AND - RESORT CLOTHES 8:30 Weclnesclay evening, February 8. This program, sponsored 'by the society, is open to the public, and no admission fee will be, charged. .Many clubs in this. vicinity have heard Dr. Senear, and he is con- sidered, one of the most. popular medical speakers on the subject of. care of the skin. "Preserving Your. Complexion" wil be his title.- Ka ppa Kappa ýGammr,,as fo. Have Annual,.Meeting The annual meeting, of the North Shore Alumnae association of Kap- pa Kappa Gamma and the election of officers on January. 18, will. be featured also* by- an important an-, nouincemnent mnvolving an eight-:day West Indies cruise for two persons. The luncheon meeting will be hëld at, the. homne of Jeazne huzuway, 2138 Orrington avenue, Evanston, at, 1 o'clock. Mrs. Edward Twerdahl, Jr., is the hostess, assisted by Mrs. Joseph Swan, Mrs. Merrili Mac- Namee, Mrs. William Fogarty, Jr.,' Mrs. Frank Morr, and Mirs. W. K. Potter. Uritil installation of the new of- ficers, Mrs. Ted Hadley, vice-pres- ident of the association, wiJl be in charge because o!f the marriage of Miss Julianna H1omes which tooQk place on December 28, Motion Pictures on HolyQke Club Program Miss Harriet Newhall, secretary of the board of admissions at Mount Holyoke college, wil give a talk. illustrated 'byý college motion pic- tures at the meeting of the Chicago MVount Holyoke club on Friday, Jan- uiary 13, at 6:45 o'clocl at the Chicago Woman's club. Among the hostèsses for the meeting wil be lVrs. Ellwood Hansmann of Rijzh- by Legare-,LOving Photo, The Neighbors of kenilworth will hear Mrs. Carl Johnýsenof Winntkapresent a .review: of Rachel Fie td's. "Al This and Heaven, Too," at the morning pro- grarn Tuesday, at 10:è30 o'clock, at ithe homne of Mrs. NV. A . Schlanigen, 535 Wariick road. .Kenilworth Welfare Center Names Chairmen TPhe netv officers of the Kenil- worth center of the Infant Welfare Society of Chica go, announced re- cently, were installed at the ail- day meeting held -Tuesclay of this week at the Kenilworth Union church. At that time the new corn- mittee chairnmen and their co-ehair- men were announced: Voluznteers-Mrs. Charles Crowe of GlenvieW, 1 chairman, Mrs. E. .Worthington' Walters of Highland Park, retiring. president, vo-chair- Man. Social-Mrs. George Emery of Evanston, chairrnan, Mrs. Wiilis Strorng of Glenview, co-chairman. Membership-Mrs. George Braun of Wilmette, chairman, Mrs. Rich- ard Qoble of Evanston, co-chair- mani. Points -Mrs. John Carson of Evanston, chairman. Mrs. Robert harold .SPauldîong- 624 Churcli Street Chartreuse Coat with orchd gowrv in ight weight woolen. $95 Ready to Wear.. Custom Makde, I Bfums Present to wear rightnow. E imette wilgive a resumne c Itory o!f the Mother's club the business meeting. d,. . VANSTi 709 CNURCH STREET lMrs. Fra Chicago. ON