5 SOILER$ STOKERS Over 40 years .1of itinuous service should convilace yon of the. hitk standard of service wee render. Winnefka 265 8 40 Cenler Street III PAUL 1..GATHERCOAL COMPANY .Awntng-4 and Unelhan 2i3 FOR WINDOW BEAUTY AND UTILITY 3SSPANISH CT. Members of the National Canvas Goods Manufacturing Assn. contactr. ow-a careless snke-omoe ei- ever, there are in_._unn s o m e features rigaret ona which thé hoffe coùch or, uphol- builder' should: stered chair- k no w, featwesfo out, of the that will' assure 620,000 fîtes him permanence, - G. 8teIJe i choe cUnited* soundness and ainteUte minimum otlupkeep.. He should be States in 1937,I familiar with the functions of the a. total of 96,000 framework and certain ..fundamen- were cauedy 1als relating. to ma terial and con- caréless smok- structi'on Mfatures. ers. int Il it is 't The qualities of 'soundness, com-casdba- fort and lasting satisfaction' in a caelss sok B G.Ebra home rest in the structural, frame- ert t h e n e xt orthe ske1e4ton of the building.. most likel y' cause, is 'a defective Regardless of budgetary limitations, chimney or flue-84,600 of those 620, - there should be no skimping on the 00 fires stemmed from that cause. structural parts of the house. Re- f inem nts nd coniveniences ma. 0 f the de! initely knowvn causes, added later, but the soundness and spairks onl roof -camé'ihird, -beitng permanence of the entire structure, responsible for 55,000 fires. Defec- dpedupon correct construction of tive electric wiring was fourth, as, the frame and th.e use of quality .45,000 fires originated from this materaL .source. Defective or overheated heaersstated33,000 flreà. Corn- ScietifiallyMaflfactred bustible fluids Osed~ for dry dlean- Lumber is the material most 'wide- ing and starting fires) caused 24,800 ly used in' home construction.. To- Ifires (and also many deaths). Care- day qualîty lumber is scientifically .ls s fmtce crd2,0 manufactured; seas'oring is better;' andchiuenofpmatinhewithmatch,0 grading is more exact;' and uni, 17nd00. ighten ping ws reatpons fcrritv of size 'las' been 'well es- , .000 no~'. Lgnngws po nsibl closely, or know _,ow to determine its adaptability to the use intended. As an example: In floor joists, the important factors are proper season- *mig to prevent shrinkage of the lum- ber after it is in place; uniform ýizes to provide alevel floor, thus.. eliminating the poor practice of fshimrning joists; 'stiffness, to pre- Ivent sagging and springing of the from tnese statistes is:becae fui with lighted cigarets and cigars;, make sure that your chimneys and flues are in a safe condition; exam- ine extension cords from time to time and~ replace when they show' signs of wear; treat combustible, fluids with the same respect you'd show for dynamite and keep matches in safe containers out of the reach of children. The "Ho me" of Home Financing 1564 Sherman Ave., Evanston Un Wilmette 2486 RogersPark1 'I III mai A ia. . 1 0 , 1, IiJL-U