of humor into the afternoon -at thè himomitenxely, Mrs. J.we~ Ithis'L wa ere the Youngst of thé "Lily samne time that the ticket fee spelled 1Rober MClure, Mrs. George M. Ponses and Carusos of the future," funds for the renovation .of the Sand- Christophel r. retH.Fe-to appear on the programn, to quote wich shop in the basement, manMs. David P. Moreton, Mrs. Mrs. Frank Kaye, fine arts chair- A "ent o huor, ws te oyLieslieA. Fitz, Mrs. C. Warren Coz- man. George, in natty sailor-suit, requirement of. those who entered zes>n is eec Fitch, who adVriiwt wierbo "the Ballyhoo" d e p a r tm e'n t,, as devised, the tree-show an( carriedbodaoubetgtltte urs tree-show roomn was labeled. Long out its details.- made instant appeal..to their audi- tale hldthseamzig res- With the note of *fun sounded a ence.ý Two.,olderchildreni Mario Del trees that were, witb two exceptiontebeginning 0fthe eovton Besaoanlttarj.ore atrie, i winter branches, with" strange nd' bridge,, the afternoon conitinued: thesog alttemrmtu, also rare fruits, planted irn coffee cans accent of i.nformalit.Tbepzs found favor with. their hearers as Thsetresdi nt epesntjutWer oswt acsu ub n1they gave, their several groups with .sincereý earnestness. Women ini an the growth. and developrnent o! the major prizes were supplied by adeearunilny nrstecl someseed, but >stood.for eacëh mem- th omte ihte idea that, il in seeing wbat childr en can do and ber of the bYoard o! directors.of the they wère not liked, they could be club,, the work .o! each departmnrt given -to the White Elephanit booth ar 1d g in the field'of art *in any and committee head and the officers for the Better Homes' Exhibit . for mThese four boys and girls are Th atuensso te isto- JT.B. pupils of Sister. Rose Marie. Their The.astuenés- of thevisior-accompanist was Virginia- Parr. A guests viewing the exhibition was bit of the dramatie was brought to taxed. the last group f ongs. The poise First camne-the Lighthouse tree, its : àhlj lband .ease with which the children tail trunk bearing a single fruit, a A ahlccu performed was most creditable. star Iight-bulb, for Mrs. Frank R. The review of a book, which, one Seven groups of selections were Adams, president; The Ask'er plant infers when hearing its brif ot- presented, rangin fro Guno was, for' Mrs. Raym'on W. iiêtt, bie~, fiusf 1!orm a tapestry rich in Liszt, Brahmns, Tschaikowsky, Schu.- chairman of rentais; The Pan-tree, ifigures of world-wide interest in the bert, to Gershwin, and on to com- with its mnany vegetables, carrots 1h is tory of stage and literature, a posers of children's, music. radishes, and others, was for the tapestry bright.colored with the at- The yellow of acacia and the hue social chairman, Mrs. Virgîl Wes- mosphere and development of the of W ard roses with harmonizing yel- cott; The Family tree, with the nieenh century, and then songs low candies accented the ecru lace narnes of ber own children, repre- as tey carne from boy and girl clotb on the tea table attractively sened rs.Licoi C.Torey hoe Ppis tra ined in music at Mun se with twoa cornucopias. holding and education. chairrman; a tiny1delein college, constituteci the pro- the flowers on a mirror witb acacia evergreen stood in place for- Mrs. gram for the most recent meeting o! trailing its edge.-J.T.B. Harvey A. Bush, Junior advisor. _____R UU A Mrs. Henry W. Drucker, civis chairman, the WPA tree was ar- ranged, with its heterogeneous fruit; the money plant with its bag of -"gold coins,"~ was for Mrs. Frank H. Crawford, treasurer; the X-tree, %Vith its -news flashes," signified Mrs. Evan Leslie Ells, Bulletin~ chairman; the empty can. with the last leaf of autumn nearby4 was the "Gone With the Wind,," tree for the literature chair.man. Mrs. Kenneth on Mrs. George S Hend. on's- bouse and grounds com- ee, and the Cas'n- Carry tree, STARTUNG"JANUARY 26TH NATIONALLy ADVERTSEDF..,l BRAUCHYS SLI 1506 Sherman Ave. Evc meet "%Page,,.Boy'~ flWe perfect .Maternity UMBER SHOP *Reg. U. S. Pat. Off. cnstoa University 2820 EDGAR A. STEVENS.I mc.