deep-sea. diver, inventor, and at the Navy pier, this spring. authority on big game hunting In cooperation with the Kenilworth bee chsenbyHome and Garden club they will and fishing, has be hsnb arrange an exhibit of the World's the committee in charge to speak Fair period, 1885~ to 1893, entitled at, the Men's Night program of ',The Feeling of Aldine Square," a the oegbr f Kenilworth. street in old Chicago. The Kenil- Just once a year are husbands worth* Homne and Garden club Will invte tomet Wthclu mm-direct plans for the house which is a part.of the exhibit, and the Kenil- bers, and this timne the date chosen:worth Junior Garden.*cfub will plan isWednesday ev'eniflg,. January and provide the entrance gýarden to 25,- af 8 oclock, at the Kenil- the house. wvorth -Assembly hall. Assistinig >Mrs., John Leimert. on the exhibition committee -is Mrs.ý nis believed> by the program Allan Bulley. Mrs. Herbert Lucas chairman, Mrs. Vernon Beebe, that, CapainCrag wll ppel righilyis' in charge of a flower arrange- bot bthetied cnwhowat t Iment of the period .1885 to 1893, b-ôt iôthetird mn wo wnt, towhich the Ken ilworth Junior Garden sto tiningat5:0 ad e n-club will enter in the show also. tertainied frm then on, 'and to thoseî aswell who want stimulation and somiething. to thinik about. "-Danger is My Business" is 'the T rva is-u iitle under which Captai.n Craig wille bring accounts and descriptions of -ihe very exciting thtrrgswvhich ýgo Pi4Yê$ tfl- ClUicago Io make Up his life. For he is en- Announcement is made by the gaged in the most dangerous. and North Shore Better Film council of miost thrilling business in the worid. a recently selected committee, head-' Only thirty-three, he. is the man ed by Mrs. H. G. Van Winkle and ùpon whom. big moving-picture pro- Mrs. R. E. Dahlstrom, to preview ducers cail when they want such first-run pictures in Chicago the- jungle or submarinie scenes _,as a atres each week in cooperation with hung-ry and wounded tigèr charging, the Better Filn Council of Chicago- ani octopus on the bottom of the land. Fromthe reports of the North ocean seizing prey with its deadly Shore couneil and similar preview- tentaeles, a m-an-eating shark rush- ing committees of other arels the mng a diver,. or killers of the jungle final .ratings of these picturtus ar e January S'ale of of the Atlantic and the Pacific oceans. He has recently returned from a summer on the Span ish Main, with new thrill pictures to add Io his very unusual collection. These new moving-pictures are the only ones ever made over, on, or under, the dreadeci Silver Shoals, grave- yard of treasure-laden Spanish gal- leon!ý. The. Crâig-Nohl diving-suit, which partment of Irnette. lub 'of Head of Trustees Board To Address Vassar Club A special meeting of the North Shore Vassar club will be hel d on Fridav. .anuary 27,. at the home of mie of Mrs. planning of refreshments., Ka.tweenuLarn The third book-review which the Iviewer, - with E club is to enjoy will be held at the Jbook to be m. ouncen later. o! nerj 7 West Madison St., Corner St Chicàgo'a Oldeat, r, Cen. 4179 BPri Furs,