-seatLing 'J.uu pejonswas filued to capacity. long before the prograrn started, and huindreds were turped aWaY. According to Walter E., Botthof, who presidled at the meeting, Father Flana gan's talk wa s one of the, most absorbing ever presel-ee& before th'e club. Revealing ,Boys* Town plans1 for the new year, facts which Father Flanagan.did not mention publicl'y. Mr., Botthof ,said: "Boys' Town noxv accommodates 200 boys and last year it was ne-; cessary to turn, away, 1,300 boys be- cause of inadlequate facilities in thei city.-of little, niôn. Plans. Building fro'gram -Fathcr Flanagan t olid me he plans a.-$1,000,00 «building program which ho hopes to, get under way' lthis Spring ' with the help of the Amnerican people. The program con- templates the erection of enough do.rinitorzLes t0 acncomate ,5201t more boys. When this lias been 'acconplished., a new chapel will .be bult hich is 1() be large exnough for 411l the mcumbere- of ail races and ..(rccds." * Oeraioncosts of the little' corn- rrunity. said Mr. Botthof, riun be- t.wefl $150.000 and $175,000 a year- ail through the voluntary contribu- tions of Boys' Town supporters from c-very state in the union. It was uxplained that. following the release r_ Heres aMOT munher for OLDwinter daYS Flanagan simply , had to nod his head and funds were immnediately forthcom ing. This erronéous im pression lias proved a hardship for the project. * Annoùncemnent was mnade that for the convenience of those. who ..w ish thelp Father Flanagan wit h is, great work, contributions, large and smnall, mnay be sent to Walter L. Botthof, 333 N. Michigan avenuie. *Chicago. Christian Science texÏbook,--"Science I and Health with Key. to the Scrip- tures," by Mary Baker Eddy: " 'This if life eterna],' says Jesus,-is, not shall be; and then. le defines ever- lasting life as. a present knowledge of _his Father, and of himiself,-the T AK E it out on a clear, erisp day when the frost nips throughi the sunshine and there's tingle in the air! Put it up against a long pull-a brief, brisk dash-a twisting, winding trail! We want to show you how mueh fun winter could be-if only you had a FOLEY 1601 Sheridan Road springing has already ironed it out. You'fl look out over the wide horizon -and know winter's -beauties better through windows that let you see! You'Ill start when you warit to start, stop when you want to stop. You'Il have a car that's new, and fit, and SALES Wilmettel DI. - - -'i