For her book review to. be given Mrs. Louis LaMair will be the at the n ext meeting of the East End first hostes s for the 1939 series of circ1e of the First Congregatioala parties ta be given for the benefit church Monday afterflaon, Mrs. Lou' af the building fund af St. Francis is Sherman af Evanstan has selected Xavier church. This affair will be for discussion, "ReMember. the a salad bridge ta be held aet Mrs., End,' by. Agnes Turnibull., LaMa ir's ýhame at 303 Greernleaf ave-, The eetng iIll aepct nue., Wilmette, at .1 a'clock on Wed- the homfe ofMrs. Garrett Jahnstofl, nsa atroflJantsarY 25. 220 Maple avenue, at 12:30 'cIaçk. Flaig rfehels hr will be cards with a prize for each Theprogram will be at 2.talndmrahepie. Assisting as hastesses will be Mrs., Mrs.. Clemnent - erghôff, Mrs. G. D- Upson, Mrs. F. G. Watsan, George Boughtan,' Mrs. John, Cook, and Ms. G. L. Minr Mrs. Ward. Hartke, Mrs. Frank Kaye,, Mrs, Charles ýMacFerrafi, Mrs. Ernest, Mundee, ýMrs. Joseph Stedem,' Mrs. Henry Wickert, and Mrs. Clarence Wieland will ass i st Lunhen 2,1s.LaMair. 'Resratiofs may be Bon Voyage Lnhè Guests of bonor at a luncheon made by cal iÀ n g a n y of these e4ven at Shawnee Country, club on hosteSSes. end af the month Amnerica. e sail- avenue~, %Wff l ' Osiessto* th r er a1 trip bers of her bridge club at luncheali Thursday of this week. Chinese S creens Backgrounld for Her Wedding 1ý)U Bois-The Drake With anheirlOOm lace vil falling over her velvet gbwfl, Miss Eleaflar 1Janneyl, daughter of Mrs. CrneliuLy inde of Winnetka,. was marrted December 29, to Walter Miles Harvey, Jr. 'Her only attenzdants were her, sister, Mrs. John M. Adams of Manhasset, L. I., and Mrs. Adams' daughter, Joan. Mr, and Mrs. Harvey/ are making their homte in New York follow- ing their wecdfing trip. MrCullen is the son of the Cullens o! Wihinette. *on. play t the eveniflg. are now bat home, in C 34 e longea