Reciprocity Tea The womnen of the Wilrniette * Parish Methodist church wiil be hostesses to ail church wornen of Wilmette on. February 7, this be- ing the third Reciproçity tea in as many years, wo men. of. the Baptist and churches having entertained pre- viouslIy. Dùe to a happy coincidenýceltis day is being observed by the Meth- odist womnenof the world as The Third International Fellowship Tea day-not merely in fellowship of thougiht and interest.bu t in actual participation - the tea b e g i ni n i n. g not so far, frorn. the International 'date line on February 7, and cnding there twenty-four hours later. The first group to partake of the tea ,will - be in the Orient ,just about tv.elve hours before those mneetinig lit the same hour Central Standard time. in the United States. The program ini-Wilniiette iii th(e churc.h Sanctuary wiUl begin at 1: 4 with an organi recital by Mar ie Bni. organist of the MNethodist church. Mrs. Arthur Lee Fuller wvll preside and Mrs. Martin Bickhan- of Wilmette, president of the Chicag-o Northern District Wonan's Foreign Missionary society, will côiiduct the Moffett phioto Mr.r5Ha~orey L., War4, w1ho s serving the Womans Club of Wi in ette as prograim c'hairina n Ihisifear and next, lias arranged to hare John Gunther, writer. ira i ' eIer. and inezvs correspondent. talk on 'InsidIe Europe Nowv," for Men*s' night. Saturda!,. Febritarii 4; Mrs. WV<rd will introduce the speaker. Link F, Mrs. G. N. Lamb's link, will meet with ivrs: C. H. Jones, 1514 Forest avenue, with Mrs. E. .W, Roberts and Mrs. E., C. Groves assisting. Mrs. F., G.. Guthridge's Link R will1 be entertained -byMrs.J. G. Hammring, 1206* Glendenning road with Mrs. W. J. Patterson as co-. hostes. Link 1,I Mrs. R.E.. Dalstrom leader, meets. .wit-hMrs. R. . J. Las- celles, 1639 Walnut Street,, with Mrs. W. A. McKeighani assisting. -Mrs. . A., Hartwig's.,Link E has Mrs. A. C. Youngberg of. 1004 Hub.ý bard, roàd as, hostess.with Mrs. R.: Johnson as co-hostess., L i tk N. whose leader is Mrs. H'. A. Orvis, will ineet with Mrs. Ray Stephens, 2134 Chestnu t avenue, with Mrs., W. F. Crawford as sisting. Sew for Arden Shore The Wilmette Arden Shore com- niittee. caîls the attention of its friends to the ail-day se-wing meet- ingf for its benefit which the phil- aInthropy department of the Wom- an's Club. of.Wilmette* is holding Fridayj February 3. fromn 10:30 in A jolly infori-ai Valentine party-danciflg and cards-with ickets nominal in price, -and a prize for each card table., will be given Saturday night, Febru ary 11, at9 o'clock, at the Woman's. .Club of Wilmette., The party, sponsored by the Nvays- and means commrnittee,- of -*which' Mrs. Howard Ringholm is chairrnan., is for the benefit of the building fund.and is in charge of Mrs. Anker L.* Christy. It'is open to the publie. and reservations mraZ be made with Christy or with any Mmrber of her committee: Mesdames F. Dewey- Anderson, C h a r 1 e s B.' Barnes. Martin B. -Chittick, J.,.. Converse, A. W. Farrel., Edgar A. Fellers, A. '1-. Fuessie. Victor Laý- Fave, Charles 0. Main, Georg-e L. MUittelsdorf, T. Douglas Scarff. Ar- thur H. Seddon. Clyde *L. Smrith, Albert B. Tueker, and Miss RebL)L c- ca Fitch. IFhere wvil1 be the right u-. caller, a favorite, for the rui dances. and a gay lime for !. Sri-all tables for four ivill be set out on the dance floor along the walls. for the dancers. Those, v.iv( care for light refreshnriient.s during the cveiiing- will find a c msar departn-ent- where the mnen .cin inurchase 'light ref.reshmie.ts- anci vi. %vilpreetIne . '"'."i'Pl ti A Pennsylvania town bet-ween 1840 gram: "Prek te Number 5." by, and the bite nineties is the setting. Tournier. and"aLuie"by Ani- and tlhc risc to international falme, dré Kostelan.etz.. of an An-erican family .of munitions The speaker of the iaternoon will îiakers is the plo of"Dhaty f be Mrs. Erskine M. Jeffords. "'ife ofDèath,- the novel .by Taylor Cald- the recently appointed miinister of well which Mrs. Lloyd Faxon will the. WilMette Parish Methodist review Friday mr.n January. 27. church. at 10 o'clock for the Wonian's Club Her subject 'will be -Wollel, in of Wilmiette. This i one of a series Their. World.:' andi Mrs. Jeffords is of reviews sponsored by the ways partîcularly welI. fitted to discu$s and mieans coiinmiittee. of wvhich Mrs. th~~ is hip't. She bas spécialized il) Hovward Riing-holii is chairinan. .Mrs. s aving oeen e follQwing g ;. Arthur G.' President cen.te.rof thei, 'ntJ'ilu nI W1 fe Society o.f L'h îcalu (il i. 110,1 mneeting 7Mondal)uu'uà~u u4 ary 16, it the' Wimgn(gg'u'vi0i10, Beriefit Dance Projeci 0f M. E. Junior Guild Trhe Juniior- guild of the .W ilhn.ý.tt Parishi Methodist church is spon* r ig a benefit dance, lat the Keii]- vworth club Saturda. Februry v8 Plans for the c2vening inchîde p- cil enterta inmlent. 1,,rI t, Mrs~ U bit, t g' t iiy at' the home of Mr s 1504 Elmwood avnue. Pru'sýsing Nvill assist IhE