Riot Over Plans For club Party 1Hurry-hurry-hurry and get your tickets for that joyous, hi-, gleeful, ý. and jolliest bridge party of bridge partie.- ,to be given at'the Woman's club Saturday, january 14, at 1:30 o'clock. Persàonally .we do flot like these barkers or harker or, hawk-, ers, but, they seem, to be neces- sary adjuncts of some kinds. of entertainmeflt and- believe me this. gigantie, colossah--astound- ing and arnazing' surprise de- manids eveërything. After viewing this astonishing ýdis- play, 'the bridge guests will settie down to 2-demaxnd bids or getting stuck with'a 1-club effort, later to ,be r..upetad, with prizes and re '- freshments. The hostesses for the afternoon are Mrs. William A. Rich- ardson, Mrs. H. C. Toeppen, Mrs.. Frank C. Huffman, .Mrs. W. C. Hug- *gins, Mrs. Arthur Kirtley, Mrs. For- rest C. Snow, Mrs. Charles F. Kremer, Mrs. Charles R. Mahan, Mrs. Williami T. Morgan, Mrs. Anker L. Christy, Mrs. Norman A. Altman, Mrs. Elliott V. Youngber g, and Mrs. Maurice C. Boothe. And nnw if your curiosity has not. "Becicie'e Fitchf or tick<ets for tis ~al- fair, we can do nio more for thîsis' the last issue of WILMETTE LiFE pre- ceding the bridge party January 14, at the Woman's club. -Contnibuted. North Shore Friends Entertain f or Visitors . The engagei Beers, son. of l nounced by Miç of Wilrnette. He her graduation ýent of Miss Mary EUla Waiclner to Thtomas Moul s. Sylvester P. Beers of Evanston, was'recently Waidner's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William N. Wai marriage to Mr. Èeers will not take place until om Northwestern 'university in Ju'ne.. Camp Days Theme of Program for Juniors Iaîng 1an- idner af ter At Meeting Monday The annual business meeting of the Wilnette center of the In- Sfant Welfarée SocietY of Chicago will be hçld in the lounge of the Wilinette Woman's- club on Monday,Janiuary 16, at 2 o'clock, at which 'time 'the' officers andý cornmittee chairmen elected at StheéDecember meeting will Sstalled. Those who will tak e ôffice are Mrs. Frank LaBonte,. chairmnan;- Mrs. H .E Chiristiansen, vice-chairmnan in charge of publicit3Y Mrs. Robert. TalIey. re- cording secretary; Mrs. F. S. Yantis. memnbership chairmnan;* Mrs. Ô,.AA Feldon, social chairman: Mrs. C. H McDougall, menit chairman; Mrs. L.ý E. Starkel. legisiative chairmn: and Mrs, N. A. Altman, wvays aiid rneans chairmafl. The officers and chairmen remai n- ing on the board are Mrs. Lester Mee, corresponding.' secretaFy, MVrs. W. C. Heàgecock, trecasurer.; Mr,. Freder.ick,.Leisch., station chairman:, Mrs. J. . Beuttas,, clerical* chair- man-, and Mrs. Ralph Hartman. sewing chairman. tea will be s.erved .' Mrs. R~oy Best, social chairnian for the past twr years, will be cha.irman for the day, assistèd by members of the boprd; Mrs. A. E. Hall, Mms H. W. Druck- er,' Mrs. J.* J. Badger, Mrs. Lester E. Mee, Mrs. W. C. Hedgecock, Mrs. Frank LaBonte, Mrs. Freder- ick Leisch, Mrs. J. W. Beuttas, Mrs. Ralph Hartman, Mrs. F. J. Crowell, Mr 's. H. W. Lindsey, and Mrs. S. C. Warden. East End Circle WUil Hear Review of New Book Is HQstess to Friends th- The East Etid circle of the First Ai After-ScIioot Party 1 eleyed on the norti ci Mrs. Miles G. SeeLke, Wis., sinc, r avenue, Kenilworth, en- at an eggnog party at their The program m 4 to 7 o'clock on Satur- Juniors to atter rioon. program.-4ý. F hold their annual John S. Holmes f January 13. Lunche( id, Kenilworth; gave at noon. A largea party. Saturday eve- sired inasmuch as p home for, several year are to be -pr cussed. home dayi oe servecl ce is. de- rthe new' and dis-