BITS LIGET STANDARD At 5:20 p. m.. Fridlay, John Zinm, mer. 185 Prairie avenue, driviflg west on -Oakwood* avenue at a iow rate of .speed, .attempitcd to turn iito Park, avenue and, lost control of his car. which.flunged over' thé curb and struck a street light staù dard. VISITING IHEgE' fiterlag Mrs. Raymond Chambers and her * two-and one-haif rnonth olId ,son, iriorsRaymond. Jr., are here from their borne in' Campbell,- Mo.. spending a month with: Mlrs. Chamnbers'. moth- >' ý e. Mrs. E. V. Holding of 309 Seven-, en Bay*lRd. teenth street,' Mrs. Chambers. '.. the formier Vera Holding. DAY AND NIGI4T Telephone do ( Winnek 4 0 i ce, estirnateH -will be paiîd oLLtttauring the int.w yVear to' buis of' 15,000prsn who wiIl go t> the hospital duriing the 12 iwuths i members of the Plitn. Two thouszad, -two htmdred alnd flfty of the case's Wl11 be tonsillec- tomies, 1,650 appendices wilI be re- moved and'the Plan wiIl bc foster father t<) 1,500 babies for which thcy w ill pay the hospital bis for. the pcriod of, the nothesconfi nemnent Vand thecare -of the newborn chiid. Building permits for two new resi- dences were issued in Wilmette dur- ing the past week. One was taken out by P. W. Olmern for improve. mhents at 1047 Pawnee road, costing $14;000, and the other by W. C. Ott, for :a,$10,500 residence, at, 124 Eîmn W(od avenue. The Olmnem house Wil be mwo stories and of brick veneer iconstruc- tion. It will ýcomrp rise seven roomns and an attached two-car garage. Wide Variety of Ailtuents William, M. Settberg,, of!'Des- Rcspiratory infectionswill account Plaines, is: the: architect, and. A. P. for 900 cases and fractures.for 600. Swanson and associates, also of Des- The other .8,000 cases will be spread Plaijnes is the. contracting firm. over a- wide variety of ailiments. Philip .D. West, of Chica'go. is the Some will;be so rare and, u-larchitect for the Otto residence, known that only a single case will:i'Whieh will also be two stories. and be' recorded during the year, Mr.-,'of brick veneer construction. Itl wi Addleman said. -comprise six- roomns. The Walter "The estimate is made on the. bas- Norris company, o! Chicago, is theý is o! our experience for 1938," he contractixig firm. said, "and on the assumptiorn thatý we will contnuee o 'growath WIÂIat ha hsprvald p o c o a 1 companies, mnanufacturers, samerat tht hs pevaledup overmental agencies, schools, un.- now. Actually our rate of growth gvr versities, and~ scores ()f other c1asc,- will be much faster than it has been1 ifications. and we will, therefore, probabiy hos, pitalize more cases than are esti-i Invite Mo0re Groups mated here." Groups can be formed in firis 'of Pay Out $260,O00âny size. Membership ini the Plan entities subscribers to twenty-one *To date Plan for Hospital Care fopeehsia evc has given service to 6,480 members. days of opeehsia evc They have used more than 43,000,including bed and board, operat1in,, days o! service, for which 'the PlanroaeteiX.a, aoatr 1-- -A - 41p, a a" and pathological services. niedica- Paid an Savings Federally Insu red for. Sa/et y Upt 0. 00 WiE PAY YOU $3050 ANNUALLY mIe .4r.vouig d.1ea . luliUUU year with a rnembership of only Evanston and Si.'ranc 1is hospitals, 31,000. It has today more than 1,000 1 t grops ormd n bsinss inusti-are participating in the Plan, wýhose grous fomedin bsinss, ndu headquarters are mn the Merchandise ai and civie organizations. Mi These groups include insurance .eompan ies, law firms, newspapers. deartment stores, ou companies, HAR.E W YRKLEDE ____________________- "AnEscpeinto Lîfe- is the sub- jeet on which Dr. Paul. Scherer, j . jLutheran leader from- New York, will address the Chicago Sunday Evening club in Orchestra hall, Jan- a ~uary 22, ai 8 o'cloc.k. The Rev. Wal-' Il Cartered and Supervised under the United States Governme,.: 155 WI.$ 'u.TeI.pbone WII.ffte 1623 C. IC. SNYDER, Inc. 1743 Sheman Ave. Ore. 7141 [rs. Robert Eby of Woodbine, ra, arrived Sund.ay for a it h her mother,. Mrs. George IE. ineil, and lier sister, Mrs. C. W. gory of 911 Elmwood avenlue. . Penneli spends the winter.with' . Gregory. Hove Your OId Furnlure'Recovered 4fld mande ttook like rnew pieces *4 w cosie~ E Uphoi .Infe 562 Gree HEATING SERVICEI CO. We Service A Il Maires' av Vary