TeSerion- 'One flundred TeJnir-xi - o h Eas Years Ago- ....... Hebrews 11:816 TeJno uiayo hEas Postlude-Postlude............. Smart ton Mary club, will meet Frlday of. this week at thé home of Miss Carol A century ago a* group of 665 Lutheran and Miss Margaret Casgrain, 1308 emnigrants from Saxony sailed'for Amer- al vne vnfn ica. prompted by the same deeire for pîaenEvst. religlous -liberty that had brought the At that time Mrs. George.L. Bol- Pilgrim Fathers to New England two, ebce-peiet il"gv é centuries previously.. They settled inbahrpesdn, il ie1 e and near St. Louis,:Today., after'a cen- port, of the annual meýeting of the ur.the -Syniod. of wýhich .they were. the senior board of the Maryelubhl 'fathers and founders," numbers one mhillion three. hundred thousand sou1l . ina fti ekat. theChicago Sunday the first of a numbe r of centen: Womani's -club., niiservices wil be' held, in which the Athem tigoteJrr u- chief historical. events connected with Atteme1go h uirax the Saxon Erigration" will:be related. iliar-Y plans, wîll be discussed,, and MEETNGSnew mnembers will be *itoduced; Linen circle, today, with Mrs. HuldaMisBty al, rsRchd ek Lindstrom, 1534 Wilmette avenue.an Mis aroLegalofE n- Martha Guild, today, 3 p.m.; Bible ton. The auxiliary's proetfrhs study, 4:00; business'seesion, 5:00;. su:. year, the redecoratmng of the cluùb, per., 6:00; openhouse, 8:00.wl'b akdoe n ln o Sunday school staff,' Friday, 8 p.m. wl etle vr n ln o Children's Christian educatio)n classes.. spring benefit outlined. Saturday, 9:30 a.m.: Wednesday, 4'p.rn.__________ St. ugusine' Mr :SON BORN S. Aubert Caneton and Mrs. James Nelson-K(elly. DrV. HubeIr t rertn, rcurat Tann ¶mce#the b1lth ora -son,'James Chadler Serlngcurte Nelson, riamed for his father, on Foui-th Sunday After Epiphanyý, January 15, at the Evanston hospital 8 AM. - Holy Communion Mrs. KCelly, the former Helen Lynch, 9:45 A.M. - Church school Il A.M. - Morning Prayer-Sermon is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 7 P.M. - Young People's meeting Bernard W. Lynch of 135 Melrose Today (Thursday) the annual meeting K ,, Ihve woreth. Mr. ta ed mes %%Il] be held ini.'the Parish House ai 8 Klyhv eetybitanwhm P.M., at which time there will be election in Kenilworth Gardens. m- w maflu a NffWn#W A fine economy value 2 ,2CANS 2.3c, m TOMATO JUICE AMIERICAN HOMIE, Pure Juice, rich liatural ...ror ... l3f-oz. can NATIONAL MIJLI EvaPeroted -Unsv#..*...d covéleli..... 4tan ins 22c AMERICN HOME - AMERICAN 1 2-07 pkg. 12< SOÙPS except Chîcken, Muslwoom or Tomato Caaupb.li' -Z Ol*oz. cons i SAMERICAN HOME FANCY àliumIwUt 3 28-oz. cons 25C AMEAICAN HOME SFIVE FRUIT MUSSELMAN'S Apphsau.. 320-oz. cons 15< UNS WEETNED RAPEFRUIT JuIod . e 2. 18-oz. cons 13c AMERIAN HOME IN TOMATO SAUCE ~.~*4 l-oz. cons Uc National (itrus Sale PLORIDA JUICY Idaho Russet ototoos 1iObs.23c New,,Cabbo.e rm 2 bs. Se TOXaS SplnaCh Facy Fn.U.ai b. 5c Colry&nmhw,&,, * 2bu-n,.sI5c ýCUCUub.rS Faney Hot Houe2 fo23U, 1105-07 Ce.ntral Ave., WiImeli'e Telephone Wilmel'fe 386 we've tried to tnake this a kind of a store you like one where you'Il be proud té do your shopping . .. you'I1 hardly recognize its new "spi ck-n.span"9 appearance and you'Il be 'pleasantly surprised at the 'atmosphere of TO EAT m op, XG 0