AàMy 6 bars 3'7e O ceans of Lather instantIy. tnAny -Watc.r flhI~ ~06Dbrs U(RIADW ATEU Catned".Seo,,Foods, SALMON0*oéa CHOICE SEA FLAYOR SHRIMPS NOWEGIAN SARDINES A RÉAL SE.A DEL TUilA FISH E>CRA FANCY CRABMEAI PUGET SOUND. OR9c Ail Items advertised each week are on sale Thurs-, day,.Friday and Saturday. and also on Monday and Tuesday, excepting> that Meat, Fish, Fresh Fruitsý and Vegetables, are week-, end, itemns,only due to the uncertaimty of Maàrket con- ditins.Complete .satis- faction gtuaranteed at al times. Canned Juices WELCH ' GRAPE JUICE,, FUlàl ZSàFO45c. SU NSWEET PRUNE JUICE >& UL CROSSE & BLACKWELL TOMM#4164I45c FANCY NATU RAZ FLAVOR PIN EAPPLE JIJICE ,eCN2 FOR 29c, TREE RIPENED APRICOT NECTAR C*N --3 FOR 29c VS COCKTAIL VEGETASIPE JWICE .1- -6F.. 67c UNSWEETENED TEXAS GRAPEFRUIT JUICE, 0- 3 0' 25c *CANE FO 17 FLAT cANs. FOR9 TOAST IHOLLYWOOD ..to- thoroughly enjoy its richnutm-like.,flavor IAKED FOR us DY MARY ANN DAKORIES, INC. I*anr OUSE COFFEE- "The Worlds Finest As an economy sugges. tion why not order thais 3-1b. Jar today. When emnptY the Jar itself Puis Innumerable uses. *e WRecommed1 1-b. glass Ja.r Vacuum packed I WUKR PIÇES ARiE 9F~U'I mli ON lTHEMARKETS EIST* Fresh Fruits and Vegetobles -on,4 lerThursdoy, Friday, and Saturd@y OnIy APPLES. Fancy cookng, for pie or sauce ....... 4 lbs. 23C I ORANGES, Finesi ýjuice inges, large size.... ........ 3 doz. ELFIN CRACK ER S Full lb.1 c L uperior salted cracker tha wil 420 ýLICACY ..... .. 2,.. 33c r _ GV-O"-2. 763c SALMON c^Ns2 49c Meiner Nous. 34lb. glass jar Steel cut or beau