Uul.uge, WlIU give a musicale, and Mrs. Fred M. Clarke, chairman of literature, ha s arranged to have. Mrs.- Frank J. Kracha give a review of -pFanny Kémble,"! by. Margaret Armtr9g H1ostesses for the- 4ternoon wil be Mrs. Roy Jones, Mrs. Kracha-. and Mrs.,Frank Riedier. Mrs. P_ J.1 Joyce, chairman of : philanthropy,1 announcles t hat ail proceeds from the, sale of' articles at the Thrift* shop du ring. January will be given to the Sanctuary de- partment for the purchase o e linens and Altar cloths ,for ýthe new St.:Francis Xavier church. Clothing for young people and for babies is needed. especially, and- while, the response to- appeals has been enthusiastic, stili more dona- *tions are needed. It is hoped that t4~ proceeds of this month wil be Unusually large ini order that Mrs. Frank J. Oelerich, Sanctuary chair- man, may have a satisfactory 'sum! for her work. Junior SchooI Friends Plan Memnbership Meeting The semi-annual mTemb-e-rshipý meeting of the North Shore Friends' of Chicago Junior school will be held Monday, January 23, at the home of Mrs. Thomnas, White, 310 ï Richm~ond road, Kenilworth. Mrs. Porter Fox, Mrs. N. Chase[ Flint, Mrs. William Buttner, Mrs. Clayton Dunham, Mrs. Albright Bray, Mrs. E. Sawyer Smith, Mrs. Kelly Davie.' Mrs. Elmer Becker.! Mrs, Harry Hardwicke-, Mrs. Walterý Neïlsora, and Mrs., Rosalie Carlson' comprising the execuïtive ýboard, will entertain the membership at lunch- eons at 12:30 o'clock. After luncheon the semi-annual re- ports covering the activities of the North Shore Friends and of the Now, Eve~~i£ia hit"k, N OW RE>[CKD Youre sure of these vital pointu when youa buy youaw coat at Bluhop"* - htgh styJi8, emartest materials, talloring suAIreme, n lflàbl qüàludtY4. Or- 1-ye ar ,rep utation lu Voutr guarantee of complote satisf action. And the tremendous savings ollcred in this great Januarv Salemalce diese values irresistiblet DUCEtw4UE SALE PRICE mmCi Cocoa and Kafla Arn Droadtall Processed1 iiad lmported Mocca Le Blocked Mocca, Eei Black and Beaver1 Lapin, Kaffa Dyed Pe JJroadtuii rrocessta Lamb White FoxL Dycd collar or with Squirrel collar and border. Black Persian Curi Karakul, Kalla Dyed Karakul ............... "Bi>ndura,"' the fineut New Zealand Seal Dyed Buck Coney ............ Natural Silver and Silver.. tone Dved Musrnst. Êxt $75 039 115 49 ID 139 89 PRC' Hudson Seal Dyed Musk. rat .................. Blackc Persian Lamib...... Fine Quality Hudson Seal Dyed Muskrat........... Black Peruian Lamb .. ' ii SALE ci pRICE 225 300 265 375 '$179 189 199 225 man of 'nittee.