Weddng ~ ven er, t1,ilman-1aroii vv «ecicincj We d'ngLa enOnly members of the immrediate P,.,,,, ~families wýere present last Saturday .Purle nd ik afternoon at 5 o'clockwe Ms Lavedel' p rpieand inkRalpb Heilman of Evanston and Bar- LA-Vnder ý prpleand inknett.-Faroli, forr Winnetkan, were were the colons chosen by Miss. m-arried ,at. the- bride's home. Alter Ruth Týilden for the costumes Of a short %,jddingtnip, Mn. and Mrs. the maidý and -mYatroný of, honôr. Faroll will be at home in Chicago. * the flowe grl 'and the brides- Mrs. 'FarolwAas the widow, of Dean Ralp.h E. -Heilman. Mr. Faroîl is the mais wo attnde br Mn-senior member of Faroli anidFarol day evening athér, manniage tÔ Brothers.. Grain, InvestmnentS and, RobetMitchell Nelson. Stocks tvith, offices ini many citi es Ail seven of the attendants car-- in tbe United States. ried muffs of pink carnations, and ailwore tiny bâts of purple feathers., heid to their heads wfth lavender velvet bands. Their goumls were En"dt eMre màade alike. with veny full. long. nae oB are skirts, that of the, flower girl. the Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas J.- Miller, bride's cousin, Philippa Garcia. j1921 Binchwood .avenue, Wilmette. being a bit briefer than those Of annotunce the engagemient Of thein the other attendants. She wvone la- daughter. Vivian. to William. ,J'. vender taffeta, as didt the matron of Burke, son of Joseph Bunke, of the hônorMY . Rbet dwin Eilish Soutinoor hotel in Chicago.Te (Haniet Tilden) of Glencoe, and the \-eddin, wilj r -b bl' t, ke e~k naid of onor, Miss Anne Tilde". net all.1 p y of Evanstori. Purpie taffeta fash- ioned the goums of the four brides- - maids. Miss Mary Warner of Win- netka, Mrs. Winn Çanfield of Lake Mrid Forest, and Miss Mary Lou Arnold.. and the bridegroomT's sister, Miss N.r. aiid Mrs. Jacob Estu s Rep- Donothy Nelson, oh Evanston. logic of 910 Oak street. Winnetka, The bride's own goumi was of annoutce the marniagýe on Saturdav white velvet, made with a shirred..of their daughter Elizabeth Jane. to hod.iac, a long skirt witfr a longer Rudolph Johnson of Chicago. Phot b:Bernic At a part y given in their homne on January 14. Mr. and Mrs. John MV. Steiffens. 1611 Washingtonl ave- nue. .Wilmette announced thie en- gagement of their daughter. Lor- etta, to Harry A. Pearson, son of- Mr. and Mrs Charles Pea.rsolz 0f Chica~go., TPe date o 'f the twed- ding has not -been set. Of Marcel Kneip Miss Harriet Bredow wore a priricess wedding gown -of ivory satin ýwith modified leg o' mutton sleeves and soft folds ,of satin gathered at the V. neck., when. she was, married last SaturdaY mnorninig at ýSt.. Athanasius church 40o Marcel P. Knieip, son of ',Mr. and Mrs. .joseph Kneip, 1714 Was hington>.avenue,, Wilmnette. FProm :her tiara of white chiffon, caugh.t at the back, of the, head wlih a crown of orange blossorns, tella fingertip veil of ivory tulle. She carried a bouquet of white, roses *and white carnations. Miss Margie Jans, of Evanston. mnaid of honor, carri 1ed Pernet roses, and wore a princess dress of tur- quoise chiffon with shirred bolero. ~A shoulder-lengtll veil fell fromn her small turquois e halo hat. The bridesmaids, Miss Betty Handier of Chicago, Miss Georgene Krispin of Evanston, and Miss Marjorie Kneip of Wilmette, were dressed lîke the maid of honor in fuchsia chiffon, and their flowers were large arn: bouquets of Johanna H11l roses. John Kneîp of Wilmette was his brother's best man, and the ushers, were Clçirence Krause and William Johnson of Wilmette, and Jerome lace handkerchief that ber n-other. Mrs. AvenUl Tilden, carried at her own wedding. The bride*i veil of Belgian lace, arranged mantiUla Iashion, was the -something bor- rowved."- Belong.Utg to Mrs. Raw- leigh Warner of Winnetka. it had been loaned two years earlier ta the bride's sister. Mrs. Engiish. The bric4egroom, son of the Char- les H. Nelsons of Evanston, former- 1- -f t-nilworth, haci bis brother. *Mrs. tDelan0 C. Letts of -à1ilMac- lean avenue, Kenilworth, ,.%illgo East in February to spend the mhonth with hex daugbter Carol,- who is a studerit at Vassar college., Fia. ,,f lastweek 10 vacation ±i BrideéivW February of Kaitsais CitY.o. anQtiflÇe vie forth.xeli11g Marriag-e of their daM ghter, Virginia. ta Ra y Sref- fens, sort of Mr., and Mrs. John M. Steffensu of 1611, Washingtonl ave- rite, Wilynette. The u-eddIxg IQ LC yak-e lace .Febr-uartl 14. At a luncheonl given S-aturdiaV a the 'Williami R. Whitaker home. 305 Grove street.. Glencoe announcernent ma rade of the engagement of Mr- and Lrs. Whitaker's daughter, Jean. Frances. to Lawrence Pierron. Thie wedding, is planned for A-pril. iMiss Whitaker attended St. M.\ary of the Woods and graduated fromi North- wvestern universitY. She is a mem- ber. of Alpha Phi soror.ity. Her fi- ance. w-ho is living at .Shawn-tee Coun- ti-y club. is the s_n of Mr- and Mrs. held at the home of the enair n the ways and mneans commi 'Mrs. James Leaton;ý in Wilnr The event takes place the ev( ohf ebruan-18 and sweet peas. Mrs. Kneip was. in violet crepe with brown. acces- sories, and a corsage of tea r-oses and lavender sweet peas. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Joseph Byrne, followed by': a weédding breakfast for the bridai party and families at the Georgian,. hotel in Evanston. In the evening, a receptiQfl was held at 1415 Sher- man aveniue, Evanston. 1Mr., Kneip and bis bride are post- menit ofthvnit- claughter, Marie, tw fOtis S. CGooeh, Jr., sont of Mrs, Otis S. Gooch of Wilmette. The wedding Nvîll be hii Ap»ril, and Mr. Gooch 9 and bis biiIeý will live in Villa Parik.