Dudley Craffs Watson Indluded Among Tht.. Speakers on Ail- Qoy Program. With atalkon -OldbL.ace.-the Womans Club of Wiliiette will commence its next ail-day meet-. ing on Wednesday.Jauay18. -at 10:45. oclock. At that tirne Mrs. JI. R. H 1arper. chaîiman .of the artdepartrneént. %vill present the, third lecture in 'its Ninter series. Mrs. Alden Scott Éoyer. who wfl give the talk. is. on the staff at the :Art institute. and is well known amongý club womnen in and about Chicago. She has lived in the south of France for fourteen years and bas "stÙ-died lace-mnakiingt herseif. Patof her collection %vas made for a F'rench royal farr.tI-y aid it is an inIeresing sitory as 'ti how-vý she secure~d thes'e rare ol allen s Mrs. Boyer wl brin-g her cleto Sher for e-xh'b-.> At. the second x eri.oz -:45 t 124.J. V. Sta&uffer.ext\ - rector of the Itrai:IF:-end- shpGardenslcadnerMhan lecture. s is rr:-ct- ed r at:as hve beenreee'e bv foes re.o '~r Planted in the---e r,ýx'vycre5: o: a dens- Nanv peO"' e d,:>-" H.g aMa,'ýutea ch- the dretoncfhe home -na e - caio dprt'.rcf -ý l-- M-s L. CTory a' Atter t~ehe cr h Du. u te Crai-s Watso:n wUlctr n tte cubi'ct. Old Tesrsfor e Hjontes» *ýThe ar-, departýr:.n- ta'is spý,n.-ors th;£ prograrn. Dr. D udle y ite at the Ar*.ns:tteOf Cia ard is known ta pr'acticaMliy ee one itrstdlta rt litth e C'I ca area. newspaper correspondenL C ,ther. will be the'speaker.N are askéd to reser'-e this o: ---.~-~-- i M-s. w::::~tm A. McGowa':. 933 >~:s :ess ta the S:. F-c-:c~s X~. Koehine Phioto Mic~ic~: c2e~ue. ilrnette, wilt be Mc:'s' cb orher home Friday, ~c': J;:-. 0. t2 ccXt~k. ke .sD:i~e her wihehr two Mrs. Carl Johnsen WUil Give Neighbors' Review u E L e Ne .hcs Tc,- v R Che Fe17 ne:lus N. -~ :c.A- dbo~e 2 ette who are leaving next, a West Indies cru-ise. Nothridge Notes Mr.Carl Jch.nseni will review * 'enan~nFranklIV'- at the next nezacf -.he l'-:erature group of the -cr rdae Woman's club ta be, ne aMcnca fternL)on. Januarv 23. Mr s.- ~un. 110 GreemnwOod 'e.. ::e.Will be hostess, - . '- n- D. Stephens assisting * <meeting of the North- r~te ~~o~.held Mndyevenling 'e -ý:--e of Mrs.. William avenue. has rE le.ge in Wau.Ke forwtigchi's vac ned ta Xis, ll Frendsos t Laxe IUII N..frnanageL Hold Capacity Meeting to Dis- cuss Annual Benefit A. capacity meeting of theý Friends ofLalke Bluff Orphanage was field Wednesday, January 4, at. the home of Mrs. Andrewv Peterson,1 599 Washington ave- nue-, Glenicoe, when. arrange- menits for' the annual dessert bridge and fashion showv, March 1,were disicussed. Mrs. A. F. Schumnacher, general chairman of the, party, anntounced, the following, commnittee chairmen: Mrs. H. W. Chronquist., special. at- traction; Mrs. -Williamn Shapleigh, tick ets; ..Mr.s..llrbert Armbruster,, servmng of refreshriînts. Mrs. A,. Ray Findley, co-chairrnan wi.th Mrs. Armnbruster; Mrs. Edwa rd Beneke, chairman, and Mrs. Eugene Mur- *phy, co-chairman, of priz; Mr.s,, W. H-. Mark, book revîew; 'l,1r s, H. D. Weigel, chairman, and Mrs. George Blackburn, co-chairmnan of fashion show, and Mrs. Andrew Pe- terson, chairman of the-,table corn- mnittee. * At this tinile tickets for the benefit were distributed ta rnentbers for sale. The entire redecorat:ýng of sixteen roomns, flnanced by the Friends o (f Lake Bluff, Orphanage, bas been cornpleted at the Lydia home, and heating has been installed in a herek_ tofore iinusable playruom in the basement. Twenty new rnattresses have been furnished h: homne bv these women. Bibs and milk niugs have- been, ordered for the Lake Bluff Orphan- agei,àand twelve dozen 1toweIs for "the' Lydia home. Three more patroness s ib the or-. ganization, add'ed ta the recent liýst of. twenty-six announced, includeý Mrs. James H. DouglaIs, Jr., ofL ak e Forest, Mrs. Ernest C. Da-vies of Wiiinetki, and _r.M. , Haddlon ~MacLean oft EvanstoýLn. 1119i aid uAlis. ,LOUSiSek J--MIS. George N. Lainb. a mellber of the club. .vvil Devotions. give -the