d It4v Child Aid Ni leeds of Child W.If are in Illnos Explained, by .Chairmnan of State Departflleflt.forLeagjue. Mns. Florence Fifer Eohrer spokeb e f'o r e the, Kenilworth, * Leagueof Wornen Voters on;"h Needs -of Child Welf are. in i- oÎ,on Thursday, JariuarY: 12, at the Kenilworth club. Mrs. Boh- rer has been actiýve in. the. league *for >a long period, serviflg on both.- the ,national and. state boards., She was representatîve in the.. State Legisiature for eight'years. owse is state chairmian of the departmlent Of goverfrl n child welfare f or the league. Frmthis backgrounld of wide exc- penience fldkn ineIllinois, tes. of child welfare itenIl in, rs. Bohrer gave anineeYitre- ing and informative talk. She drew atntint h venlapping of Nwel- fare agencieS in tesae h League Of WMe0n-n Voters reco-- mends a county board in each coun- ty be responsi-ble for àppoiflting per- sonnel in the different branches of welfare administration to make for a more. unified service.. . ply gdequate aid> tO the Zzu il dren rece.jving such aid. It is nec- éssary. Mr,. Bohrer said. to pro- vide a langer fund in- order to re- ceae he 2;00,00fund granted bY thie fhe$algrinmt unden the Socil ScuntY ct for. aid to de- pendent' childrefl in Illinois. In 1931, Illinois passed an act t provide aid to crippled children, the speaker explained. To this service £pi,11 a overflment no\v con- Mrs. Robert Warren, 240 Kenil- WuOrt Il avenue, is seiving the Keu- itworth Leàgue o é OtllVtes as presidlent. This is the first vearY she bias held that office. ',S. S. KenUlworth" to- Make Maideri Voyage 1The S. S. Kenlilw,ýorthi, will b launched by the Kenilwonth clui Nv c -i.HriLztirne Friday eveniný sItuu.y c -- 10 o'vlock in the morning at ber home, 1714 Forest avenue, for the new inembers of the Wilmnette League of Womnef Voters who wish to acquairit themnselves with the pro- gramn of the organization. Monday mornijfg, January 23, -at 9:3 o'lok thesecond study group, meeting of the governmnent and child .welfare. depatrmeflt %vjllbe held at the1 home of. Mrs. C.. S.,Coates,, 1730 washin.gtOfl avenue. Rteports will be given. by, Mrs.. Rye on "Purposes Of the Detention Homne"; by Mrs. C. E, Nelson on "IADay in thý Juvenile Cour"; and Mrs.- M. L. Miller on "Detenition."* Présent at the first. meeting .01 this group . on Monday, were Mrs. Fred Merrif ield,- Mrs. C. W. .Reily Mrs. H4arry Adler, Mrs. C. E. Nel son, Mrs. John Gall, Mrs. Williaft B. Cobb, and Mrs. M . L. Miller. On Monday, J'anuary 30, a trip t( the juveniré court- at Ogden avenu, andRQoos.cl road,. C h i c a g o, a 12:30 o'clock will take the pla c the regular weekly study gnou meeting at MUrs. Coates' home.,'Th group will meet at the court ý 12:30. Sinice the number will be lin ited to twenty, those ,,vho expeêt 1 make the trip may send reservý tions to Mrs. Coates. b., If Po on?g for sl)?fllJ utimes And ouldsail tie saitlJ brinèS. There ii be thjat at7iiosphiere ,At our oLwn inýock Kenhiluorti Pier'. Corn11e attired as fits Vouir mood And Vellguarafltee good food. Cocktail liostesseès look tOwGrd Our Appetiziflg sirnorgatsbôrd, There wil be a ternptiflg plate proviblg yal are mot too late. The ship's -stewardesses- are Jack Zanden, Hazel Paiden and Betty Peterson. the purser is Vir- charge 0f, eprogram. Gives Program Chrisfian Princples of Social Justice Wii1 Be Subiect of Talk by Bril- liant Speaker Sister Vincent Ferre r, teacher of economnics and political science at Rosary côllege and a womnaf considered a brilliant speaker and thinker, -will lbe presented to miembers of the Worman.'s Cath-, olic'Club of Wilmette at the timne 1of theý next regular meeting Fri- day afternoofl. Jariua 117y 27. at2 o'clock. *Sister. Ferrer, whose, appea rance -at the club has been, arranged by Mrs. George Steele, of the. Catholic action departmient of the club, is a Smemnber of the. staff,,of the National e Institute of Industry at Washingtonl, it D. C., is vice-president of. the Cath- )foi Associationl for Internationial PPeace, and is a gradu'atè of the ke University of Wisconisifl. Rer grodu- ate wýork was completed a or nDame and the Catholic University tuof .Washington. "-'Christian Priniciples, of Social. Justice,"* is the topfic upon which she will speak. * The club is eager to hav e a large representation of memnbers to hear Sisten' Ferrer, whose talk will be le one of the major events of thé club ni n esrou 0 .aiu u' . ~ at the Thrift shop this month inas- much as proceeds .from the January sales will be given to the Sanctuary commnittee for new linens to fit the new altans for the new St. Francis Xavier, church., The response to * rs. Oelerich's appeal. for clothing and articles has been so generous that now even more customenS are* neéeded. This week a special sale s underway, and opportunity is af: fodd.those with limited budgets *The Bey. Arthur James Elhiott 01 824- Ashland avenue arrived homn Tuesday from Nashville, where h( had been for. about a week. Reading Circle Hostess f The Reading circle will meet with e Mrs. Henry B. Gates, 913 Washing- e ton street, Evanston, Monday, Jan-, uary 23, at .I o'clock. the church house ati1 avenue, Evanstbf. uary 25, "Angry ID ýrd hall, ming Uç Chicago "Autobioi and "On )urney," byScudder.,