o f the auxiliary. il preside at a short business -meeting before the programn. *It is with a great deal of pride that Mrs. Millard B .Kennedy, pro- gram chairma 'n, announces that she is mosteortute t in having .Paul A.. .Schilpp agree to speak. Mr..Schilppý is a professor of philosophy at North- western. University.' He is very busy w'Aith bis work at theuniNersity andý the writing of another book.,Mr Schilpp wil speak on "'Ph iosophy" i d will also' gîve short reviews of six new -philoeoph:y books fhot yet re- leased from t Îhëeübûlisher. in additi.on, to the speaker, Cather- ine Baker, a mèmber of the organi- zation, will sing and be accompanie at the piano by Millîcent Cooke. LVV-'Wj1aruuvrguivirs. Lawrence W. Reayes of Winnetka, ýwill reviewv "«Al This and Heaven,' Too," by Rachel Field, and Mrs. William V. Hill of >Winnetka, 'will give a. short lalk on "Modern Poetry. Tea will folloiw, the hostesse s'as- sistingMrs. Brattcon be-ing.Mrs.,Mat- thewv Lillig of Wlmnette, Mrs. Wil- Iiami Whitaker- of Glencoe, an d Mrs. Edward C. Weissenberg o«.Highland Park. Mernbers are, requested to make reservations in -advance by 'calling any of-thè hostesses. Mlrs. Gerald Paulêy bas arranged thé tea which xiii follow,' the pro-,ApaPi Au neF Ilrami and bas a>sked1 the following ApaPiAu iaàf mnembers of her comimitîce to assistHv ber: Mrs. Paul Cutier, 'Mrs. Fred 0 H veLuncheon Jan. 20 Court Toel, Mrs F. Stuart _Yantis, the North Shore Alumnae of Alpha ,ind Mrs. W.* Austin Ellior-e. Phi sorority will be held in Evans- Mrs. C. E. Blomgren, Jr..*s sewing ton at the home of Miss Marieý group will meet o11 Monday, Januaryi Stevenson, 2733 Coifax street, on! 16, at the home of AIrs. H. V. Proch-!Friday, January 20, now, .1604 Colfax street, Evanston. Dr. Earl H. fleLong of the politi- the meeting will be at 11, and lunch-'cal science department of North- eon will be served. western university will be the speak- er, following the luncheon and brief business meeting. Dr. fleLong is D +~ known for bis stimulating discussion the Italian Cultural club wvas hedd ()n Sunday afternoon, January 8, at the home of Albert Salvi. 1351 Ash-, land avenue, Wilmette. The speaker \Vas Capt. Stefano Luotto of Chicago His subject. was "The Life of a Sai- lor." Çaptain Luotto is. said, to be an txPriencedl lecturer and .beld the interest of ail throughout his talk. I At present he broadcasts each day1- a1t 9ý 15 o'clock in thé morning the international news in Italian on Ra-. rn QI r nîs lîsten *Mrs. James W. Barton, president of the group, will preside, and the speaker will be introduced by Mrs. Jam.es L. Allen of Hlighland Park, programn chairman. A committee of luncheon bostesses for the day will be in charge of. Mrs. Phillip Spar- ling of Highland Park. Alpha Phi alumnae from ail chap-i ters. are welcomed to thesè informaiý luncheons. me mi~eiiiuer oJ Betty Crilly Nur xvhich she is a nu ,,ý-Bridge Club ZMetn 4 s ger- sex road, Winnetka, entertàined the of members of ber bridge c 1 u b at luncheon at bher--home on Thursday. INA Fourth Floor