The telegram read -T'he TIlinoîs Leag!ue o)f Wc)rnen Voters urges':a yaru appoint as rnernbers of the House Comnmittee onMucpati5 le~ila,., h(-) are openninded on the subj-c_ af city mar.ager'' legisiatiorin" 1The .telegyrarn . w-as îs:gned by Ms.Bogert and Mrs rrank P, Hixcir. legisiative chaàir- m an Maurice SeyinQur1 George Swigart, Wilmette ViOlinist and :PhillUp Culkin, baritali4 the Chicago City Opera, comnpany, Witt give a Joint recital Monday e ning, February . 6, atý the Wirnntka Womaln'S cliub, ,lnder the direct of Rutheda L. Pretzell. Photo ~ o! r o Both artists arc ,vell known on tractive ,personaiity and unusually taught here and is on the faculties Of hrow ta) project sangs ta every type NwTrier High, schoôl, North Shoare . f audience, has placed him in the Ccuntryý Day schoal, and the Dush- front rank oc young American sine- kin schoa(l. He has apipeared in. a ers. During the recent Chicago. op- nurnber ()f concerts before North era seaso)n he was heard in sevýeral Sho.,re and *Chicago audiences. MNr. prraminent raies. and wartn ly Cuikin, ffarrrnerly arnernber of the commrended- hy the mnanagemnent quartet at the Winnetka Congregi- and by apera audiences. tironal church, received honors Iastis * August, when he *was guesýt sralaistWnsLft ras * for the last of the "Starlig5ht Sym- Mn. Sv,'igax's pjlaý-lng here and phonies". series in ti.e Wilmette an-- irn the East have brc)ught him signal rr.(,litiin .Tjacoues carda-n, for- . r *gan-Howartl Parent-Teacr as )ci- ation of the Wilrnette schro1s, anrI. his performance at that time was *.enthusiastically- cOmmended by a, large audienceý. Since his. appèýar- ance , at that time, and sirice. Mr. * Culkin's engagement as saloist in thc' amhithc-atre, both. artists hav.ce received numeroUs requests ta ap- pear in solo recitaI oni the IN -nrth Shore. It.was impossible for' themn to fulfili these. requests earlier, since Mr. Swigart the East during t he entire . sunimrer, tudjying with S w i;art. %v.'hc is l'ils rttpupuI. rHe invit ed Mn. Svi.gart Ito play a tpro- gram w.ith the Gordon String Quar- tet in the Eaýst last suMmmrbit at thje la sitminute, due ta. enîclUs ill- nes, r. Sigart v sforced Ita cancel thisý appearan -ce. Nojrthý musiJc loyers have been ayýare of the incréasing iartistry cof Mr.Sw- art. of his brlliant vicalinistic tech- nique.. and supreme ýmusicianship. Mrs-John B, chair- mnan '(-f the Illinois Leag lue of, Wrmen vrAtr.anones-a seriés c9fradio- programs under the auspices of, the Illinois lIeague +t!'Âed Gossi p and. Governynentf' anThursday morn- incs at 8:45 )ta 9 aver Étation-WMDJD 1130), The program on Ja.nuàry 15 concerns îtself -with Avenul, Ellen and Rùth'chattin'f about the matter of jury service. Teking eart in the, programn are 'Mrs.ý Marion P. Ellin and Mrs. Bertram Grinker of the Hvde Park League and M-Nrs. C. C ~Whittier of the Wodawn league. Dr. Rayrnand G. Connar and his ,mother. M,-rs. W. E.Connor, of 522 Greenleaf avenue are vaainn n. La-s Angeles. Dr.; Connor -ýill be home in aà few 'ýeeks, and his moth- er wl be in Californ.-ia fr iostf the winter. filealth 'News From Hendquarters Wfilmette He<dlth Cent er IL-.905Ridge RoaId CLINIÇ SCIIEDULE T'~Qd~y Janary24. 9 ite 12 Ho)'.'.rd schol de-nIt l inic: Di. 1. Bas, Ms.E. Stopka. R, N -Tup'day-ý. January 2-4. 1:30 ta 4 '30 .p. m. Central schaoL Gleicoe . dental clinic Dr. G. Chinnock, HIssflus- ton R.N. Wednesday. January 25. 9 tu12 ar.New Trier Hîgh scho-ol dental clinic. Dr. E. Christie, M rs.. I, A ..~M ;r. ~ £.c~ * ~ $M*s 8>' ~MA ~ * ;cor-, AvVUE. ~ :. NYB8ARD WooD~ ~7A7 e,.. GA~ ;TRCET i h~4I ~evt p#a'e~.'.- vp.~ ~ - r,,, ~ ~ E LDORADOo rcr t l' ix EI eSjU for Mr. çLx,.wJL Mr. Cuikini is h-e a r d regularly over the radio, through which me- diurn he has achieved much pop- ularity. Receritly he completed an extensive tour with the filmy, "Fare- w-eil to Armr."l He has been guest soloist vAh the Milwaukee and 'Tri- City Symnphony.'orchestras.. t way, and' one way oriiy, by whin1 ,btcu1LUti Congress van put an end to the evil.1 week inc luded it can provide that the employees Vivian Richie, of governmeflt, frorn top to bottom, the Junket F including the administrative person- Schultz of Gler nel of the relief. organization, be Gaunbill and placed unider the classified civil ser. of the National vice,' where ýthey wil be appointed Evanston, ýe Health Center lasti the followinig: iMiss home economist for >1 ks ; Mjs. Howard iview; Miss Eleanor Miss Adele Bovejer College of Educ ation, elevated between Cumiberland avenue, Kenilworth, and Willow r4xid,.Winnetka, where land evel is low, .antd depressed througli open cut between Willow., road and Harbor street, GlIeun c0oêe ,where sur face is hidher.