UNI. 9040 James Wiggînton 1115 Oak Av.,Eanston, General ontract or CEMENT ,WALKS-~MASONRY CEMENT SIPEWALKS-DRIVWAYS-BUILDINGS Estimates-No Obligatio n Wilmefte 42.00 - UNI. 3826 UNI. 0676 dison, WVs., and touched with ten- derness u p on *thi s Fallis foot- bail ulpset. like. his -gridiron pro- teges. just does flot do things ac- cording, to tradi-. t i ohnaifo.rr m. One .of the na- W. A. Sadler tioxV s outstand- ing ,reailtors. as well as one of -the t ailest . INIr. Stark stripped ýthe con- fuùsion*, from present day issues, and placed real estate NVhere aIl itS faults and virtues w\ere plainly vS ible. As tiresorne as the wvord miusi be, taxationi stili loarns as the g-reat- est obstacle. Building ,casts as rm lated to incarne is another serious hurdie; architeet are flot as genea.i Know as those of his felk>w professionals. the doctor and the lawyer. To the architec.t belongs the re- sponsibility. to soc iety invested in hirnbyý the state. His years of specialized training: in1 design.. coi-. struction methods. a n d rnatcrials. qualify hlm bt plan a modern build-. ing- vth its infinîte variety,'of facil- iesfor cornfort and health. A, building is a better investm.ent if it is .weIl planned and attractive, in appearance. Only the trained archi- tect. can make it so. * Profit Motive Absent *The.architeict is emploYed and hi.ç tfee is paid directly .by, the ovner. The fee does 'not .corne out of the -building contract. so the profit mo- tivé. is absent. The architect has nio obligations except. those to the owner. But optimisrn. like hiccaughs. is irrepressible. so on the brighter side er s .probie'rns and makes sketchesz Mr.Stak aun nichencurae-of ail possible solutions. elir-ninating. ml-ent. Residential construction is c h a n gi n g. and irnprong Ila cb far ahead of iast year, and the esti- scherne until a cornpletelv satisfac- mates of tnanv industrialists point tory, design is evolved. Then ,h'e ta the greatest building yvear siice tasae h ia kthsit 1929. The instinctive deSire for ownv origdrwn1 , lalv id ership is as strong as ever. Ail ing specifications. goingý more and the factors that contribute ta the mare inta detail until each«eleir.cit desirabïlity of reai estate awner- is conPletely covered. ship. while.te . iipo-rily checked. are ý These plans and specifications ire presentitnlugrowing force..- then nlacedc for comretitive bids n DO NOT LEAVE YOUR HOME TO CHANCE! 3500 S. Racine Avenue, LUMBER -MILLWORK * * .* Jusýt when it appeared that we rnust carry the cross alon)ie. a Chi-. caga nlewspaper carnes ta aur aid \with an illuminiatinig article deburik- ing promotional buildinig enterprises. Their investigation reveals that over a period of two years. the. total pro- posed. construction that neyer mna- terialized. exceedeà actuàal bui1Wing néris, i nevear. .Ninv of the o Phone Yards 0500 -BUILDING SPECIALTIES' j above. rnethod elininates rnuch and waste motion and -parti.cularfy successful ,in *has been res i dênt iai Supervises Construetion Contracts are drawn by the arch,- tedý between the successful bidderrs and the ow,ýnèr, whereupon the job is ready for building-. Throughu construction the building operation5z ar-e comnjletely supervised by the architect who sees that the ownër Thris is partîcularly true he project is handled on the te contract basis mentioned Residenticd Pro per.ties 58Davis St.