* Saturdav and -*unday. Speciai BRICK I I IFULL -QUART 35c. Phone wiImetie WILMETTE f JustCONFECTIONERY STOP IIURE For Compete and Better Service, ttotopics the interclenomlflatiofl group has thus far heard. The phase of artthat will be covered next Sun- day will be "'Art In Music" which is to be presented b.y Miss Betty June Collins of.2033 Çhestnut avenue, Wil- mrette. -Miss Collins has been a stu- dent of the^ piano for many years. The meeting w~ill begin at 6 o'clock in. the evening at the Theta Club Roomnsin the, lower floor of the Wil- mette MUethodist Church. 'Theta Upsil1on Rhov welcomnes an" yýouths of college age or nVer attend its m eetings.-' he added. Retuùrn to Their Homes After Visits in, Village Many nm-mbers of the Crum-lish familv% have returned to. their homes atrvisitin g thei r par ent. ..\r. and. Mrs. Daniel, Crumlish. 1011 Lînden. Y avenue. during the holidays. Paul Crumlish. his 'w:ife. and biby , Bill-, .ý,-ere hee zw Colurnbus, Ohic. j ~and Joe Çrumnlish and his wife fr o rn Philadeiphia. Dr. Mýarion Crumn- The wcinter season.brinqs uwîth it the danýger of garage ires. ias zwit- lish Reed \vas also here from- Pitts- ness this blaZe "caiight» with his candid 'cam-iera recently bu Rai ph W. burgh, Pa.. for Christmas. Mrs, *Morris of 112 Ni?îth street. Th e irniplied arin to car, ouwners is: "be Reed lost her husband. Dr. Charles *extra cautiolis. Wesley Reed. surgeon on the, staff _________ ____-of the Westinghouse Manufacturing r~rncomnpzny in Pititsburgh, last'Thanks- Car and Truck Collide giigda.Hsdet oloe n On Slpper Pavmentjuries received in a motor accident, while he w,.as stili convalescing frorn Ray DiVito of DesPlaines. driving pneumonîie. Burial took place in hic a truck west on Lake avenue Tues-~ ATTENTION. 30E VOTER.# boyhood homçe in Paris, Mo. day. morning,. was struck~ as he kEdtorWILMETTE LIFE. started to make a 'rIght turn into ITesvrlatce ypaigi BEV NIESR Hibbard road and then dec ided to Tesvrlatce perigi BEV NIESR keep on Lake avenue, by the car "Forum'* over the nom de plume'. Mîr. and Mrs. Arthur E. Kimbal of E. W. Sampson of Glen coe, going of Joe Voter. are to a degree. of in- of 233 Greenleaf avenue who cele-. south on Hibbard road. terest to every, citizen. but it doèsbrtdtertnyfit dig anniversary' Tuesday, Janua.ry 17, Mr. Sampson stated that he stop-'ntaperwhv the Ilonorable Joe wr upie wt, hwro tha t apbaitesuprsd ih th9ero ped, but Mr. DiVito claimed \t Vte has set out to ýbatte' Con- gifts and cards from friends, :neigh- the-SamssnmcarsfiddmdonhteiTenth District pf I bors, and relatives, the first part. road. The truck was towed t gr a .man1from th garage and te Samson.scrncesthat gentleman. bas iof ,this week. Monday evening, Illinois.slye i any of thir friends stopped in to lessrosydamaged. Neither consistently opposed -by hais ê'tein offer congratulations. Mr. and Mrs. driver would sign a complaint the Cong-ress. all of the isms s0 ve-!K against the other, because of the 'hemnently attacked in said articles.! a- u il b~1 ethTesd for aMilw akee slippery condition of the roads. If by- some 'rare trick of fate, the ad~î1b.teefra e as ______________________ - riter of said articles should. be! beauty shop 1200 Central Ave.-2nd Floor jan. z4 zo U --- N wsF.Lly sroI-n , - ___ _- No rating,. .Iland avenue, is., leaving . Friday of _____________next wee.k for a trip of several FOR MOTHERS' CLUB Mrs. T. A.' Hoth of 1204 Lake av- weeks in the East. She' will spend Mrs. A. L. Brevitz,. 823 Michigan enue left Tuesday for a stay of some time in New York and Phila- aývenue, Evanston, will entertain the several mnonths in Florida, whçre deiphia, and then will visit friends Alpha. Xi Delta Mothers', club at shé will be visiting her sister, who in Washington, D.C., and Wilmning- one o'clock luncheon and bridge on has a home near Sanford.j ton, Del. Fily January20