to be cleaned. But that is only haif the story. E-xpert dry cleaning care for every type of garment is always our first con- sideration. Gay- clothes f or the social season or the simpler frocks launching of our program of social In general it can be said that the reformi. Our full energies may now President has indicated that lie will be released to invigorate the pro- now emphasize recovery rather than cesses of recovery i order to pre- reform and that his recovery pro- serve our reforms." gram will he based on the principle. And, at another place-in the mes- of continued government spending.; sage hée said: "Some of.these tools That stems. to be the general do-, had to be roughly shaped and stili mestic. policy which the Adminis-, need some machining down.. . The tration will seek to follow in '1939., .Philatelists Plan, s, Types ails. ,Cov and INSU RED University 0616 Winnetka 619_ Higland MOTHPROOFING Greenleaf 7441-1482 WihuU. 320.ll Glencoe 150 Rogers Park 87 tPark - NUes Center Enterprise 3030 ,e, left January il fi to attend the marr ýew, John Felke., 1152 Central Avenue ,60-61 9 780-4090 and, 555