UiUin' sen ot i Uer I bULIor lme L1~ ' C1i ,wlva-".--boiJn g'ios il.i ii, ine viciors boys, Monday night; as a niatter of thtaugh the grapevine that the . served 'notice :they will be a definite fact, they worked as *a tonie, for Bernsten Bras. roll no less than 3 threat for the Chicago Park District the Quinlan Record Service tearn imes a week. Let's see if that time Water Polo association league titie. who came- up with three beautiful honored slogan cari produce? neatdlsyarithNoh games of 971. 952. and 881-2804 for Next Week Marks Hli Way Mark Setinee ge st er nt, hnee high team gamne and series: af the The.first half of the 19.38-39 bowl- , . Scin GereEetSane seaon.*ig sasn wll ndnex Tescayswîmirming coach,, said he. believed Although winining the f i r s t two flîght and the last hall of the sched-thseasclbwsensrogr ganies qut hniy hydope le wi.JJ witness the tightening-up 'Scu Shw Wa the last as their' opponents Boule- 1aO the race for the league, cham- , Blake Slocurn, who: wag outstand- yadDrug came up :with an even pionship. ing, last winter in Big Ten Conifer- 900 gamne. An.d another season rec- iAUl But Two Can Win Chamipionship ence play while a miember of 'the ord was broken, when .3Ed. 'Ruschli ;Ofly 5 gamTes out of a total of 48 North\Vesterfl team. . led the wi»ne's, of Wolff and Watt' Hardware roiled rolled separates -the, first 10 teams Thursday night with five goals. a 256 game and led his teamn for in the North Shore Grocers, Bowling Robert Wempe, form.erly af Iowa two victaries over, ýMcDaniel Candy aleague. State college and the Panama Canal Tea M eWSLa.d-n Zone, coune wcas ddHg company and in so, doing went into.t Leagu Standin first place.dhe' game ahead aI Tom .J.LpPaper'Co......3 3. . "M'ri of Oak Park. who has played. Lynch Bôosterswho drop>ped two afi Notto-li Bros. Produce- Co ....... 30 :18 wihteNrhSoesadheat their ganies ta Del Baninem. Tailaors. Tow irFour .........27291 two seasons. Tom Quackenboss. al- Higbindiid al srie fortheSO a former Northwestern star,. add- Hig idivdul sris fr heBremner Bros..........25 :23 h terga na àl night Nvent ta Lindberg 'of Quinlan ;ehar'sChii1o.......23 31 Reor Srvce wthgaesaI23.Old Monk Olive Oul.... ......25 23 ai'ôo for a short shot fromn hl'Sewarts Coff ee.........23 25rntotent 191, and 205-2.Coebhn Borden's Ces. .......... 23 25 Tea W L Pt.- frelssly utlefie,"4ale t tst was Ugolini with 619; ?4oran. 612: All American Foods............. 20 28>" HopelessIy Outciassed Barrett, 602: and Berol with 601. H>.drox Beverage........ .... 17 31 The German-A meriCan swimmners, Crosse & Blackwell............. 9 39 Wolff and Watt Hdwe...32 22 .593 K. 0F C. LEAGITE One of the flrst signs of spring the Shawnee club and were unable Tom Lynch Boosters .. ... .31 23 .57~4 Next Thursday night wiil finish in Wilmette each iear is the ta start mare than a hait dozen 'Quinlan Record Service. .29 25 .537' announcemnent 'by Mrs. Arthur J. ht.trogu hecns. Del Bonnem Tailons ..6 28 .8 the first hall af aur seasan To date DinafteWrw"Clb f Ohrsi hégax ofomr NMcDaniel CandCo . ..25 29 .463 there is a 14-game difference be- sOtthroui o the cayof est e Boulevard Druüg <......35 .35 2 jtenfrtaTd8hpaetas Wilmnette of the date of the an- __________________ nual petter Homes ehibit 'at the Big Ten water polo stars wham, WOMEN'S ' ~ ,Hicks Krier stili leads with 32 wrns,. îuh- Eckert has recruited in hopes af' Onc teN'S LEAGVE and J. Wittens decorators are a cuhos.bringing the Chicago Park Distr ,ict agan ocst an Streclose second with 31 wins.' titie ta the Wilmette club are: leads the league. Although. their op- There seems ta be some misunder- This yea.r the three-day exhibit,' Lawrence Davis, Evanston. i.nd ponents. Enicksan Deliver'. %w. e r e standing about aur handicap system, Tuesday. WÀednesday. and-ThursdayE:LLagJWifetbtho hadiapedbyte bsnc o oeand Harry Leis has 'asked al cap- as usual, will be held on 'March 7. &. whom were 'members af Joe Stein- of their bawlers. credit must be ' AiQ+h tlktoth f1ir tems nd fndand 9.' qc1- * seres. Kany orîticepmgUPbe a vote taken at the alleys next ta rnake an' early. bid for the space their gaad work of1 the past few ýZhursday night..teyprefer'othlcainbs Rideks.Marketwoh niv gamem H- Tickets were distributed toalal suited ta their exhibits. RndgseriMantUigFrncis al game bowlers last w*eek for aur dance. 'Mrs. Dixon ,vill have 'Miss Rebecca and'srie wntta raci Tacai Tuesday, January 17. These dances Fitch as her co-chairman, and 'Mrs. with games af 120, 144, a~nd 158- are held ta help raise mnoney ta Ernest H. Freemanas her chairman 422. -Hx.gh team game. Hi-Ridge dera epese w ill have mak- of club activities. 55L. 549. and 596-1696. iaorti oLnig ih Due ta an error last week Rosein autptaLsng Mch Each 'bowler is asked ta do his r 25 ihtemsnl ae Tascani as given the honr ofaIhigh share. Don' t let the other Iellow do Bngalow5 Tavh erri 2 sgeond hig gaine and high series which, shouldBuglwTvr,89seodhÉ have been given 'ta Mickey Roden- it alIL i teani single gamie: ýHugo&s Taverri. kirk. 'C hetamsadig t at ,r 786: high individual three gaines: Sadnsas follows: Susie Schoden.. 524: second high in- W.U 0 L , . 0 ~ ~ " Artillery ...... .........'24 18 :57 1 Gebhardts Chili Co. vs. Ah Aner- i Highland Park Bey.. . -.27 24 .626 741Topoe.......2 18 57 iaiodsBungalow Tavern ....... 25 26 .683 829 Iorest s........ 2 8 . ican FoodsMug's Tavern ....... 22 29 W60 786 Dsroyers............ 22 20' .524 Harold Bernsten, captain of the: g.esgjts Gurners .............. 22 20 .524 Bombers.............. 20 22 .476 J, J. Lipp Paper Ca. team has his Higah game for the week:' Isabel Engineers ,............ 14 28 .3 bowling schedule for his teàm set-up i;Braun,, 181. high teamn three gamês: Next Friday even «ing wili end the frt i uhafashion ,that if practice J îdleNu-Tvr.226:Scn ih section.' Second section starts the follow- iiie uch a Houhe gang. 2206 Seon igh g \,ýeek and al teamis will have a fresh mae prec h gn dwnatt team three games:, Bungalow TaV- stant towvands the second section prizes.1 the. University af Chicago. (Coni)elly also is a former winnet- af the Chi- cago River race). Lieut. Connelly i now stationed at Fort Sheridan. Edwin Wuerst, Main Townsh.ip.ý H.S. star of other days-.and one time. 50-yard state interscholastic cham- pion. is'starting his first seasan af polo with the Sh'awnee squad. Don Kimball of Kenilworth, after a y ear away from competitian. has rejoined' Eckert's aggregation 'for this winter's competition. Mr. and' Mrs. O. &, Corns. Jr.,. af New York. are visiting the senior Mr. and Mrs. 0. G. Corns, 1121 Chesnut avenue, until they decide upon a residence along the North Shore. Marshall Corns bas just. re-, turned f rom a. visit in Leesburg. Fia. ~' i