Possibilities for an addition to a house are shown in the photo graph above, taken Jrom the rear of the Joseph C. Cormack residence, 743 Bluff street, Glencoe, showir&gnew annex to eight-roombrick home.> The rear trcuehas recrecétion réoom, librarY, bedroom, and bath. Jules 'Urbain was the architect. Free Catalog Helps you to Hold Your: Own HmeShow try's.leading: architects and building. conitractors who recognize the.. dis- tinct; contribution of this volumne to the buildinig field. tirmé'd to Stren*Éthen. Prospective home builders will be -7-' interested in knowing that, they are eLcneL w eligible to receive a complimentary 3tateLcn aw copy of the la test edition of Home! Owners' Catalogs. - This big, valu-' ýtrengthen.ing the real estate 11- able volume, with its detailed de-1 cense laws of the various states by scriptions of hundreds of reliable raising the qualifications required of building materials, equipment,. and licensees both as to knowledge and furniishings-and its beautiful color as to apprentice experience in the illustra tion-provides the prospec- real estate business .is urged by the tive 'home oWner with a guide to a National Association of Real Estate, better equipped home. The latest, boards. in resolutions adopted at its products of le.ading manufacturersI thirty-first annual convention at Mil- are represented to aid in the attain- waukee.- ment of a better home. Such license acts, adopted in Published and distributed, by the thirty-ofle states, the District of Col- F. W. Dodge - rpi(;bation, this vol- umbia and Hfawaii, have shown their ume is offered free of, charge toi value in prôtecting the publie frorm anyone who is planning to build or fraud and, what ýis equaly cdanger- rnQdernize a home for their own ous, ignorance ,on the part of real occupancy within 12 rnonths,- in the estate operators, the resolution 37. states east of the Roéky Mou-' points out. tains, and spend $4.000 or more for eThe Association, which as one o! construction, exclusive of land. its earliest services to the calling The catalog, over 140,000 copies of o! real estate brought about the which. have been distributed, serves drafting 91f a model real estate the prospectiveý owner in the capa- license actf (the MVacChesney Act, city of bringinga personal, building which, under.the leadership o! local show and housing exhi bit direct- real estate boards and state real Iy into his'own Ilving room. In ad- estate associations has become the dition, it enables him to sekcet the basis of practically all the existing products best suited for the home license legislation in the f ield, being planned, and to learn how to piedgeci itself formally to continue go about getting these products to assist its meniber boards and gight-wrooM Coloni'at home at 526 Greentoood avenue,*.Kenilworth. it nias desgned and bult. for R. D.. Fettmçrn by James Crabb. Seven-room Mode rn American dwelling «t 720 Roger avenue, Ken- :lworth, designed by T. E. Samuelson andi built by the Cee and Eee Construction com- pany for Lyle L. Rielh- monti. Thiis is Walter Strong, Jr.'s h o me «t 1370 Edgewood lane, Hub- bard Woods. Maurice Webster of Allen and Webster was the archi- tect. It fa MocUieti Georgian in stylie çnd was designed for the partictilar lot. H. JIo$ Tioitpsoi &.Co* 135 SOUTH LA SALLE STREET FRAnkU1n 0078