ftew. One- or twoacre sites in homes, and with City water E. SAWYEII SMITH REALTORS ARTHUR C.ssociates MRS. LOUVIA PITTMA:N WOODWORTH H. SIBLEY GEORGE W. McKINNEY 725 ELM STREET, WINNETKA PHONE WI4NN., 3500 MIlDW EST ER N MORTGAGE COM'PIAN'Y /0 u ej i Ve î4 I Bankers Building 105 W. Ad ams St., Chcago Telophone CENtral 0042 L. Morgan .Yost, Wilmette architect, designed this Colonial home for Mr. and Mrs.- Grenfen, Older.> The home is being ereécted at 552 Met- rose avenue in ICenilti,0rth'>. Iriteresting for its Weil considered plan, the house contains three bed- roomns and bath besides. the 'usual living roomn, dining roomn, kitchen and lavator y. Since the house faces north, the living and dining roomns look to the porch and garden, shad- ed. by a magnificeflt elm tree on ,th, outýA large studio wiIndow overlooks the garden from the li'v- ing room. A modern copper faced fireplace is the feature of the basement rec- reation room. The exterior design relies on sim-" plicity and naturally conceived pat- tern, for its effectiveness'. The wide band of vertical siding at the second floor windows is foiled by the flush; siding, of different color, 1below. C yrus Sales for Year 25 Per Cent, Over Total, for Year, 193:7 Total dollar volume of sales ini 1938 by George J. Cyrus and icompany, .843. Chicago avenue, Evans ton, was more than $250,4OW. an increase of 25 per cent above ý1937 sales. I I arn a firm believer in the cyc-. lical theory of real estate activity which mndicates 1939 wifl be the first of several big years ini real estate turnover," Mr. Cyrus said, continu- ing, -ail those engaged ini the real estate profession shoi.dd b e g i n to prosper after almost a., decade. of (dait? .1i greyed green, while the shut±tSaego l4I~It ..- M:a mustard yeilow. has already gone up. Investors are MHeating is accomplished by a gas-: also begi"xing to take an interest in fired warmn air furnace. with filter commercial and apartment vacant and humidif ier, and ren dered the properties~. There has been a con- more efficient bècause the house is siderable acceleration in residential completely insulated and weather- building activity. Many residential stripped. analysists predict that over 400,000 The office of the architect is su- new. homes will be erected in the pervising the construction of the U.S. in 1939-quite an improvement house hi s being builtude over the years, 1932, 1933 and 1934. qinrttÀ rntrects with JosephHoh- when, less than *50,000 u.nits .were 4.. Andi Take More batns. Amalioe u ects dining roqmn with garal j tables.