*Versaitlle4 ie7iOd ,French home wîvth« sit rooms ý at 1001 Green~- w.o od aveniue, Wil- mette,' is owned. bY Ralph. L. English. It wàs .butlt ,fýrom the plans of F.: Clatre Hinkley by Malcolm Arbuthiiot."' Ten rôoom brick veneer home with attached to c atrgarge t 1140 Oakley avenue. Hub- bard Woods, ownedby. Dr. Wallace D '. Mac- Jenzie. E. T. Holin was the architect, and W. C. Tack'ett,. l'l., the builer. A, S--tali de- ;hi-s six room ,merican reSi- 1211 Sixtûeenth rîlrette, owvn- ITnann T. Hans., Brickl venecr residence at 268 Sheridan road, Glencoe. David Kaplit is the owner. Ernst A. Benckert was the «r- chitect and Edwvard B. Havikins tiie gereral coiltractOr.* Irvin A. ýB letz was the designter and buitder of th'-s eight rooM Wil- liamsburg Colonial, house at 1211 Chestnut avenue, WiLmette. FÉred Woods' brick iesidence.t 540 Oaký- date av.enue, Glencoe. Sgumggard and Swan- son weré the arc hi- tects and Axel Mag- nussOn the generat contractorS. Six. mroom rick' ve- neer house with ai- taàched garage: at 1235 Sixteentil stre e t, WîImette. S. de la Plante is the owner. C. A.* Met+ iwas the crchiteet and -Henke Construction C o m - pany the builders. R. L, Chestn at 708 .Sheri Wilmectte. 14 Thîs five rôom f rama residenice with biilt- in two cal, garage at 1044 Cherryl street, -Wfianet ha, is owned by Benjamin H. Marshall, Jr. Benja- mnin HI. Marshall was the architect ad the Lincolll Construction company th~e buld- L. Mor~gan Yost de- signed this six room Colonial house at 552 Metrose Mveue, Ken- ilworth, for Mr, and Mrs. Grenfetl Older.*