Patronize OrAdrtsr For inejoyable Eloriaa vatalonm you caA t beat the superior accmfl- modations of KenilwOrth Lc-dge. Steam heat; elevator; deJi1cOug cuisine; pure sot drinking Water: select cilentele. privrate 18 bols golf course at door; rolue;. tennis;. boatIng; swinmiflg., Rates from 1, per day Iper person. Amnerican1 plen. Writi for PoLder «.Cà LeoY DuMfeld, Manager " - -S ter carniva1 at uarletrin cc) itee. FebruarY 9. 10 and Il. Miakir!g plans. to turn the casyXpus into) a wvinter spojrt arena ii.;th sr'.iing aýnd skating ~omptitOn, il inds of entertain- m-ent. and an elabrate ice, show Rco.bert Carter.. LaGrange, chairnar. of the cormite One o-f +he he-sb-chairrnlas- Carter i§-Dexter.Sharp, Win- nek. h s in, charge . of d ompectiti,*e events. Other Illinr)is rnernbers o)f the general com.rittee areJ'a m es Andersbn . .Wilne'tte: Ed- ward E%-ànstrn: and Betty, Ann Johnsojn. Highland Park. PLAY, tT BELOIT, Jo)hn Lingle and Ro)bert Anderson. bo-th oif Wilmette. traveled toj Beloijt last week-end, to represent Lav:rence college ait Saturd,-y g-,ames. Lingile lis a rnerber-)of the freshmatn bas- jketball teaim and Ande-rson a rmcmr- ber of the swimmiflg teain. The Cunrard white Star Lïn~er Lancstra."according to) Watling- ton &C½yesiclcal a gents for the Furnessz:-Be-rmU-a LUne, haS been cha;rtere-d for ei'ght v kyvoyages from new cSk t rrmUca-a!llof 'hern. %v.Mlh (,ne exception. sailinlg intoS. George S1 Harboir. during Mýarch. Apri1, and M.ýay. Thezse cruises wlifacilitate handi- ing ,he hea%-% Easter t raffric toi the I1rd.The Lancas'ra shd uic villbe: Arrives an~d sa'Is March 20., ar- rives and, sails. March 25: arrives ..>arch 30 and S a 11S March 31 « ar- r ivý.-es à n d si pi arrives April 17 aid ail Ap:l 9: rrives April 2:7 and s'ails zApril 26: arrivesMaI e2 ad 1s'ails MApri2.6Thearil 10 -y-1 age (.niy viii be mnade to Haffiiltofl. Witb the dec-nlng r.J the harbor of St, Geo-rge 2 and , he aù5nenied shî ~ev~c, i isexpecteci that the num- 'b (Lr f vstosto--the. Islands xiibec ratinrasdthis year. hIn fret, prepratins arc ein rradEý for larger cro;,ýý.cs and foirecasts are that there xii be a,, least 90,000 torîtstov:îtBermuda drîgthe frivate 75cnoois JBy Marjorie «.Ncleafl Lear,% Among the privâate schools. ,hick!-, scattered over the entire co)untryý. able to'take care of every nieed that wlill be required of themn,.no mat- ter how special the dernand. As instances of t his fact, the&r e are eight o .r texi private prepara- ý tory schools fori boys ,which in clude courses in aero(ýnauties i n their curriculum. iThey are, for the rnost part., miii- tary s c h oý o iý s. i.Nariorie Leiary There a ir e ailso Bermie Pýý,i non-miiitary schools which include, courses in military and naval tan apg. :11ere are îaso rnany prepara- tory schools which inclua co)urs;es in agriculture. There are just a few schools of' horticuljture in the coun- trv that.are not coinnected with coi-. lÉges or universities. 0f these ne is a boarding school for women only. - amed to Advertising - Staff of Syllabus Miss Janîce Eckert, 520( Lakeý ave-, - nue~ and Richard Wernecke, .1236 the mocre uncommon. ones and theyý iniaethe degree to 1 which private school heads are aw~are of sp)ecial demaànds and individual. needs. 11H ni OT 1J us e Bay.. yeauui' ~ '~~7 ~ .40ouor readlars by appointmrn id at Iu ty) bligation. The dulies of the advertising Staff will include a canvas of merchants in Evanston. and Chicago wýhich wilI Serve on Commnittees begin in ebruary an.d continue' For Fresv thrôugh -March. The Sylla bus, a Frenmall aD c book of Missiael 00P9eý Jane Keller, daughter of M.Nr. contain.s a 36-page advertisilg -sec-nd rsJaeS.Kle,17Ln r.JmsSKle,17Lý Both Mjiss Eckert and -Mr. Wer- den avenue, and Jack Chronic, son necke are sophomforeS in the coilege f AMr. and Mrs. G. E. Ch'ronic, 521 of ibra ats t oth-,ý, str . Miss xtsrebohfWimtsrv t~ ~~ of-braUats- No -wefl. ùhstee, btho WCmhisev jOrleans. February 17 and homne three çlays. later. U them. Â'in York on F ing sixtY-1 Continent: s o Ci! ,nt -stops, Il returfl ini New reaching