Atiticipate Dinner Dance at Shawnee Saturday night. -January U1, promises to .be a lonjg-ren.-ien- bered event, for-the Penn H-all alumnae of Chicago as.their. club. plans to. have. its first formnai party, a dinner dance, at Shawnee Country club in Wilmette. Most of the plans, for. the event have been 1f1orrned over Valentine. gifts which the girls are Making for the, children of familles stationed at Fort Sheridan'. The- Penn, Hall Alumnae ofý Chi-_ cago was :organized as- an active club in March 1938, at the home of Miss MarjorIe Beebe of. Kenilwrorth, later elected recording secretary, with Miss Betty Kettlety, president; Miss Phyllis Swenson, treasur- er; ~Miss Jane M-Clin±tilý publicity chairman; and Miss Jean William- son, vice-president and social chair- man, present. It has since been necessary for Miss Williamson to give Up her office as she is studying interior decoration in New York City this winter. The club is growing rapidly, wbich can be understood considering the large Penn Hall Alumnae group in, Chicago and its suburbs. -- Thomnpson, miss Marribelle Bryant. Miss Swenson, Miss Mary Jane Dib- ble; from Chicago, Miss Mcçlintick; from Waukegan, Miss Janice Day. Among those planning to, attend the dance from- the North Shore are, Miss Beebe, Miss Virginia Alfin of Winnetka, and from Glencoe, Miss' Alice Albright, Miss Mariolle Peter- son, Miss Jane Ward, a nd Miss Margaret Taylor. Miss Eloise Chtase whose eni- gagement was announced recent- ly' by her mother, Mrs. Frank D. Chase of Evanston, will be- corne the bride of Jack K. Heit- mani, soni of Mrs. Fred P. Heit- mani, 212 Greenileaf avemie. Wil- ?nette, on April 15. The Wheel and Distaff. group of Fort Dearborn chapter of Daughters of the American Revolution wil m eet at the home of Mrs.. E. W. Wlliamson, 2027 Orrington avenue. Evanston, Monday, January 23, at 10: 30 o'clock in the morning. Lunch.- eon will be served at noon. Assistinga Mrs. Williamson. as co- hosi esses will be Mrs. J o h n S. Strong, Mrs. John A. Reitzel. Mrs. Merritt C. Bragdon, Mrs. S. S. Sou- le, and Mrs. Warren S. Williams. Mrs. Margaret Loeffler. 133 North Central avenue, Chicago. \iIl be chairman for .the annual card party of, the Chicago assembly, Catholic Daughters of Amnerica. Wednesday evenipg, April.25, in. club roomns and. 16 of, the P almer flouse. Pro- ceeds'from the. party will be given to- the philanthropy fund. of the. Chi- cago assembly. Ass isting. Mrs. Loeffler in the ar.- rangemnents, are Mrs., C. O'Neal. treasurer;. Mrs. . R. Maloney. chair-_ n-ian of prizes;, Miss Irene.St. Aubin. chairmnan of table,.prizes and games:î Miss Delores, Co yle. c hairman 'of tickets and* patrons. Mrs. Lenore Z. Meder, natioial counselor., Miss Elizab'eth M. O'Brien. .state regent, Miss Helen Haynes, state secretary, Miss Flor- ence Michelson, State Junior Chair- mnan. Mrs. Catherine Co-stelýlo. Miss Mýary Costello. Mrs. La t Weber, and Mrs. Veronica Mahon. will re- ceivé- Miss Marie F. Scànlan, 5107 Wash- ington boulevard, Chicago, is presi- dent of the Chicago assembly. Poem Pubtished Miss Doris Jean Hargis.é of Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. 1420 Washingtonl avenue,. M in ca Missý t ion s H-argis nas w': befote. Loods Cot.illion: School for Grls A series of four lectures for the benefit of Park Ridge School foi- Girls 'NIl, be inauguratied Febru-, ay15, with Clifton Utley-,the, speaker talking. on foreign aiffairs and h'loldin-g'disc'ussion period af- ter, the lectuüres. The Evânston Woman's club will bethe locale1 for the series, which ,Will -bc held Wedne .sday, evenings. February 1.5, 22. March 1, and 8. Members of the Senior board are. Mrs. Ge .orge Olmsted. Mrs. 0.J Buck, Mrs. WilliamC. Gilbert, of Evanston.: Mrs. Melvin Hawley and Mrs. Charles' Ware' of Ketiilworth: Mrs. ýWalter L. Cherry of Winnetka: Mrs. George -W. Kibby ai-d Mrs. Burt J. Dênman of Wilrrette; Mrs". Mason Phelps of Lake Forest; Mrs. Chauncey Lamb of Hinsdale: and, Mirs. Francis Park~er of Highland Park. Members of the, Junior boardfo Park Ridge school are MUrs. Law- rence Denman and Mrs.. Beresford' Beck of Wilmette; Mrs. RaJ1ph An- gel'l, Mrs. Walter Glass, and Mrs, Wallace. Mackenzie of *Winnetkpa Mrs. Hugh Bridegrooi, Mrs. John rPatterson, and Mrs. Chester Goltra, of Evanston. The Junior. boar met Tuiesday- afternoon, January 9, at the Dený- mnan home in Wilmette to discuss 1plans for the lecture series. Movies Are Program for Parish Dinner Jan. 23 Motion pictures. from. the private collection oTGe5ýorge E. Getz, Jr., of Wilmette will be shown Monday night, January 23, at the annuatil parish dinner and meeting of the Church of the Holy Comforter at Shawnee Country club. Dinner wilI hb servecl at 7 o'elock, fnllowed by. For paria Hall lBoard . iL. &ct,' ".u A board meeting of the Dana Hall Dr. Evans. did his gi Alumnae association will be held at Harvard an'd at Oxf( Friday afternofn, January, 20, at was, a Rhodes sehola' 2:30 o'clock at the home of Miss writer and lecturer an florothy Somers, 1519 Hinman ave- present year he is the nue,,, vanstofl. Nor-th Shore Writer's met the day evenrngd. a rnember of1 is aiU club., Severals ing. planni Iv.. uea ýcialty nuiT for enterta 44 sare, ient.