QId-World Europe In Tales of Travels '¶Colorful O01d-Wor1d Europe," an illustra-ted travel lecture, will be presented by Harvey S. Oi0son, president and founder of. a tours service, on Wednesday, January 18, when Kappa Alpha Theta, alumfnae :of Evanston and the North. Shore meet for. a one- &cl1ock lunicheon at, the home: of *Mrs. Marcus H. Hlobart, 621 Fos- ter street, Evanston. *Mr. Oison, a, graduate of Purdue university, where he w*as captain of the Boilermaker football team.' has. spent the past ten years organ- * iZig and operating tour ý groups fromn America to Europe.- Eis trav- els during this period have takeri him through every country in Eutotpe. * Among his fascinating and roman- tic experiences w h il1 e traveling * abrdad are meetings with Ex-King Alfonso of Spain. the Duke and Duchess of Windsor, Dr, Hugo Eck- ener, His .Holiness Pope Pius the Eleventh, and Il Duce Mussolini. The pictures which accompany .%,r. Olson's lecture are ail in color and depict a six-country tou r, in- cluding, a voyage on the palatial R.M.S. Queen Mary, colorful and charming England, picturesque Hol-. land, the legendary Rhineland re- gion, the vast Black, Forest, lovely Lucerne, the glamorous lakes of. Nort.hern Italy, Venice-the city-in- * the-sea, Florence-the art ceniter of the ancient and modern world. Nap- les nd .the ruins of Pompeii, the world famed Amalfi drive., Sorren- to, the Eternal .City-Uorne, andthe sUn-splashed Mediterranean shores of the French and Italian. Rivierasl Mrs. H. A. Morrison, president of the Theta alumriae group, will pre- side at 'a short business session. DuBois-The Drake Phot( For her wedding Saturday eveirêg, Novernber 26, Miss Dorcas Tzttùl daughýte r of Dr. anid Mr s Arthur H.' Tuttle of Wilmette. iwore a whit, satin dress ýheart-shaped at the niecklinie edged with lace. Aný heirlool? veil of rose point over tulle and a tulle face veil were held ini place uit) ci lace cap and smnalZ wreath of orange blossoms. Following the cer", mron, at which she became the bride of Frederick W. Bu*cklýey, son c the Ralph J. Buckleys of Arlinîgtoný Heights, she aid lier litusband, le. for Vero Beach anid Miami, Fia., on a twco-weeks' u'-ecdiHng trip froi. rhicJh tbey have retvriied to lire iip Arlinýton2 Heigbts. the Tome school in Marylandi af- ter spending the Christmas holidays Miss Nadine Kinney, daughter of at home. New Year's eve he enter- Mr. and Mrs. William Morton ,Kin- tained a group of his friends at an ney, 126 Abingdon avenue,' Kenil- open house at the Coriger residence. worth, has returned to Fairmont Jun- Margaret .Best of Indian Hill serv- .;or college in Washingtonl. D. C., after ing as hostess for the party. Later spending the Christrnas holidays at in 'the evening a supper was served. homne. Christmas. eve Miss Kinney, entertained about two hundre *d of hemý friends at "an open house., rietKa, secretary of tne J.iv.A. cIUL'. one of theé-groLip of Techny clubs. entertained the members in her home last Friday evening. Precedi- ing the usual social game of bridge, an interesting letter fromn the ms sioniary in China wvas read. To Aid Junior, School Mrs. William A. Osgood. p'ro- 1ý grami chairmian of the Evanston Erienids of Chicago Junior schoo1.: announ ces to.the.organization -A distinct ýtreat" in store for thé afternoonlo MondaY. January 16, at the home of MËs.. Charles C.. Jarchow, 2430, Lincolnwoo(i Ydrive,, Evanston. when.. Dora S. McGorrisk and Cordèelia Sehel- linger Pardee will present a pro- gram entitled. 'rm cInpres- sions with, Muýsical Settings.' Mrs. MýcGoÉrrsk., a well, -knv dramatic reader and literary inter- preter of gçreat .ability and,,chairm, is a graduate of the Leland Pwr sehool in Bostoni. înd for sever-al seasons was one of the leading çii- tertainers in Redpath Chautaucjýua and Lyceumn work. She hàsas ap- peared before vairious littie theait groups. sucli as thie Louisville plavurs.ý the Uptown-t Playeris of Chicagu. t hi, Neghoroo iiyhlouse, in Ne"l York.' the, Ornthi Comrnunhity pa *house. *Mrs. Parde. ot of 'Exanst- ' best-known piani.o soloists and - coi-pànists. is, a graduate of h Arnerîcan conser-v;iory and a ui of Allen Spearer. She has appeard before the Evanston' Womans club. *Edgewa,--ter-. D r a i a c 1I11 b. Si)outh Evanston Wornai's club, Evansto(n Music club and' nany other sinilýr groups. 1 . These. two arlisis -are flanning 1() cive a group of selections togethur,. then.Mrs. McGorrislç will give read- hings' alone. after which Mrs. Parck't» \iwill .play a number of piano sç>lec- tions. The final numnber will bec play, by, the t\wo artists, jointly. This par ticular programn, "Dramatic ln'ie- pressions With 'Musical Settings.- is unique as well. as entertaining. and has been enthusiastically en- joyecl by niembers of the Glencoe, Library club, Oak Park Sor9sis club. Irving Park Catholie Womaz's club. the anid the Ohio 'Womnen's So ciety of )nal Illintois.