banquet on Sunday evening, January 29, will b e presided over by William Dil Dufour, well known authority on Zeppelin covers. Speakers wiIl in- clude Robert Fellers, superinten- dent, -Division of Stamps, Post Of- fice Department, Washington, D.C., and Ernest J. Kreutgén. Chicago Postrmaster. Committees assigned the duty of arranging the exhibition a nd banquet are announced as follows: Exhibition-chairman, Efenry 1La- frentz, retiring president of North Shore ýPhiatelic society. Bourse- Edward Benson. Wil-î miette;' Paul B. Zaring,- Chicago. Entertainrnent-William J. Ryan.j Chicago. Banquet-Williarn B. Mlilis, Chica- !U. & U. Photo Dr.: Samuwel D. . Harknegs, mînî- ster of the- Winnetka Congrega- tionalchurch, wliU give the prin- c'ii al adrp.qg nt a dinnepr to h go. . given by the -board of directors Reception-Richard R. Maehler,. Reimer Bloese, William D.. Dufour, o h eta ....clee ,Chica go, Saturday eveing, Janut- Edrnund F. Hoskin. Jr. B. F. Knau- ary 21, at the Midday club. er. Phil M. McNear. Membership-Pil I M. McNear. T 'ner1 bi¶ghtô i- Publicty-Richaid R. Maehler, Tediie sbiggvnfrfcl Edw.ard Benson. Paul B. Zaring-. ty members and administrative of- ficers of the college. Dr. Harkness is TO LAVE N CRISE a member of the board of directors. Mr. and Mrs. Merritt H. Dement, o)f 337 Abbottsford road, Kenilworth, IWMr s. John Whitcomb Hollovray ,vill be ieaving next week for New ',(Jane Dement), of Evanston, will York, to sail from there January 27, occupy the Dement home during on the Kungsholm for the West In- their absence, The Dements will be dies and South Am.erica. MNr. and, away until .thé middle of February. Featuring BILL LYTTON* AND- MISLSAND The Casino will be open1 to. the public for dancing- on Salturday., Jan.uary 2T., and at other dates to be announced. Admission: Couple $1 Tax Da-ncing 8:30 - 12:30, SHQWER CURAINSand BATHROOM>,RUOS Reduced for -Clearance!1 Both cornie in an assortment of good standard. colors. This is really a wonderful opportunity'to fix Up your bathroom at important savings. CURTAINS Values Up to $9 Priced from $1 to $4.50 RUGS Values Up to $16 Priced from $1.95 to $9.50 s! rs4 Buy Now-In thé SEMIANNUAL SALE FrtFloor T HE BLUE PARROT 1551 SHERMAN A VENUE E VANSTON. ILLINOIS jo-