Cjarlos Photo Mrs. Smnith William Store y, worth, is firat vice-presic1ent. and ways and mean~s chairman of the Mary Cr a ne Nursery league, whiclt will hold' the third of a seres of book reviews an~d te<zs on. Jonuary 20, at the home of Mr's. Burt J. Denman, 21 Linden avenue, Witmette. nae of Alpha Phi Friday of titis week._ Tracing* the intricate his-. tories of the various political parties that have been of importance in the lifeof this country,, and contrasting themh to the systems common In various countries abroad, Dr. De-, Long. will go far in clarifying theý issues of. today for those' who are in >his audience upon tiis.,octasion. The lunhcheoh meeting is being held at the home>1 of Miss, Marie Stevenson, who is opening her home at 273Colfax stréet,1 Evanston, for the affair. ýShe will be assisted by the day's luncheon committee, the chairman of which is Mrs. Sherman Charles of Evanston,. .he committee includes' Mrs. Budd Corbus, Mrs.. John Balch, Mrs. Murray Hines, Mrs. 0. F. Long, Mrs. R. P. Brook- by, Mrs. John Dawson, Mrs. Samuel Lingle, Mrs? Raymond Wieboldt, Mrs. Ira Westbrook, Mrs. Esther, Lewis, aU' of Evanston, and Mrs. Warren Fifer- of Wilmette. Mrs. Douglas Seator, program chairman of the alumnae ,group, will present the speaker. Mrs. James Ware Barton of Evans ton, president of the as§'ociation, will -conduet a brief business meeting. Mr. J ohnson is a puil f Lo ner cher,, Chicago City Opera company star who sang for the club twc months ago. On Saturday, at 2 o'clock, a. new, study. group in art appreciation will meet. Each mhonth a. prominent; artist 'will lead a discussion upon some particular painter or period of, art,.and members are asked forisug- gestions as to 'the subjects to be> studied. The travel group is to meet in the club lounge at il1:30 Wednesday: morninig, January .25, and ýat i- o'clock luncheon wilI be served with Mrs. Melville Herskovitz as guest of honor.. She addres.ses the group an hour later, telling of a primitive tribè in Central Mfrica, and bringing some of the native songs. Site and her husband, professor of antitropol- ogy at_ Nortbhwestern uniîversîty, have carried on extensive research in Central Africa and in the Carib- bean region, studying the ancestor.s of the North American Indians. -,Book Reviews ai Denman Home Aids Mary Crane A major event ini the Schedulë of Carlos Photo One of the patronesses mfost active in the support of the wok of the Friends of Lake Bluff Orphanage is Mrs. Arthur Ander- sen, 44 Locust road, Winnetka. This group of women is nov> furnishing plans for its annual dessert bridge 'part y, book review, and style show on Wednesday, -March 1, at the Country Club, of Evanston. held Monctay, J anuary 23, at thie home of Mrs. Thomas White, 310 Richmondi road, Kenilworth. Mrs. Porter Fox, Mrs. N. Chase.' Flint, Mrs. William Buttner, Mrs.- Clayton flunham, Mrs. Albright*, Bray, Mrs. E. Sawyer Smith, Mrs,. Kelly Davie, Mrs. Elmer Becker, - lis to benefit the work of the jeague. The January board meeting of thte Thtis next program, will be at the Friends of Lake Bluff Orpitanage home of Mrs. Burt J. Denman, 21 will b e held Monday, January 23P at tinden avenue, Wilmette, Friday, the home of Mrs. Wilford Lahman,, January 20, at 2:45 o'clock. The 729 Maclean avenue, Kenilworth. event is open to aniyone interested. The business to be discussed will Tea will be served'at 2:45' o'clock-0 consist for the most part of plans and the review will follow. for the annual dessert bridge party, Mrs. Smith ýWilliam Storey, first book review, and fashion show which vice-president, and ways and means will be held at the Country Club of chairman for Mary Crane Nursery Evanston on Wednesday, Mareit 1, league, has asked the followmng under the sponsorship of this group women tô assist at tea: Mrs. Frank **nf - YT1.. 4.. nf.. TL. l The Evanston Junior, league, Wéd- riesday of this wleek, lIauîîched a series of four art lectures iwhich are open to members and te, anyone else interested. Three of the talks are given at Il in-the morning, pre- ceded by coffee atý 10: 15 o'clock, in the Orrington hotel ballroom. 'The next lecture in the series oc- qurs Wednesday, February 1, when Lucy Driscoil will speak on "Chinese Art and Painting." February 15, also Wednesday morning, Annri »rk of cliapter gup trhe 9 hi house o meeting ridge. the memi- e at North' Fulton is May 3. westerni uni- to give her ceting. 40 bers