3 1for 39C 6for 75c 12,-for, $145 NATUESRYLFML WIl RECOMND TMAT' YOU, * AT 8ORDENS COUESE * aM d<~t4Y tC~i.(..C tiri serve YOM CIOICE 0F Mbateau, plam ir o r1V P". 2, 35c LIDERKRANZ rIre4e aea-he perlect 'e ' e c t y- CI.;reti e-ry 3doit, ev r.iand r-Pe, Eniov Gpce rde -AMrat LARGE SIZE y'.?table 'vilI hae test quality that 2 for 4 3c the r rri ci. ?r~tthe health and sct1Grade .A-Prine, Q-.a:t 17t here is n0 LARGE SZ ~zstt'J'± or ualty.2 for 4 c the. SavîngsofN'i,~ PeaW f' - lm .1 1; m'Cl Le SMALL EARLY JUNENo2Cn.* TINY SIFTED EARLY JUNE, .2 Cn EXTRA SIFTED EARLY J UNE, No. 2 Cam. FAsCY V. P. GOD NAI z.>-3 FOR 39c EXTRA STANIDARD REO R!PPE TOM ATOES ....NO2 3FO29C CHOCýCE NATUJRAL GREEN ASPARAGUS TL.3 75 FANCY CUT GREEN DEANS 140 a3F q43C R ..3 for 69C - 12 for 2.65 OLD MONK tGIANT RIPE OLIVES ......... 3 OLD MONK< MAM4MOTH QUEEN OLIVES . . . .. .c N.1 25c? SWEET t.IDGET .~ PICKLES ...... 13cSJA mADE IN MOLLANO P GOUDA CHEESE. 33c * were sure YoudI Eojoy Tt e at Treat el Pauli SchIgxe stit C..': Muait, 2ukers BUTTER MACARQONS Rih- bellcious 31 Unlqoe ln avor, lb.. ... ..31 Mdeof items on Sale Tkursdcy, Fr1 do y and Soaturdoy OnIy CAPONS -SQUAUS M- BROILERS TURKEYS. Fancy ncodhern, f resh dressed, 10 ta 14 Ibs. IL. 38C n DIR n <T - Prime ftender beef. 6th. and 7th ribs ........... ..lb. 33C LI