Stone veneer e igh t roô*iT ho use at* 1036 Seneca road,, Witmette, owned by Alcolplz Bue- clee designed by Ctif- Iord Noonan, anti built biy Henry F. ,Walteri Eight ,oom FarmhOuse Colotial residence at 962 Oak drive,, GLencoe. Oivned by R. G.Rosh- ong, it »as designqed by F. L. Bar'rett and W.' C. Huggins was the generai contractor. and Mrs. Hlarold e.h are the owners ps 1l1 t'om Modi- Geor gi-an residence 1 Sunset road, lin- Hill, -b'uiLt bl/ the Q* r. C o n s2 t r uL c t i o n George A. Wa's eight room french Colonial homne at 344 Locust ioad, Winnetka. Wil- liam Betts was the architect. This attractiv e New En gland, colonifal residenice on more thars an acre o! grourid at the southeast corner of Countryjane and SunSet Ridge -road, overlooking, the .Stnset Ridg e Golf ýcourse, has recentli b een purchased 'by Mr. and Mrs. George B. pettlJ from Arthur Niéolin. Mr. Petty is the noted.artist and îyfr net nftproe.Tie re illustrator whose creations appear vvlo esdnilcon struction is regularly in Esquire, Magazie.' W. othupsing,but saine will' not G. Rugglesý & Co. of Evanston and be on a boom basis such as we had Sears Realty of Kenilworth were the in the middle twentieS. brokers. in this. transaction. Cniin aoal The. realty market is in: afvr SuburbaF'IIKRealy able condition as of this timne. Pros- pective. buyers of residential pop- Pr s ecsBrg t erties and homen sites are afre many excellent offeriflgs and loca- ByW .Gauntle 1tt tions, not heretofore available. Mor 1e President, Shar-on Mortgage Co. is possible. for one' s money, today This year has started off with thin at an: other tinje. NeW con ,a very decided optimistic and tan- struction, designl and6fhodern co n- gible trend for suburban 'properties. veniences are available at no great- 'Sales'areand h lave beow n ost ac- er cost than in the past. There are* tive. Build'ing permits and actual ample ftindg, anîd :rn'any favorabe bona fide contracts for new homes financing plans. What will prevent and home. construction are in the the market fromn continued im- making. Contractors, architects and provement? It has been from top to real estate men are most active. bottom, through a graduai recovery The outlook is for a considerably perlQd, during the last few years, larger volume of residential con- with several setbacks and stagna- struction t h a n -has been expe- t ion' points. Today ail signs point in rîenced for some years. the right direction. This should be ai Thi reiva luthe building bannereafo real estate. more trades and realty market is the di- particularly in~ the residential f ield. ret result of an unprecedented sup. _________ ply of new capital available for1 - ortgage loans for every purpoSe. tGEORGIAN DESIGN that is, refinanciflg, construction and The 9-room, 3ý,2 bàths res .idence modernization. Neyer has mortgage 4- Waller A. Strong. Jr., at 13701 money been at. more advantageol1s Edgewood lane, flubbard Woods, bow nteestrats. oanforsuCi ais in modified Georgian design, es- long period of time and with verypealypanefoth 13x7- favorable plans for its graduai re- foot lot on which it stands. Construe-. tirerent.lion was begun on March 15, and il' J~epleHom-COSCiUSwas occupied by the fml on Au- Through the period of the last few gs 0 years, the publie has again becorne 1homeýconSCious by reasonof a very, intensive advertising campaign, na- RO EK ETR tional in scope. The desire to own ROFDC ET E real estate and homes has again At 1173 Cherry street, Winnetka. been reawakened in the rninds of is the .new home of Mr. and Mrs. .mailv who heretofore thought solely Albert J. Horreli, containing 6 - -ý 1Pnd1/, ba91Lhs. qThe full base- PROMPT SERVICE- 122; Sa. Michigan' Ave. Telephone WABash 5222