-pafleled lijuî ary wirn woci ..rni fireplace. Lge. scr. pch. overlking. beaut. garden. Ideal recrleation rm;, Oi lit. 2 car gar. Steet.01 SUARS REAL ESTATE.. 421 Richmonld Road Kenilworth 5288 147LTN37-ltc F ieturesqueCountry Home 2w Acres Rolling', Wooded, a streamn and a lovely Southemn Colonial.Hoâme', built 1929 9, rms. 3, bas. Rec. rm. Oil H.W. hit. with B&G, in estate area near Barring- ton. Owner, wants- offer, mîght trade .$37.500. Cal Mr.1. Serrin for * this and others.- THE BILLS REALTY, Inc. 510 Davis, St. «,Wil. 3740 Gre. 1166. 147LTN37-ltc SPEAKS FOR ITSELF- 590 SOUTH AVE., <;LENCOE. BEAUTI. fui grounds-ideal location-the homne *itself delightftll. Comfort is but one of the features. English brick, 5. bedrnis., 4'b. sun brkfst., and scrned., pehes. Oil. 2 car. Se SEARS REAL ESTATE EXCLUSIVE AGENTS 421 Richmnond Road Kenllworth 5288 147LTN37-I1tc $16,500 BRICK COLONIAL East qide, wooded lot. 4 familv bedrms.. tule bths.. 2 mds. rms., & bath. Suni &slpg. pches.. 01ai . Pricc fori- 1 inediate sale. MILTON E. REID &Cô. 156 Green Bayv road. Wiiln. 1492. ________ _____147LTN37ltp ONAFAMILY HOME ONAQIJET, EXCLUSIVE STREET, yet only a feu, llocks to the station, we offer a' distinctive. charming home on large, wooded grounds. 6 bodroomis, 3ý2 baths. friendly library, bulle r's pani- try, 2 porches. Ini imrnaculate condition. $31.500-See and miake offer. Might rènt, QUINLAN &TYSON, Imc. 584 Lincoln Ave. Winn. 177' 147LTN37-ItC *WHITE COLONIAL 6 BEDROOMS, 4ý BATH-S, 2 PORCHES. dressing room, library.. 2-car att. gar. Auto. heat. Exclusive section. A beauti- fuI modern home complete in every de- lail for less than $30,000. Caîus VlT) A T17FT nT ri A iT mu i 147*LTN28-tf Onr REDUCED AGAIN1 Oirhas slashed for quick.-,aie his 4 bedrm., 2 bath house, near New1 Trier ,high school. Cal us at once >ta - inspect. You mwon't believe,,us when.%%-e tell you the price. Befow $10.000._ ELMER E. STULTS, INCý. VNN. 1800 147LTN37-ltc $55 PER MONTH WILL CARRY THIS 6 ROOM WRITE 1'2 story. home, on beaut. ,%oodeci corner in, Wi*nretka. For sale at $7500 i. stove.- Electrolux refrig. and venietian blinds. FRANKLIN REALTY,, EVANSTON- UNI. 7777 147LTN37 ltc IUT TO $1,500 FR. Sl6ý000 MY CHAI NlG-7 RM. COL- onial. Moving out of town. Lge. mas- ter. bedrin. Bokrm., overlkg.. garderi. Tall oak trees. Excel. Winn. location.; Cail my agt., Wlmette- 730. 147LTN3,-ltc MUST BE SOLD BY MARCH 1ST. MY 10 roomn house in Fox Lake, 111. Has 40 ft. lake frontage., is 241 ft. deep.' Cost $7000 whun bought, wl sacrifice for $2500. Write ta Air Port Tavern, West La'ke ava., Glen Vtew, or Phôntie 41en View 626. 147LTN37-Itp FOR SALE OR TRADE: Co)mplt:-te modernhorne' on one of a chain of lakes in central Florida. Al electrie; furnished; excellent condition. Illustrated brochure.' Box 305, Winter, Haven, Florida. 147LTN36-4t[pi WýILMETTE SPECIAL BARGAINS. 6 r. home btemen -L" and steain. Was $14,500, o $9,000. 50 ft. lot lielr scilool"; and transporta- Wmn. 144. l.LTN37-Itc 150 WANTED TO BY-HOUS HAVE $5000. CASH FORZ EQUITY IN 6 room' hbouse. North Evanston, Wil- mette, Kenuilworth, from oiwner. Not. over $11,000. State price, age of house anïld. location. -I ain not a broker. Address Wilmet.te Life B-il, box 60, Wilïnette, IliI. 1SOTN37ltp 151 FOR SALE-VACANT Fôr.Sale on. Tower Road Ranch with hoUse compleýýtely furnished for. sale for six thousand. dollars or niight exehange for Winnetka property. Write to the- owfieîiMrs. Frank R. Fuller, Lakeside, California. 159A-LTN37-2tC 161 WTD. TO BUY-BÙS. PROPERTY COUNTRY, ESTATE THE FARM HOUSE ON PFINGSTEN ROAD Built to endure--with hewn oak 'beams, heavy wide oak floors, massive stone' chimney, thatched root, 7 roomns, oïl air conditioned heat, 2. baths, fully insulated. A dîfferent country home with 5 acres of, land. for $16, 500. -Ready > for occupancy about April. lst. WYATT & COONS 1026 MAUKEGAN ROAD GLENVIEW 7 We have a1 -7.00xl7. Pure 011 Sta 173V WILL SELL. CHEAP., THOR'MANGLE, Easy washng rmachine. snmare drumn with stand and-.fibre case. Also solar lamp. Call Wînnetka 2932. 173LTN37-ltc PAIR BiOY'S JOHNItSON SKATECS, SXZE, 10 ' Boy's maroon and grey sport coat, size..16. Raincoat, size 14. BaniJo. Bed, spring and mattress. Mirror. WiI. 1436. 173LTN37-ltp 174, wTD. To U-IC LA OU JUNK DEALER, GOLDMAN NORTHFIELD ACRES, PAYS . HIGHEST PRICES FOR IUH. ROLLING ESTATE . SITE 0F périodicalà, papers, boo, forty acres, for the. horse-lover or furniture, rags. gentleman farmer, adjoinmng a' North CALWI.546orWL 4 Shore' golf course to close estate at 7LN6t $175.ff0 per acre.. BOOKS Believe it or not, this is a bargain! WE WILL BUY YOUR BOOKCS. ALSO LEWIS T DODDSprivate librarles. Willeall. LEWI T. ODDSWimette 3214. WI!NETXA 1111 f 162TN7-tc Jk Dealer Phil Schuman 171 FOR SALE-HOUSEI4OLD GOOPS Wil buy furniture, bath tubs. LOST LEASE. GREAT REDUCTIONS: (Id iron, washing machines, any kid Victorian carpets,. Garden furnituru. of junk; pay best prices. Wilmette 744. Fir.anklin stove, brie a brac, Chinese 174LTN36-2tp. rugs. Open. weekdays a nd Sundays. Bos ouh ,Eadis Rug Shop, 29 E. Ohio st-, Chicago. BookKN -1SOugh 2nd fi. 171LTN37-Itp ALKNS-SO CASH - WRITE 13_______________SET,__________SUITE, Mandick, 2430 Warner. Chi. Will caîl. 4 PchaiBErstae, tdiNoTTE U ITE, . 174LTN37-Ite 4 cair, tble sudi coch,11x2 ANTED FOR CASH-LATE MODEL oriental rug. Cal after 5:30 p.ni., or Capehart hngahrdocmia ail day Sun. at 1120 Central, Wilniette. t __________________combina ý9nr fi at. 171LTN371itp tion. Phone Wlmtte 2830. 174LT37ltp FOR S~ALE-Ti 1BLErS Y JD UA 11IJl-'J pllonograph cou-bination. Call*Donel OBrien, Winn. 394 betvveen 6:30 and il P.111. 171LTN37-ltp DARK GREEN STUDIO COUCH, IN excellent condition. Ilardly used, Slip' covers încludied. Reasonable * Phone XVu1- mette. 4931.i .7LtN37-ltp THREE PIECE BEDROOM' SUITE. Dresser, chifferobe and bed with Sïi- inons mnattress. Reasonable. Wlmnette 1648. . 171LTN37-ltp 1l PIECE WALNUT BEDROOM SET; Dépa rtmEnt of the, Village of Wlmfette, Illinois, and that said exam ination.,Will commirence on the 2th day of February. A. D. 1939, at the hour. of 9:00 o'clock A. M., at the Village Hall. Wilmette, Illinois, ir. the Council Chambers. Ail applicants cesirîng to take sald, e3xamination shalfile their applications with the Commn-ission at the office of the Commnission, Village Hall. Wlmette. Ill 1inois. on or before five o'clock, P. M., on the 10th çlay of. February, 1939. Application blanks may be obtained at the office of the Commission, at the Village Hall, Wilmette. Illinois, or .from 147LTN37ltc N.E. - $10,500 Tax es NWSQUTHZA.ST WINNETKA, owner NWY DECORATrD SIX ROOMS AND an ofi den. br. nk. ciI ht.j 2-car gar. Near NU 3chools, lake and trans. Conv. terms. OT Calilfor' atpt. o.p ?RANKLIN REALTY, EVANSON 1W$ UNI. 7777 1713-t SH-ORE WOODED LOT 9 x166, . . vate lane, nearlake. Priced very ' D(0 per foot..' WANTED1 ,L & STONE, Ph. Winn. 1544. tic r4g, 151iLTN37.ltO .Kenilworth Av..