Arden Shore Board Mrs. John Eugene Davis of Glencoe was elected president of the, Arden Shore association at the. annual luncheon meeting. Tuesday of last.week at the.Chi- caoAthletic association. Other newly elected officers are, Mrs.: Walter Straub of Winnetka, first vice-president; Mrs. James A.. Cathcart of. Lake' Forest, second. v ice-president; Mrs. Herbert S. Nock of E v an s t o n. outgoing- presidnt, third vice-president;- Mrs. Roy R. Marquardt of Wilmette, recording secretary;, Mrs. Roy E. Bard of Winnetka, :treasurer; Mrs. Mark D. Rtector of Gljenc.oe, corresponding secretary. Village chairmen,« are: Mrs.. George Traver, Chica go; Mrs. G. H. Chamberlaille, Evanston, Mrs. Er- nest 1H. Trean, 'Wilmette-,Ms Leon T. Ells, Kenilworth; Mrs. Thaddeus R. Bensofi, Winnetka; *Mrs. Robert J. Watt, Glencoe; Mrs. Charles Bates, Ravinia' Mrs. Sam- uelI H. Bingham, Highland Park; Mrs. Thomas Conn9rs, Lake Forest; Mrs. John Walbridge, Lake Forest. Committee chairmen of the asso- *ciation are Mrs. William E., Cassel- berry, camp;. Mrs. Straub, finance; 0f Garden TaIks The Wilmette Garden club an- nounces that the Garden Club of Illinois *will present a series of three. lectures by Annette .Heyt Flanders at the, Palmer House in Chicago at:,10 o'clock- on theý mornings, of January 30 and 3 1, and at 2 o'clock the aàfternoéon of Ja nuary 30. Mrs. Flanders, 'a weill known. la nd- scape architect from New York and a ýmember of the Americàn' Society of Landscape Architecets, will speak on ."Landscaping 'of Small Proper. tieÉ."'. The lectures will comprise a 'shor t course i n landscapinzg, and' 411l e fgra help in developing a, garden, ne matter what'size. The subi ect usually covers a six- day course, but Mrs. Flanders has been asked to condense it to three l4ectures~, sa that liose ýwlto attenrd wifl flot have to spend s0 many days ini Chicago. It is probably the rnost extensive study program - the club has ever been able to of- fer its membership. Mrs. Flanders is best known :in Chicago for the artistic green and, white garden staged in front of the Good Housekeeping house. at the Century of Progress. This was de,, Gregory, nonorar.y prsicien,an the reports of Miss Anna Belle Fer- rier, director of the summer antd winter camps, were highlights of the afternoon. In. tellng 'of interesting news concerning the camp Miss* Ferrier announced that the -mar- ried boys" 'former w iter campers, had formed'an Arden Shore club, and annually are to give a bail, the ,proceeds from which will be givén to the fund for a new building. the winter, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mitchiell Nelson (Ruth T rden) are now cruising 'off the Florida coastaboarci the -yacht of the bride's uncle, Fred A. P oor. A white velvet gow.n and Belgian lace veil we're worn by the bride, and she carried ;an old-fashioned oblong bouquet of lilies of the valley and white sweet peczs and carnations. She is a daughter of the At'erill, Tildens of Winnetka, andthe bride groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Nelson of Evanston. Next tons for iuiicneon are w o e sent, to the garden club headquarters, 312 Palmer House, in care of Mrs. J. -Cameron Aspley, by Friday, Jan- -uary 27. The club hopes for a large atten- dance, for the lecture room will. beý donated without charge, if sufficient, luncheon reservations are recej*ved. of Gùïld Iverai wels mette