rederal Home Loan Banik of Chi- caomade the largest disbursement University Club ta rember savings. building and. loan associations in mlinois and Wis- .Onie of the interesting develap- consin since last June: The Decem- ments of the year has been the addi- ber. amo.unt. was $1,028,102.50 and tion and modernization program now brought the bariks total of advances under way at the University Club of fr the year . up o$,2.4. Evanston. The report on the regional:bank's The club building, which is located lending activities sent to the Federal] at the. North. West corner of }Hinman Board, in Washington shows a taper- :avenue and Church street, is one aio ing off during the year of the high the. finest examples of Colonial ar-, dem .and- for . bans which charactr chitecture ýon the North Shore and iz *d 1936 and. 193 7. Only twa i the club memnbers, while eager ,to months of, 1938 saw a la.rger volume craetebiinsefcecy of advances by the Chicago. bank1 are most desirous, of retaining the than the like mhonths of the previous original architectural beauty, of the year. These. wer .e May and June, structure. Rti aIag befare the uptrend, in business cont-!Wt hsi mte nae ditions which has been reflected in ihtsinmdhe'gad the investments in savings -and lban ithe, services of, Thomas- Tallmadge institutions. and lhas made it less ta plan the new addition ýand every- necessary .f or thern to supplemerit one is happy 'over the resubts. local. mortgage funds with money' The improvements include an ad- from he Hme Lan bnk. dition to the dinlng room, which wétWiW în about40'e cent to the bansoutsandng a th ban tatending over the rest oi the west $31,877,514.54, still several million side of the building and overlooking ,the tennlis courts; new space in the basement for additional billiardi tables, starage rooams and future re- fl tin rarnis.1 ceptRa Revamp Kitchen 1 There will also be a change in the, office arrangement on the first floor with additional cloak roomn facilities S e r v ic e1 and telephone space.' The kitchen is being enlarged and completely out- fitted with new 'equipm ent- of the *DAYI AND NIGI4T Iatest type. Completian is set fori arouxid the lOtit of February. TeIephone Nels Ilokanson of Hokanson & Wiinelka 4 0 Jenks, Lic. is chairmari of the build- ing committee and the other mem- bers are Earle Pre'ss of the Library Plaza, Charles Tippet and Samuel J. >NSTATIO ' ITwo nomnes to- Be Buit of the new portable C OVEN istration b'v PUBLIC SERVICE, STORE 1141 Central Aveue. WiImete ' PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY 0F NORTNERN ILLINOIS, On Glenc oe Properties IrTe first two building permi.ts is *western state inthte territory. Mr. and Mua. Collins and their two chil- dreri reside at 82 Greenleaf ave- Inue, Wilmette. They moved here Ifromn Columbus, Ohio in August; I1937. In Ohio Mr. Colins served as Jeastern Ohio representative for thé By Hierbert U. Nelson Executive vice president, NatioinaI Association of fReal Estate Boards Significant in the showijag made by private residential construction during the past year is the growing shrinkage in dollar volume as com- pared W'ith the. number of units. The D>epartrfleft of Commnerce-esti- mates that in 1938 we built somne 360,,000 units, as against only 327,000 in 1937. Bt while our numnber of units wa s thusý 10 per, cent greater than .that,:oi theprevious year, the dollar volume of ý this construction may fali below the. 1937 total: This: is a real. and striking mneasure of the degree. to which new building, is being directed. toward' serv ing lowjer levels. of incarne. There .i s every indication that the totals for 1939 will, show .even -more n-arked change in this direction. in numnber of residential Ufits aur current rate of building is approxi- rnately double that of - last. year at ~this t1ïne, accordirig to the index compiled monthly for the National Association of Real Estate boards. License Law Upheld A notable advancee'in state laws protecting the public against mis- representation or fraud. in real es- tate transactions has been the Cali- fornia provision, enacted in 1935 at the initiative of the California Real Estate association, which has pro- vided that before subdivision lots can be offered for sale certain facts wvitix respect to oxnership, area,-and the like, including a* true staternent aif the condition o.f the title to the land, particularly including all en- cumbrances upon it, must he filed Swith the real estate comrnîssioner, Swho is in charge of the licensing of real estate brokers and salesmen. The Commissioner, as part of his regular duties underý the real estate license law,*is given' the right to prohibit, sales if he finds anything Which constitutes misrepresenitatian or fraud. Hearing and review on the case is of course provided. Mac millan company for thirteen years. Hi&promotion to the position of general manager followed the re- cent death of J. N. Tankersley wlth Whom Mr. Collins had served as. assistant manager during the,, astý sixteen mrionths. MORTOGACES $3,000 fo$100.000 No Fee for Standard 1-Year Loans le/ for M4onthly Payment Loans ALLIANCE LIFE INSURANCE Co. AND OrHER INVESTrORS GEORGE'Y.. Patronize 'Our A dvertisers I FRE! DEMC OILD1 IVe Service, A Il Makes - -, --: -, -JL" ILI -