hundred men, women. and chil-. dren' will be ertertained in the M Social hall of the Wilrnette Par- ish Methodist church on Friday. February 3, at 6:30 o'clock. Intimate> groupings atý attractive- ly decorated tables *will fisure a( really: good time for newer as xvell as older mnemnbers and guests. A special high school table, will be a center of fun and younger children( w.ill be given a, table.- attention. and cax e "Beprepared to banish that fixed.1 Maxine Stetson will read a polite smile, for you will find your-: popular Brioadivy 1àypla. , What * self substituting:an infectious la ugh j a ýLife," at the' Valentine din'ner -giggles included, as, the prograru party to be given at the Wilmette following thecarefully ýp lannedà din-Ai Parish Met h o d ist Ep'iscopal ner will definiitely be. funny andi.c hÜrch Friday, February '3, byj will feature Maxine Wilcox. Stetson. the, Sixth. division for all men, a dramhatic reader of -nutstandingi women, and children of, the bTlity, a grad ate f th e meican h r h : Acadcrny of tDrarnatic Art in New; York and experienced in radio and Y stage wýýork,- the éornmittee an-, nounces. This artist will be re- Kethodists Defer Guild mnerbered for her fine presentationý of ý,"I'd Rýather Be Right." before!Meeling Because of Tea( the Womans guild somne time ago. j and announces for this occasiona There will be no afternoon meet- current Broadway ýplay cominig to- incé of the greneral guild of the Wil- Chicago in February - ""What A mette Parish Methodist church on Life."i a 'omnedy of high 'sehool life February 2, due to the Recipirocity i by Clifford Goldsmiith. > tea being given by the guild on Since there is a limit to the numi- February 7, but the cabinet will *ber of reservations earîy repoirtF Ï--et as usual at 10:30 in the morn-: «&i]i be necessary. advises the ticket, ing. The se\ving meetings on regu-, cornimittee consisti ng of Mrs,. A. H ýlrGid day have been discon-j F uessle. IVrs.. Kenneth Funkhouser.l tin.ued?, thei different Divisions car- *Mrs. Clyde 0. Gratei-. Mrs. ÇClvYd . e1 Olthi eeigdas L. Smith. and IMrs. C. R. Walton. the work of -their individual projects as follows: First division-Agard Rest Homeý for Retired Deaconesses at Lake Second divis ion-Dea coness Hm Juvenile- Court Monday i emn The ý governm-ent and child, wel- ary, a. boarding sho ,for, high - fare study group of -the Wlmette school girls. at Aurora', 111. League of Womeni Voters will make Fourth d ivision-Lake Bluff orph - trip to the juvenile court, Ogden anage.OdeoC avenue' and Roosevelt road. Chi-! Fifth. division-,-Methodist OdPo A, truly amazing assortment of ail silk neckwear, including repps, barathea,. foulards, twills, and mogadors. 'E v ery conceivable pattern, such. as neat. stripes, plaids, figures, and prin ts. . A marvelous opportunity to stock CLEARANCE MEN'S WILSON BROS, $2 Nobeit Pajainas The choice of the majority of meni for they are so conifortable. Our regular $2.00paa s of fine brbadk¶oth àèntl wovn madtras ~o#erea at substantial savings. $14 ANNUAL CLEARANCE $1.65 values at aUn Northridge Notes If the weather man permits -su: ficient sflow to be on the ground, th NorthridgeWomnan's club, will ha' assemble ifront rs. David Johnson, -eet, at 8:45 o'clock, ich the .guests will iments. IOVNTAIN SQYAI~L Dk~KTEON. .. - ) ~- ~< ~ j ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )